Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

Meanwhile, back on topic.

They don't want us there, because they know why we want to be there. And the reasons have nothing to do with making life better for the Venezuelan people. They will end up the same way many of the countries to the south have ended up. poor, no jobs, and their resources snatched from them by the US. It's the same story for decades. We could give two shits in a bucket about those people.

The difference is, now we know the truth and there's no excuse to allow our government to act as tyrants on our behalf.
No country enjoys having an organized criminal operation in charge. Only willful idiots cling to garbage like that
What organized criminal you mean like the Clinton foundation?....
Trump has been exposed for criminal activity, and some of his goons have already gone to jail. He could be next.
Republicans don't stand for anything but themselves. As long as they got theirs, fuck everyone else. That's what freedom means to them
Then why is everyone else doing so much better financially than just two years ago?....
Meanwhile, back on topic.

They don't want us there, because they know why we want to be there. And the reasons have nothing to do with making life better for the Venezuelan people. They will end up the same way many of the countries to the south have ended up. poor, no jobs, and their resources snatched from them by the US. It's the same story for decades. We could give two shits in a bucket about those people.

The difference is, now we know the truth and there's no excuse to allow our government to act as tyrants on our behalf.

Exactly! The cat has been out of that bag for a long time now, while many in the US call themselves real Americans. No one is anything but a common thug if they use their power to steal from others. Real American my ass. And if anyone supports military action in Venezuela, that's exactly what they are. They're nothing but criminal thugs.
Stop pretending to be stupid and ignorant. We see too much of that from the Right every day. That game dried up a long time ago.
You can't name one crime yet you refer to Trump as a criminal....who is being stupid?....
Breaking News
Mueller's report concluded that the American government interfered in the Venezuelan presidential election "in sweeping and systematic fashion" and that its efforts were designed to help Juan Guaido.
Republicans don't stand for anything but themselves. As long as they got theirs, fuck everyone else. That's what freedom means to them
Then why is everyone else doing so much better financially than just two years ago?....
Because of the Obama economy. You didn't think Trump was going to touch that baby did you? Remember after the great depression how things improved so much? It was a stimulus that started moving the economy then, just as it has done now. But, with almost two trillion going to tax cuts for the wealthy, at the cost of added national debt, we are just living off an expired credit card. Eventually the working poor won't be able to finance the 1%.
Stop pretending to be stupid and ignorant. We see too much of that from the Right every day. That game dried up a long time ago.
You can't name one crime yet you refer to Trump as a criminal....who is being stupid?....
Lol! Obstruction of justice, proven. Campaign finance violations to pay off porn stars, proven. Creating a bogus illegal university, where he stole 40 million dollars from students and was charged a fine. Stealing money from his own charitable contribution where that money was supposed to go to kids with cancer. Trump isn't just a criminal, he's a damn monster and an evil human being.
Breaking News
Mueller's report concluded that the American government interfered in the Venezuelan presidential election "in sweeping and systematic fashion" and that its efforts were designed to help Juan Guaido.
I wouldn't doubt it.
Because of the Obama economy.
Trump and his team has made changes to economic policy for the last 2 and a half on earth can you claim this is Obama's economy?....
Creating a bogus illegal university, where he stole 40 million dollars from students and was charged a fine
Many graduates have gone on to be successful business men and women...there are always a few losers in every you....
Republicans don't stand for anything but themselves. As long as they got theirs, fuck everyone else. That's what freedom means to them
Then why is everyone else doing so much better financially than just two years ago?....
Because of the Obama economy. You didn't think Trump was going to touch that baby did you? Remember after the great depression how things improved so much? It was a stimulus that started moving the economy then, just as it has done now. But, with almost two trillion going to tax cuts for the wealthy, at the cost of added national debt, we are just living off an expired credit card. Eventually the working poor won't be able to finance the 1%.

Obama's economic policies caused 2008. Remember, he sued banks to force them to make sub-prime loans. He even said in a video, that sub-prime loans were a good idea.

With landmark lawsuit, Barack Obama pushed banks to give subprime loans to Chicago’s African-Americans

Obama endorsed the national subprime policy, telling a Wall Street audience in September 2007 that “subprime lending started off as a good idea: Helping Americans buy homes who couldn’t previously afford to.”
Hugo Chavez Still Venezuela’s Most Popular President, Says New Poll

I guess people who have to eat garbage don't want to make it harder for themselves.
Commies are still mad because we won the Cold War.
You mean some Americans (like you claim to be )are in denial of own own past.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia

"On December 2, 1980, members of the Salvadoran National Guard were suspected to have raped and murdered four American, Catholic church women (three religious women, or nuns, and a laywoman).

"Maryknoll missionary sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel, and laywoman Jean Donovan were on a Catholic relief mission providing food, shelter, transport, medical care, and burial to death squad victims.

"U.S. military aid was briefly cut off in response to the murders but would be renewed within six weeks.

"The outgoing Carter administration increased military aid to the Salvadoran armed forces to $10 million which included $5 million in rifles, ammunition, grenades and helicopters.[73]

"In justifying these arms shipments, the administration claimed that the regime had taken 'positive steps' to investigate the murder of four American nuns, but this was disputed by US Ambassador, Robert E. White, who said that he could find no evidence the junta was 'conducting a serious investigation.' [73]

"White was dismissed from the foreign service by the Reagan Administration after he had refused to participate in a coverup of the Salvadoran military's responsibility for the murders at the behest of Secretary of State Alexander Haig."

Asylum seekers fled US-supported death squad violence like this and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero which occurred while he was delivering Mass.

When the migrants arrived in Los Angeles they were preyed upon by local gangs. MS-13 began as collective defense against US gangs. As usual the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World blames its victims.
Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.

Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
You're confused about how sanctions that target one sector responsible for more than 90% of Venezuela's revenues will kill citizens of that country?

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"More than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions, according to a new report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research co-authored by economists Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot.

"The report examines how U.S. sanctions have reduced the availability of food and medicine in Venezuela and increased disease and mortality.

"We speak with Jeffrey Sachs in our New York studio. In the report, he writes, 'American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.'"

500,000 Dead Children Haunt Madeleine Albright – Jacob G. Hornberger –

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