Attempted coup d' etat underway in Venezuela.

Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.

Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
You're confused about how sanctions that target one sector responsible for more than 90% of Venezuela's revenues will kill citizens of that country?

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"More than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions, according to a new report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research co-authored by economists Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot.

"The report examines how U.S. sanctions have reduced the availability of food and medicine in Venezuela and increased disease and mortality.

"We speak with Jeffrey Sachs in our New York studio. In the report, he writes, 'American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.'"

500,000 Dead Children Haunt Madeleine Albright – Jacob G. Hornberger –
No one is confused.

They caused no deaths.
Those governments caused the deaths.

Fire up the helicopters and get rid of some commies!!!
There's nothing good about this for anyone .
It's more empire fun and games by our shadow govt.
It’s apparently easier to install a puppet regime in Venezuela in order to resume Venezuelan oil production than it is to get democrats in Oregon and California to cooperate.
The only thing standing in the way of increased production is US sanctions.
Deflecting ?
Did you learn a new word today ?
View attachment 259186
Wherever there is a USA base, the locals prosper, and they prosper big time. Our soldiers are among the most generous people on earth, and we love 'em. :salute::salute::salute::salute::salute: They give chocolate and toys to children there and buy stupid stuff from them so the children can take money home to mom and dad.
Especially the bar owners and prostitutes.
That is a beneath craven remark about America's heroes.
Heroes my ass, its an overused and inaccurate descriptor for every mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, near moron that ever believed a recruiter's lies and signed an enlistment contract.
You are mistaken about America's brave military soldiers. Every one of them is called on to defend the Constitution of the United States. They are beacons of light in a dark world, and they put their lives on the line for YOU and the rest of us every day. Fortunately, the majority of American citizens are not cowards screaming anatomical obscenities from freedoms earned by the blood of America's brave and good military patriots, many of whom return to their families in a wooden box with a flag draped lovingly over what is left of their brave bodies that were killed when they defended your craven spiel by way of the First Amendment Rights against them.
An example of the beneficence of those saintly troops.
US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'
Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.

Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
You're confused about how sanctions that target one sector responsible for more than 90% of Venezuela's revenues will kill citizens of that country?

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"More than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions, according to a new report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research co-authored by economists Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot.

"The report examines how U.S. sanctions have reduced the availability of food and medicine in Venezuela and increased disease and mortality.

"We speak with Jeffrey Sachs in our New York studio. In the report, he writes, 'American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.'"

500,000 Dead Children Haunt Madeleine Albright – Jacob G. Hornberger –
No one is confused.

They caused no deaths.
Those governments caused the deaths.
No one is confused.

They caused no deaths.
Those governments caused the deaths.
US sanctions caused those deaths, just like they did in Iraq twenty years ago:

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"t started with sanctions in 2017 that prevented, essentially, the country from accessing international capital markets and the oil company from restructuring its loans.

"That put Venezuela into a hyperinflation.

"That was the utter collapse.

"Oil earnings plummeted.

"The earnings that are used to buy food and medicine collapsed.

"That’s when the social, humanitarian crisis went spiraling out of control.

"And then, in this year, with this idea, very naive, very stupid, in my view, that there would be this self-proclaimed president, which was all choreographed with the United States very, very closely, another round of even tighter sanctions, essentially confiscating the earnings and the assets of the Venezuelan government, took place."

Sanctions are the right of a sovereign nation they are not an act of war.
So don't call it war.
Call it a deliberate act of aggression against the population of a sovereign nation.
The death toll is still the same.

Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
Why do sanction cause deaths? Not allowing the import of products from or ale of American goods to those countries causes people to die? How is that possible?
You're confused about how sanctions that target one sector responsible for more than 90% of Venezuela's revenues will kill citizens of that country?

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"More than 40,000 people have died in Venezuela since 2017 as a result of U.S. sanctions, according to a new report by the Center for Economic and Policy Research co-authored by economists Jeffrey Sachs and Mark Weisbrot.

"The report examines how U.S. sanctions have reduced the availability of food and medicine in Venezuela and increased disease and mortality.

