Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Here we go again.:icon_cry:

US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers

‘Traitor troops’ stage coup attempt in Venezuela – VP

The leader of Venezuela's opposition, Juan Guaido, declared he was "beginning the final phase of Operation Freedom" after a dawn address in which he was flanked by men in military fatigues and armored vehicles in the capital Caracas. Venezuela's Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez called Guaido's action a "coup" on Twitter, adding that the government is "deactivating a small number of traitorous military personnel."

Same story all around the echo chamber.
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Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.
I've talked to a few Venezuelans online. They hated the Maduro underhanded treatment of citizens and say he is like a criminal in charge. They love their homeland, but they can't go back home as of several weeks ago. If he is removed,maybe things will get better for the people of Venezuela. Before Hugo Chavez, they were among the most trusted of our allies. Bless the people of Venezuela, whatever happens.
will putler occupy Venezuela , like he occupied 55% of "Syria" ? what Trump is gonna do?


Venezuela challenger accused of coup bid

Internet Restrictions Reported as Venezuela Crisis Intensifies

"A group that monitors internet censorship says Venezuela’s state run internet provider has been restricting access to YouTube and Google services following the opposition leader’s call for the military to revolt against President Nicolás Maduro.

"The non-governmental NetBlocks group says access to the services remains intermittently available since the restrictions don’t appear to be completely effective.

"It says Twitter, Facebook and several other services were briefly restricted earlier, although core internet connectivity remains unaffected."

US neocons are once again behind foreign policy, so expect a constant green light for regime change in Venezuela especially as impeachment talk heats up in DC.

The History - and Hypocrisy - of US Meddling in Venezuela
No. But Madura is guilty of running people down.
i do agree with Brazil

Brazil's president: I support Guaido and the "freedom of Venezuelans"

Live: Attempted coup underway in Venezuela - CNN

Brazil's far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, tweeted his support for Guaido and "the freedom of Venezuelans."
"Brazil sympathizes with the suffering Venezuelan people enslaved by a dictator supported by the PT, PSOL and ideologically aligned. We support the freedom of this sister nation to finally live a true democracy," Bolsonaro tweeted.
"I am monitoring the situation in Venezuela very closely. The United States stands with the People of Venezuela and their Freedom!" - President Trump just now

Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
A disturbing post.
Our society has generally become jaded and detached from the realities of war and suffering, as long as it's happening on television or somewhere else. 9/11 was supposed to be our wake-up call, but it was far from it.
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History rhymes or repeats in Venezuela.

Who will get rich(er) from that, I wonder?


Canada vs. Venezuela: Have the Koch Brothers Captured Canada’s Left?

"Later, during the Dutch-Venezuelan crisis of 1908, the US Navy helped Venezuelan Vice President Juan Vicente Gómez seize power in a coup.

"Gómez, known as 'The Catfish,' would rule the country either directly or through puppet presidents, until his death in 1935.

"His regime was one of inconceivably medieval brutality.

"His enforcers were fond of shackling political prisoners in grillos, leg irons that rendered many victims permanently disabled — and those were the 'lucky' ones.

"The unlucky ones were hanged to death by meathooks through their throats or testicles.

"Gómez was fantastically corrupt.

"He was believed to be worth a staggering $200 million, or more than $3.6 billion today, at the time of his death."

The History - and Hypocrisy - of US Meddling in Venezuela
We in America stand for freedom....Obama changed that to we stand for dictators and tyrants like Iran....but Trump is setting America back on course....we are returning to greatness....we once again stand for liberty and freedom....
"Venezuela's socialist government is running over its citizens with armored military vehicles and socialists Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Bernie Sanders are all completely silent. All three of them have refused to denounce brutal socialist dictator Nicolas Maduro" - John Bolton

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