Atheists want multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations to exist because they think it will hurt Christianity

.....There are only theists and atheists.....

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I repeat... You missed one.



You are a viking, whem it comes to repeating yourself.


You're the one that didn't address the issue.

In addition to theists and atheists there are the pantheists.

Your denial of their existence is telling.


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I have no need for internalization. The truth of the matter is you deny the proof of Gods existence that lies plainly before you to observe and understand. You need look no further than to allow your very senses experience Gods very existence yet you deny the epiphany of that simple revelation.
So EVERYTHING is evidence. And nothing can be "evidence against". Ever. By definition. You are partially right, in that I don't allow myself to accept such a childish, anti-intellectual, circular regression of tautology.

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Oh really? Then give me an example of something that would be evidence against the truth of the existence of your favorite god, or against the idea that he made everything. We don't have time for all the gods. let's focus on yours.

So... your example?

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If there was nothing.



So you jusy agreed with me. There is mothing that could ever be evidence. Eberything is always evidence. Fine by me. Believe what you like. Just spare us the dog and pony show of pretending these beliefs are evidence based, when everything is always be evidence and nothing can be evidence against. You arent basing anything on evidence and dont get to make that claim with any honesty. Especially not in the science section. That faith-based preening goes in the religion section.

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The only dog and pony show here is yours and your lack of seeing what is self evident.



Of course it is "self evident", when it is everything, and everything can only be evidence for, and nothing can be evidence against. It's a rigged game. I feel like you are about to try to sell me a vacuum. Or a special tincture for gonhorrea, from the back of a wooden horsecart.


If you don't like the concept you're free to step out of Gods reality. I'm not sure exactly where that would be but since you're an atheist it shouldn't matter. I'm pretty sure it'll be dark there and you won't remember a thing. As for that last part I think someone sold that to you already.


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In addition to theist and atheists there are the pantheists.
So, god is everything. But god doesn't care about us and doesnt interfere. Got it. I can't think of a single shred of usefulness of this information. Outside of personal happiness, maybe. And hey, if it makes you happy, i am happy for your happiness. I mean that.
If you don't like the concept you're free to step out of Gods reality.
Thats what going to the science section is, my man. Go back to the religion section with the strident Muslims, and Buddhists, and Hindus, and Zoroastrians, and Christians.


With some of the voodoo crap that you call science I think it should be you posting in the Religious Forum.

Go ahead. Let's hear you post the mantra of your scientific religious beliefs again. Doesn't it go something like....

"The science is settled!"

Even though you have no firm proven scientific evidence to back it up.


In addition to theist and atheists there are the pantheists.
So, god is everything. But god doesn't care about us and doesnt interfere. Got it. I can't think of a single shred of usefulness of this information. Outside of personal happiness, maybe. And hey, if it makes you happy, i am happy for your happiness. I mean that.


It gives me purpose in seeking the meaning of God through a study of the sciences.

Something that "The science is settled" religious mantra doesn't fulfill for me but might for the person chanting it if they are a low browed Panina.




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Yes I know "the science is settled" for you.

What's the current, let's try this one, number on the Globa... I mean Climate Change theoretical model?


The Google definition is incorrect.

"a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God."

The above is correct. You failed the lie detector test.
You failed the IQ test. You are an idiot.

Everyone here knows you're the idiot because you admitted to be an ag and believe that nothing is known of the existence or the nature of God when...

the question was do you believe in multiple universes and extra-terrestrial civilizations?

What's the matter with you boy?
It gives me purpose in seeking the meaning of God through a study of the sciences.
Okay, that's kind of cool. Really. But i dont throwing out swaths of science wholesale, as you like to do, jives with that mission.


While throwing out swaths of evidence wholesale, because it doesn't fit into the pretty pattern, jives with your mission.


I've already told you that I am not an atheist.
Yes, and i agree you and i both are not atheists, by the definitions you present. Which, of course, are by far more observed than the ones i present.
Your problem is that you do not understand what agnosticism is (or means) and you refuse to acknowledge it so you insist on continuing to falsely call it atheism. Granted, the proper definition is generally misrepresented so you have no source of understanding, but the difference between dis-belief and non-belief ought to be enough for anyone (who understands English) to see the discrepancy even if the proper definition is scarce or completely unavailable. Use your head and think.
To me,

There's really no argument between agnostics and atheists because we are logically one and the same.
There's really no argument between pantheists and atheists because we are logically one and the same.
There's really no argument between scientists and atheists because we are logically one and the same.

To William Godwin, the distinction between atheism and pantheism seemed a preference for one group's observed cultural temperament over the other's. Behavior over logic. I'm thinking "Art for arts sake, money for gods sake." Identity politics. Gaslighting.
Influenced by Coleridge, Godwin became more of a pantheist than an atheist. He died at age 80 in 1836.
"The religions of the heathen world consisted principally in the practice of certain observances and ceremonies, and made them appeal to the senses. They do not obviously lead to debates and hostility of one religion to another. But the Christian religion is a religion of faith and dogmas. The opposite opinions of predestination and free-will, of faith and works, of a particular and a general providence ... unavoidably led to the engendering of much pertinaciousness and bitterness of controversy."
—"Essays by the Late William Godwin," Henry S. King & Co. (1873)
Compiled by Annie Laurie Gaylor
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All are agnostic, who cannot claim to be absolutely certain that gods do not exist but do not accept belief in gods. These people are also all atheists, as they lack belief in gods. So there are agnostic atheists and gnostic atheists, who claim to KNOW there are no gods. All agnostics are atheists. There are only theists and atheists. There are no agnostic theists, because agnostics, by definition, do not accept belief in gods.
Bingo. However, the double negatives remain irritating and their use discouraged by linguists. Let's see if anything can be done:
  • All are agnostic who cannot claim to be absolutely certain that gods do not exist but do not accept belief in gods.
  • All are agnostic who can claim to be absolutely certain that gods do not exist but do accept belief in gods.
Progress? See I dunno. I always just picture agnostics running around like Sergeant Shultz shouting "I know nothink! Nothink!"
Their main feature (and failing imho) being adamantly non-committal. Like armadillos on a highway, telling themselves traffic isn't really a thing. Doing no good and gonna get run over.
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A legend in your own mind ... [giggle] ... oh perfect one, tell us truly why the meek will inherit the Earth? ...

That was exactly the point of why Constantine chose Christianity to be a state religion. "The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth, just be cool, don't complain, don't try to change anything. You'll get your reward in the next life that never happens."
You really don't understand the implication here. Abraham believed that GOD's plan was to raise Isaac from the dead. Even Isaac, who was a teen by that time (Abraham was a very old man) did nothing --- because he believed it too. They thought that they were fulfilling the prophecy GOD made to Adam.

Actually, there's nothing in the text that indicates that God would raise Isaac from the Dead, or that Abe thought he would. God was demanding a loyalty test from Abe, and he got one. And it was kind of fucked up.


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