"We speak with Jeffrey Sachs in our New York studio. In the report, he writes, 'American sanctions are deliberately aiming to wreck Venezuela’s economy and thereby lead to regime change. It’s a fruitless, heartless, illegal, and failed policy, causing grave harm to the Venezuelan people.'"

500,000 Dead Children Haunt Madeleine Albright – Jacob G. Hornberger –
No one is confused.

They caused no deaths.
Those governments caused the deaths.
No one is confused.

They caused no deaths.
Those governments caused the deaths.
US sanctions caused those deaths, just like they did in Iraq twenty years ago:

Economist Jeffrey Sachs: U.S. Sanctions Have Devastated Venezuela & Killed Over 40,000 Since 2017 | Democracy Now!

"t started with sanctions in 2017 that prevented, essentially, the country from accessing international capital markets and the oil company from restructuring its loans.

"That put Venezuela into a hyperinflation.

"That was the utter collapse.

"Oil earnings plummeted.

"The earnings that are used to buy food and medicine collapsed.

"That’s when the social, humanitarian crisis went spiraling out of control.

"And then, in this year, with this idea, very naive, very stupid, in my view, that there would be this self-proclaimed president, which was all choreographed with the United States very, very closely, another round of even tighter sanctions, essentially confiscating the earnings and the assets of the Venezuelan government, took place."
Failed Super Socialism at it's best. Destroyed a once great Nation......ending in more of a Dictatorship by the ones promising them the moon.

Then the blame game on how it's everyone elses fault this happened. LOL

They did this to themselves............They stole the Oil Equipment and rigs from other countries and big business..Then they were Too STUPID ON HOW TO MAINTAIN PRODUCTION........but that's the real side of the story defenders of SOCIALISM HAVE....................

And like this poster child for I hate America Pravda......Always bashing and blaming America for everything........They did this to themselves.................End of Story.
We in America stand for freedom....Obama changed that to we stand for dictators and tyrants like Iran....but Trump is setting America back on course....we are returning to greatness....we once again stand for liberty and freedom....
There is way too much stupid in your comment.
Wherever there is a USA base, the locals prosper, and they prosper big time. Our soldiers are among the most generous people on earth, and we love 'em. :salute::salute::salute::salute::salute: They give chocolate and toys to children there and buy stupid stuff from them so the children can take money home to mom and dad.
Especially the bar owners and prostitutes.
That is a beneath craven remark about America's heroes.
Heroes my ass, its an overused and inaccurate descriptor for every mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, near moron that ever believed a recruiter's lies and signed an enlistment contract.
You are mistaken about America's brave military soldiers. Every one of them is called on to defend the Constitution of the United States. They are beacons of light in a dark world, and they put their lives on the line for YOU and the rest of us every day. Fortunately, the majority of American citizens are not cowards screaming anatomical obscenities from freedoms earned by the blood of America's brave and good military patriots, many of whom return to their families in a wooden box with a flag draped lovingly over what is left of their brave bodies that were killed when they defended your craven spiel by way of the First Amendment Rights against them.
An example of the beneficence of those saintly troops.
US soldiers 'killed Afghan civilians for sport and collected fingers as trophies'
The people you listed should never have enlisted. Their sport has one result, as explained in the article you posted:
They face the death penalty or life in prison if convicted.
How did you manage to miss that? Thanks for posting an article that easily convicted your case to death for your con job against a majority of selfless, brave, wonderful honorable men who populate the ranks. You can't touch them with the errors of the few. :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
The people you listed should never have enlisted. Their sport has one result, as explained in the article you posted:
They face the death penalty or life in prison if convicted.
How did you manage to miss that? Thanks for posting an article that easily convicted your case to death for your con job against a majority of selfless, brave, wonderful honorable men who populate the ranks. You can't touch them with the errors of the few. :laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
Nothing was missed. The possible outcome of trial and punishment was not sufficient to deter them from their acts. These are YOUR heroes.
Commies are still mad because we won the Cold War.
You mean some Americans (like you claim to be )are in denial of own own past.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia

"On December 2, 1980, members of the Salvadoran National Guard were suspected to have raped and murdered four American, Catholic church women (three religious women, or nuns, and a laywoman).

