Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

"Sorry Maduro. We already made our deal."
I have a problem with this. We should not sanction countries simply because we don't like their type of Government. Doing it in the name of trying to bring freedom to the people is bullshit, because it doesn't. In this case we should either go to war with their government or we leave them alone. The purpose of Sanctioning is to make life miserable for the civilian so they'll rise up and overthrow their government. What if they don't want to? We screwed up.

Why are we Sanctioning Cuba?
Why are we Sanctioning Venezuela?

In the case of Iran it's because they are trying to attain nuclear weapons for use against our ally Israel. So in that case we are justified to sanction them.

In the case of North Korea it's because we want to save the people from a brutal dictator. Um, making things worse isn't the answer. And it's our sanctioning that drove them to creating nuclear technology so they can live their way of life without interference from us. We should let them. But, we need them to stop pursuing nuclear weapons in return. Now if we want to save the people from a brutal dictator we should go to war against them or shut the fuck up. Half measures makes things worse.

I've had an awakening, a change of the way I think. And it's because of posters at this site.
Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.
Much like in venezuela the death toll is squarely and exclusively on their government.

Socialism always fails and then tries to blame others for their failure but it is theirs they own it and caused it.

Sanctions did not and sanctions once again are the right of a sovereign nation they are not aggression
Ironically, Reagan probably believed what he was saying--he was that naive. Reagan probably believed that he was a good man doing good things. He would not have even known that he was a war criminal.
Sort of like the way you ignore the people suffering in Venezuela right now. The people who must eat animals to survive. The people run down by armored vehicles driven by Meduro stooges. The people beaten, gassed, shot by those same stooges. The ones knocked down by fire hoses.
The medicine, food and aid that is sent to Venezuela but taken away by Medoro lackeys while people die for lack of care.
This all seems to matters not to you.

That's why your crocodile tears you fake weep now are so empty and meaningless. You support one vicious killer criminal while you accuse another of crimes as well.
Eric Arthur Blair;
Sort of like the way you ignore the people suffering in Venezuela right now. The people who must eat animals to survive. The people run down by armored vehicles by Meduro stooges. The people beaten, gassed, shot by those same stooges. The ones knocked down by fire hoses. This all seems to matters not to you.

That's why your crocodile tears you fake weep now are so empty and meaningless. You support one vicious killer criminal while you accuse another of crimes as well.

Go start your own thread or kindly take your trolling elsewhere, Ghengis.
Go start your own thread or kindly take your trolling elsewhere, Ghengis.
Why not fuck yourself instead? My comments are perfectly appropriate for this thread. They are all supported by facts.
Why don't you go away instead, boot licking Meduro lackey?

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