ATT acquiring Verizon


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
The DOJ is holding up the deal with an anti-trust lawsuit, these are the #2 and #4 companies in their industry. Whle I am pro business, I find myself siding with Eric Holder and DOJ on this one, God save me. I like the idea of promoting competition, having more companies fighting it out for market share kinda works for me. So am I totally losing it here?
Yeah you totally lost it, ATT is wanting to aquire T MObile.

Good I thought someone knew something I had not heard yet.

Att has already let documents leak that damage their chances of getting this merger to work.

Leaked AT&T Letter Demolishes Case For T-Mobile Merger - Lawyer Accidentally Decimates AT&T's #1 Talking Point |, ISP Information

ATT let the cat out of the bag that all they want to do is keep those Tmobile towers and customers out of Sprint's hands.
Yep less coverage for current T Mobile customers with the merger.

ATT claims the merger will create thousands of jobs.
Yeah right, if so it will be the first major merger that ever has.
The merger is just a money and power grab.

I like the part about ATT saying that the merger would give more wireless to rural areas. I laugh so hard when I read that.
Oops, I dropped it on that one. Verizon, T-Mobile, whatever, I just know it was one of those high tecky companies. Sorry guys, got the name wrong but the question remains the same: big companies merging together isn't good for competition, shouldn't it be preserved in a free market economy? I know we want to remain globally competitive, but at least in this case I'm not seeing the negatives.
The thing to me is that there are enough customers to support all the wireless companies that we have. Instead of ATT competing against Verizon and others with price or technical inovation they want to buy the competition.

We dont have a true free market economy.
Oops, I dropped it on that one. Verizon, T-Mobile, whatever, I just know it was one of those high tecky companies. Sorry guys, got the name wrong but the question remains the same: big companies merging together isn't good for competition, shouldn't it be preserved in a free market economy? I know we want to remain globally competitive, but at least in this case I'm not seeing the negatives.

If #2 buys # 4, aren't #'s 1 & 3 still in the fight?

Is Fiat buying Chrysler also a bad thing? How about Google buying the Motorola concern?

This sounds like a big deal, but it's not the end of the world. Are we still trying to be sure that no American Company becomes dominant?

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