"Maryknoll missionary sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel, and laywoman Jean Donovan were on a Catholic relief mission providing food, shelter, transport, medical care, and burial to death squad victims.

"U.S. military aid was briefly cut off in response to the murders but would be renewed within six weeks.

"The outgoing Carter administration increased military aid to the Salvadoran armed forces to $10 million which included $5 million in rifles, ammunition, grenades and helicopters.[73]

"In justifying these arms shipments, the administration claimed that the regime had taken 'positive steps' to investigate the murder of four American nuns, but this was disputed by US Ambassador, Robert E. White, who said that he could find no evidence the junta was 'conducting a serious investigation.' [73]

"White was dismissed from the foreign service by the Reagan Administration after he had refused to participate in a coverup of the Salvadoran military's responsibility for the murders at the behest of Secretary of State Alexander Haig."

Asylum seekers fled US-supported death squad violence like this and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero which occurred while he was delivering Mass.

When the migrants arrived in Los Angeles they were preyed upon by local gangs. MS-13 began as collective defense against US gangs. As usual the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World blames its victims.

Are you still sad that the Berlin Wall came down?
Commies are still mad because we won the Cold War.
You mean some Americans (like you claim to be )are in denial of own own past.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia

"On December 2, 1980, members of the Salvadoran National Guard were suspected to have raped and murdered four American, Catholic church women (three religious women, or nuns, and a laywoman).

"Maryknoll missionary sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel, and laywoman Jean Donovan were on a Catholic relief mission providing food, shelter, transport, medical care, and burial to death squad victims.

"U.S. military aid was briefly cut off in response to the murders but would be renewed within six weeks.

"The outgoing Carter administration increased military aid to the Salvadoran armed forces to $10 million which included $5 million in rifles, ammunition, grenades and helicopters.[73]

"In justifying these arms shipments, the administration claimed that the regime had taken 'positive steps' to investigate the murder of four American nuns, but this was disputed by US Ambassador, Robert E. White, who said that he could find no evidence the junta was 'conducting a serious investigation.' [73]

"White was dismissed from the foreign service by the Reagan Administration after he had refused to participate in a coverup of the Salvadoran military's responsibility for the murders at the behest of Secretary of State Alexander Haig."

Asylum seekers fled US-supported death squad violence like this and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero which occurred while he was delivering Mass.

When the migrants arrived in Los Angeles they were preyed upon by local gangs. MS-13 began as collective defense against US gangs. As usual the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World blames its victims.

Carter. Typical Democrat warmonger.

Good to see you support MS13, though. Maybe they'll skin you alive for your support.
We in America stand for freedom....Obama changed that to we stand for dictators and tyrants like Iran....but Trump is setting America back on course....we are returning to greatness....we once again stand for liberty and freedom....
There is way too much stupid in your comment.
Really? like what?...maybe your anti American brain can't comprehend...maybe you should stretch the limits of you intellect and tell me what I said that is untrue...
Wow, the 'coup' in Venezuela sure is taking it's sweet time; six days & counting now.

Coups sure aint what they used to be.

I guess ole Guaido had to take a few naps & go to recess a few times.

Don't hold your breath folks ........
Commies are still mad because we won the Cold War.
You mean some Americans (like you claim to be )are in denial of own own past.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia

"On December 2, 1980, members of the Salvadoran National Guard were suspected to have raped and murdered four American, Catholic church women (three religious women, or nuns, and a laywoman).

"Maryknoll missionary sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel, and laywoman Jean Donovan were on a Catholic relief mission providing food, shelter, transport, medical care, and burial to death squad victims.

"U.S. military aid was briefly cut off in response to the murders but would be renewed within six weeks.

"The outgoing Carter administration increased military aid to the Salvadoran armed forces to $10 million which included $5 million in rifles, ammunition, grenades and helicopters.[73]

"In justifying these arms shipments, the administration claimed that the regime had taken 'positive steps' to investigate the murder of four American nuns, but this was disputed by US Ambassador, Robert E. White, who said that he could find no evidence the junta was 'conducting a serious investigation.' [73]

"White was dismissed from the foreign service by the Reagan Administration after he had refused to participate in a coverup of the Salvadoran military's responsibility for the murders at the behest of Secretary of State Alexander Haig."

