Attack in Nice, France


If this is ISIS I'll bet Obama still won't say it's Islam.
He won't even say isis. He will continue to send them a message that he is on their side by calling them ISIL. It is after all a direct slap in the face of Israel.

He, and the others in HIS administration are the only ones in the world to refer to them as that.

Huh, I wonder why.

He'll demand that the Bill of Rights be revoked, like he does every time.
Europe has gone to Islamic Hell.

Skye I was in the U.S. Army in 1976 stationed in a little town SW of Frankfurt and I had to maintain a billet in the Barracks of what they called the German Army. While it was not an army they did wear fatigues and had some resemblance of a military command structure. These "workers" were primarily from foreign countries and the large minority of them that I was around was from Turkey. Muslims. They performed menial labor that it was difficult to find German Nationals to do. Some had families that lived on the other side of the river. This was 40 years ago... Just imagine what has happened in the last 40 years...
We better learn from this. It's odd that liberals refuse to see the obvious. Well, OK, not that odd.
Unfortunately, it's the far left Obama administration that has thrown open the southern border to any third world cretin who can get there and is stepping up the "Syrian Islamic terrorist resettlement" program.
What will it take to finally make Hollande and his pathetic cronies come to their senses and tell the truth that France is at war with radical Islam.

Like Obama, Hollande is too much of a cowardly progressive, left winger who would rather stand by while his country is being torn apart, than take strong action.

With idiots like him in charge, the war is lost.
1. French people have to realize: they need to elect a real president instead of that jerk Hollande.
2. All Europeans have to realize: their main threat is ISIS, not Russia, and to consolidate all their efforts against ISIS with Russia's help instead of building new NATO bases next to Russian borders.
3. Political absurd is costing way too much for Europeans and may cost even more if continues.
4. Americans, Trump is your only chance to avoid terror attacks.
Well, we can look forward to the left putting teddy bears, lighting useless candles and saying.....

That's the problem isn't it. Having to fight the appeasers of terrorism while fighting the Moslems.
We better learn from this. It's odd that liberals refuse to see the obvious. Well, OK, not that odd.
Well, we can look forward to the left putting teddy bears, lighting useless candles and saying.....


The idiotic Leftists who are now 24/7 in full-on Pathological Altruistic Mode, no doubt are readying another stupid Twitter hashtag piece of nonsense, like the Charlie Hebdo thing, I suppose they'll all gather outside French Embassies across the planet to place candles and hold hands singing Commie John Lennon songs about "peace" and "love"

They are a danger to society and ultimately unless brought under severe control, they'll be a danger to the planet.
What will it take to finally make Hollande and his pathetic cronies come to their senses and tell the truth that France is at war with radical Islam.

Like Obama, Hollande is too much of a cowardly progressive, left winger who would rather stand by while his country is being torn apart, than take strong action.

With idiots like him in charge, the war is lost.
1. French people have to realize: they need to elect a real president instead of that jerk Hollande.
2. All Europeans have to realize: their main threat is ISIS, not Russia, and to consolidate all their efforts against ISIS with Russia's help instead of building new NATO bases next to Russian borders.
3. Political absurd is costing way too much for Europeans and may cost even more if continues.
4. Americans, Trump is your only chance to avoid terror attacks.
How, when we have had home grown terrorist all along?
Looking to see how Britain's new PM reacts to this terrible attack.
I just saw a video clip of a guy getting run over by that truck. He screamed "Thanks, Obama!!" Just before he got hit.

Let's take this tragedy further into our morass of sickening political bullshit! It's both awesome and entirely predictable.

The attack is almost certainly a political act.

It's political.

The different parties have different strategies to deal with this random, horrible death.

We need to discuss it politically.

Is there time to discuss this stuff politically anymore? It seems the time for talking has passed and it's now time for direct and hardcore action.

Whilst the Cucked and testicle-free politicians are talking, these Radical Islamic savages are killing our people. It's time to start meeting this filth head on and toe to toe.

We have a real chance here in America of electing a politician who has proposed a "temporary" ban on muslims entering the nation.

Talk could help that happen.
It takes an act of Congress,,,where is the GOP led Congress on this matter....oh yeah, on recess, again...

You are correct. The GOP establishment is not much better.

It would have been very good if they could have put forth such a bill and made dems vote against it, or ended up putting in on the Presidents desk and forcing him to veto it.

BUt the Establishment GOP is above such "crude" tactics and would be afraid that they might be called names in the New York Times.

BUT, if we elect Trump, and we hold him to his promises, Trump might get something real done.

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