Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

Trump and Pompeo --" Military option is on the table."
"The Venezuelan people deserve democracy."

They don't give two shits about those people. I don't even think Trump realizes that his sanctions have already killed 40,000 + people there and of course the MSM including Fox won't report it.

Takes a lot of socialist idiocy to fuck up that much oil.
Luckily, Chavez and Maduro had what it takes.
Venezuela couldn't even produce a million barrels a day in March.
Both elected by the citizens in larger %'s than Trump won in.

How many millions have fled since Maduro was "elected"?
Can't even produce a million barrels of oil a day.

Socialist Venezuela is a great success!

Washington’s “irresponsible” plan to overthrow the Caracas government by force would result in a catastrophe, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned, calling on the US to stick to the international law on Venezuela.

Lavrov denounced “an unprecedented campaign led by the US and aimed at toppling Venezuela’s legitimate government.” What Venezuela needs right now is political dialogue, not power grab attempts, the Russian minister said.

Attempts to stage a violent upheaval in Caracas have nothing to do with democratic process, and only disrupt any prospects of political settlement.

US attempt to topple Venezuelan govt by force would lead to grave consequences – Lavrov
Washington’s “irresponsible” plan to overthrow the Caracas government by force would result in a catastrophe, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned, calling on the US to stick to the international law on Venezuela.

Lavrov denounced “an unprecedented campaign led by the US and aimed at toppling Venezuela’s legitimate government.” What Venezuela needs right now is political dialogue, not power grab attempts, the Russian minister said.

Attempts to stage a violent upheaval in Caracas have nothing to do with democratic process, and only disrupt any prospects of political settlement.

US attempt to topple Venezuelan govt by force would lead to grave consequences – Lavrov

Washington’s “irresponsible” plan to overthrow the Caracas government by force would result in a catastrophe,

And how would that differ from the current, Maduro induced shit show?
I usually say we should mind our own business, but if we don't take control of Venezuela China, Russia, or Iran will. Isolation policy would have us surrounded by our enemies. Only thing left is the military option. We need to take Maduro out.
Another item bugs the shit out of me. Do Socialist countries fail because they are Socialist countries. Or do they fail because we Sanction them?
I usually say we should mind our own business, but if we don't take control of Venezuela China, Russia, or Iran will. Isolation policy would have us surrounded by our enemies. Only thing left is the military option. We need to take Maduro out.
That's been our excuse for decades.
"If we don't screw them over Russia will. "
It doesn't fly anymore Skippy.
The cat's out of the bag and the world's watching.
Another item bugs the shit out of me. Do Socialist countries fail because they are Socialist countries. Or do they fail because we Sanction them?
Jesus. Do some fucking research instead of believing our media and state propaganda for a change. Sanctions are an act of war.

Listen to someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about.
That's been our excuse for decades.
"If we don't screw them over Russia will. "
It doesn't fly anymore Skippy.
The cat's out of the bag and the world's watching.
Your premise rests on a faulty assumption. That we want to and will screw Venezuela over if their socialist dictator Maduro is forced to leave.
The world is watching. And they see Russia, China and the dwindling socialist Marxist nations trying to prop up a butcher.
That's been our excuse for decades.
"If we don't screw them over Russia will. "
It doesn't fly anymore Skippy.
The cat's out of the bag and the world's watching.
Your premise rests on a faulty assumption. That we want to and will screw Venezuela over if their socialist dictator Maduro is forced to leave.
The world is watching. And they see Russia, China and the dwindling socialist Marxist nations trying to prop up a butcher.

Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.
It’s apparently easier to install a puppet regime in Venezuela in order to resume Venezuelan oil production than it is to get democrats in Oregon and California to cooperate.
Here we go again.:icon_cry:

US-backed Guaido calls for Venezuela military uprising in VIDEO of him surrounded by soldiers

‘Traitor troops’ stage coup attempt in Venezuela – VP

The leader of Venezuela's opposition, Juan Guaido, declared he was "beginning the final phase of Operation Freedom" after a dawn address in which he was flanked by men in military fatigues and armored vehicles in the capital Caracas. Venezuela's Information Minister Jorge Rodríguez called Guaido's action a "coup" on Twitter, adding that the government is "deactivating a small number of traitorous military personnel."

Same story all around the echo chamber.

your a moron dozens of nations over 50 have supported a regime change there . there is no trump troops there you idiot .w.we sent medical products and food and your great leader refused to allow them in the nation .
Great meme. Have you seen Venezuela lately? People eating zoo animals and garbage. Armored vehicles running people over. Army members attacking protestors. Surely you are blind or joking.

The EU and OAS wants Meduro gone. What fucking world do you live in?
This isn't a matter of the US showing up and degrading a nation. Venezuela already is severely degraded! Jesus, wake up.
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