Asylum seekers fled US-supported death squad violence like this and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero which occurred while he was delivering Mass.

When the migrants arrived in Los Angeles they were preyed upon by local gangs. MS-13 began as collective defense against US gangs. As usual the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World blames its victims.

Are you still sad that the Berlin Wall came down?

Are you still sad that the Berlin Wall came down?
Not since the Gipper croaked.
Are you still celebrating genocide?

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
Wow, the 'coup' in Venezuela sure is taking it's sweet time; six days & counting now.

Coups sure aint what they used to be.

I guess ole Guaido had to take a few naps & go to recess a few times.

Don't hold your breath folks ........
Sounds like you are happy and rooting for the socialist dictator that starves his people to death, runs them over with armored vehicles and won't give them any of the humanitarian aid sent to Venezuela.
Can't say I'm surprised. You seem like the sort of dick who likes dictators and gets a kick out of the misery of others.
Commies are still mad because we won the Cold War.
You mean some Americans (like you claim to be )are in denial of own own past.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.

Danny Ortega, via Castro and Russia, was trying to spread communism throughout Central America. The death squads were fighting them, along with the Contras in Honduras.

When the commies got their asses kicked they ran to SoCal and formed the MaraSalvatrucha, MS13.
Salvadoran Civil War - Wikipedia

"On December 2, 1980, members of the Salvadoran National Guard were suspected to have raped and murdered four American, Catholic church women (three religious women, or nuns, and a laywoman).

"Maryknoll missionary sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, Ursuline sister Dorothy Kazel, and laywoman Jean Donovan were on a Catholic relief mission providing food, shelter, transport, medical care, and burial to death squad victims.

"U.S. military aid was briefly cut off in response to the murders but would be renewed within six weeks.

"The outgoing Carter administration increased military aid to the Salvadoran armed forces to $10 million which included $5 million in rifles, ammunition, grenades and helicopters.[73]

"In justifying these arms shipments, the administration claimed that the regime had taken 'positive steps' to investigate the murder of four American nuns, but this was disputed by US Ambassador, Robert E. White, who said that he could find no evidence the junta was 'conducting a serious investigation.' [73]

"White was dismissed from the foreign service by the Reagan Administration after he had refused to participate in a coverup of the Salvadoran military's responsibility for the murders at the behest of Secretary of State Alexander Haig."

Asylum seekers fled US-supported death squad violence like this and the assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero which occurred while he was delivering Mass.

When the migrants arrived in Los Angeles they were preyed upon by local gangs. MS-13 began as collective defense against US gangs. As usual the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World blames its victims.

Carter. Typical Democrat warmonger.

Good to see you support MS13, though. Maybe they'll skin you alive for your support.

Carter. Typical Democrat warmonger.

Good to see you support MS13, though. Maybe they'll skin you alive for your support
Maybe you live long enough to comprehend the difference between hired killers and their victims

Israel's shadowy role in Guatemala's dirty war

"Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,” said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
"Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,” said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona.

"'People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.'

"Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement."

The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US
Says a leftist political science professor, not surprisingly.
Wow, the 'coup' in Venezuela sure is taking it's sweet time; six days & counting now.

Coups sure aint what they used to be.

I guess ole Guaido had to take a few naps & go to recess a few times.

Don't hold your breath folks ........
Sounds like you are happy and rooting for the socialist dictator that starves his people to death, runs them over with armored vehicles and won't give them any of the humanitarian aid sent to Venezuela.
Can't say I'm surprised. You seem like the sort of dick who likes dictators and gets a kick out of the misery of others.

Well hot shot; since you're such a fucking tuff guy, why don't you just volunteer your big fat ass to go down there right now & save the day for Venezuela? We're waiting.
I'm sure they would love to have you come down to Venezuela & hold Guaido's hand.

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