Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

Send in the Drones and put a bullet in his head.
That's what we were supposed to do in 2002 in Afghanistan when Bush let his CIA-asset OBL escape to Pakistan , but we know the real reason for going wasn't 9/11--that was their false flag excuse.

Please confine your conspiracy theories to the proper thread.. This is not it! There are intelligent people here who know you are spreading bullshit.
Funny that Vlad Putin is the one who has convinced Meduro to stay the course even as his country disintegrates
from beneath him.
The EU and OAS have all called on Meduro to step down but the people who support him, here at least, are so reflexively anti American and Trump they would rather see Putin have his way, and the people of Venezuela suffer than see Trump vindicated in calling for Guiado to take control of this shattered nation.

Putin is doubling down of Maduro. You ignorant fascists are precipitating a military crisis even as you say you don't want one.

Fears Putin to prop up ANOTHER dictator as Russian troops land in Venezuela

Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.

You need to look up the definition of "empire". That is just one of several billion things you have wrong.

As stated before, posting videos without commentary is a TOS violation. You want to get reported again? Maybe you can get a nice vacation from yoru manure spreading!
Please confine your conspiracy theories to the proper thread.. This is not it! There are intelligent people here who know you are spreading bullshit.
Past your bedtime isn't it Captain Rock Hudson ?

Reported. You just don't fucking listen.

If I deem something relevant to my own thread, what business is it of yours to be nit-picky about the rules, Huckleberry ?

You lie. That is all anyone needs to know. You get so confused you cite sources that disprove your own bizarre claims.

Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.

So..... I'm confused by this.

You just posted a video of the government under Maduro, sending military troops operating in civilian setting, being used to mow down civilians who are rioting because the entire country has imploded, and there is no food, thanks to socialist policies.

And by the way, it was Chavez that made these changes to the law, to allow the politicization of the military, and allowed the military to be deployed in civilian areas.

The civil-military relations in the Venezuela of Chávez | GESI

Again, well documented.

Under the mandates of Hugo Rafael Chávez Frías, Venezuela experienced a series of profound social, political and economic transformations. After his election in 1998, a process of modification of civic-military relations and the role of the military in society began. During the first decade of the 21st century there was a notable politicization of the military and a militarization of civil society.
Hugo Chavez, like all socialist dictators, knew that society would fight back against socialism. Thus Hugo planned long ago for this eventual result, and allowed the military to be made puppets of the state, and used in civilian settings.

And yet here you are, looking at the government slaughtering it's own people, after having disarmed them with gun-laws.... and all you can say is "There's nothing good about this for anyone" in reference to removing the abusive dictator Maduro?

I think everyone on that road being rolled over, might consider Maduro's removal to be a good result.

Thanks for that - I always loved Abby Martin, even though her tone of voice and rants are a little annoying sometimes. On a side note, I've noticed that Al Jazeera has been doing some Guaido -propaganda- showing their true colors as well - and Telesur looks like all but shut down at this point , although I haven't been looking lately. So the people of Venezuela don't know where to turn at this point. Colombia and Brazil don't want them, so many are fleeing across there to Equador, Peru and Argentina.

You are in desperate need of a map and education.
Please confine your conspiracy theories to the proper thread.. This is not it! There are intelligent people here who know you are spreading bullshit.
Past your bedtime isn't it Captain Rock Hudson ?


Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.

You need to look up the definition of "empire". That is just one of several billion things you have wrong.

So this is a conspiracy thread? Here I thought it might be something interesting.
Another item bugs the shit out of me. Do Socialist countries fail because they are Socialist countries. Or do they fail because we Sanction them?
Jesus. Do some fucking research instead of believing our media and state propaganda for a change. Sanctions are an act of war.

Listen to someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about.

You are so full of shit.
"Prominent Venezuelan sociologist and intellectual Edgardo Lander says while it’s correct to oppose U.S. intervention and interference, Left media should not minimize the responsibility of the Maduro government for the economic crisis..."

Lander has some deep doubts about how Chavez chose to implement socialism in Venezuela:

Left Media Coverage of Venezuela Questioned

"EDGARDO LANDER: ... In the Venezuelan case, one of the severe problems that has led to the current crisis is the fact that the Chavez government in the first place identified socialism with state control, and many, many enterprises were nationalized and came under state control.

"So what happens?

"For the state, it became widespread in control of many, many, many activities, but it became weaker.

"It did not have the capacity to manage or deal with so many enterprises.

"It gave priority to ideological purity over technical competence in leading these enterprises.

"And as a consequence, a huge proportion—and when I mean huge, I mean the great, great majority of those corporations, or small companies, or whatever—went bankrupt, and they only subsisted, they only survived, as a consequence of money that was put on from the oil rent."
"Left media" being Democracy Now and TYT ? Wow a huge 1% swath of the American population .

Who are they? Fringe lunatic conspiracy nut websites?
Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.

Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?

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