Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

QUOTE: Attempts to regulate Massachusetts pro-life crisis pregnancy centers failed after a city council vote.

Worcester city councilors voted 7–4 on Tuesday to shoot down two draft ordinances aimed at legislating the advertising practices of pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

Catholic Action League's executive director, C.J. Doyle, stated in a press release:
While the vote was a victory for human life, religious freedom and constitutional government, its proximate cause was a cold and calculated appreciation of the legal liabilities, and consequent fiscal burdens, that the city of Worcester and its taxpayers would have to bear defending this untenable and extremist legislation in court.

COMMENT: A small win for the most precious and most vulnerable among us

Jul 27, 2022

There have been at least 82 attacks on pro-life organizations in the United States since the beginning of May. Recently, Your Options Medical Pregnancy Center in Massachusetts was vandalized with the phrase "If abortions aren't safe, neither are you," which is the same phrase that has been spray painted on many other pro-life institutions nationwide. Staff writer for Catholic News Agency, Joe Bukuras, joins to tell us about the few arrests that there have been for the damages on some Catholic Churches. Bukuras shares whether he expects there to be an increase in vandalisms as more trigger laws take affect this week. On another note, Somerville, Massachusetts banned crisis pregnancy centers because they do not offer abortions, and some other cities in the state are trying to enact similar ordinances. Bukuras discusses this further. He fills us in on what else he is following.

Not death, health, which isn't defined in the law, so could be for the woman maybe getting hives.
Do you have an actual example of that happening? Your maybe argument isn't a very strong one.
So abort away on the viable fetus one second before birth.
Here's a website that actually discusses the medical complications that could result in second or third trimester abortions. I don't see hives as an example, FYI.

There's No Such Thing as 'Late-Term Abortion'—Here Are the Facts
That is how the law is written. Why write a law like that if you don't intend for it to be used like that?
So doctors don't have to practice with fear because of your poorly written law doesn't allow them to abort a second trimester fetuses who they and the parents have just discovered will be born with crippling life long health risks.
Do you have an actual example of that happening? Your maybe argument isn't a very strong one.

Here's a website that actually discusses the medical complications that could result in second or third trimester abortions. I don't see hives as an example, FYI.

There's No Such Thing as 'Late-Term Abortion'—Here Are the Facts

So doctors don't have to practice with fear because of your poorly written law doesn't allow them to abort a second trimester fetuses who they and the parents have just discovered will be born with crippling life long health risks.

You will never see an example because HIPAA laws prevent that information from being released.

Then why do the laws specifically mention health, not "life of the mother" and only require one doctor to say "OK". Why do they not define health to be more clear? These are the laws on the books, passed and supported by hard line abortion rights advocates.

You are talking about the health of the FETUS, not the mother which is what the laws talk about. stop trying to change the subject.
You will never see an example because HIPAA laws prevent that information from being released.
I have HIPAA certification for my job as do many of my family members who are doctors and nurses. Some of them pediatric surgeons and neo-natal specialists. HIPAA prevents you from revealing names of patients and the care they receive. It doesn't prevent doctors or nurses speaking generally about medical cases they seen and worked on so long as they don't reveal any actual patient information or anything that could by used to identify a patient.
Then why do the laws specifically mention health, not "life of the mother" and only require one doctor to say "OK". Why do they not define health to be more clear? These are the laws on the books, passed and supported by hard line abortion rights advocates.

You are talking about the health of the FETUS, not the mother which is what the laws talk about. stop trying to change the subject.
Again, why should doctors have to wait until their patients are near death to act in the best interests of their health? I can forsee situations where the health of the mother could be comprised and abortion necessary. Say they discover late that the fetus, or maybe even baby at this point, will be born brain dead and the pregnancy presents health risks to the mother. In that case a second or third trimester abortion may be medically warranted.
I have HIPAA certification for my job as do many of my family members who are doctors and nurses. Some of them pediatric surgeons and neo-natal specialists. HIPAA prevents you from revealing names of patients and the care they receive. It doesn't prevent doctors or nurses speaking generally about medical cases they seen and worked on so long as they don't reveal any actual patient information or anything that could by used to identify a patient.

Again, why should doctors have to wait until their patients are near death to act in the best interests of their health? I can forsee situations where the health of the mother could be comprised and abortion necessary. Say they discover late that the fetus, or maybe even baby at this point, will be born brain dead and the pregnancy presents health risks to the mother. In that case a second or third trimester abortion may be medically warranted.

Like doctors that support abortion up to the last second won't bend HIPAA to not reveal things like this..

At the hours before birth, why would abortion be required over a C-Section?

If the baby is brain dead, it isn't an abortion, and the health of the mother isn't the issue.

You are trying to rationalize something that can't be. It's just abortion rights extremists getting what they want.
Like doctors that support abortion up to the last second won't bend HIPAA to not reveal things like this..
That's not how HIPAA works. You don't have to bend it to not reveal things. It exists is to discourage revelation. That said your lack of evidence to support your claim isn't bolstered by your questioning the character of physicians that also arrives without evidence. Also there are these things called Medical Review Boards who review the actions of the people whom license to practice medicine.
At the hours before birth, why would abortion be required over a C-Section?
So a mother doesn't have to watch her brain dead baby take futile and desperate breaths before it passes? I don't know, I'm not a doctor, I'm just not assuming evil motives like you are.
If the baby is brain dead, it isn't an abortion, and the health of the mother isn't the issue.
Says you. Is that how the law reads?
You are trying to rationalize something that can't be. It's just abortion rights extremists getting what they want.
You're the one with the irrational innuendo.
That's not how HIPAA works. You don't have to bend it to not reveal things. It exists is to discourage revelation. That said your lack of evidence to support your claim isn't bolstered by your questioning the character of physicians that also arrives without evidence. Also there are these things called Medical Review Boards who review the actions of the people whom license to practice medicine.

So a mother doesn't have to watch her brain dead baby take futile and desperate breaths before it passes? I don't know, I'm not a doctor, I'm just not assuming evil motives like you are.

Says you. Is that how the law reads?

You're the one with the irrational innuendo.

Again, the law doesn't say anything about the baby having to be brain dead. It only discusses the health of the MOTHER.

stop trying to change the subject.
Again, the law doesn't say anything about the baby having to be brain dead. It only discusses the health of the MOTHER.

stop trying to change the subject.
Again we're both giving hypocriticals. Mine had to do with protecting the mothers mental health. You haven't given an example of a real incident that you take issue with.
Again we're both giving hypocriticals. Mine had to do with protecting the mothers mental health. You haven't given an example of a real incident that you take issue with.

I'm giving a law, written in a certain way. The law allows what I said it allows, you have nothing but deflection.

My issue is with the law as written and what it allows.
I'm giving a law, written in a certain way. The law allows what I said it allows, you have nothing but deflection.

My issue is with the law as written and what it allows.
You haven't given any law. What law have you linked to?
I told you what law, NY's abortion law. look it up yourself, GIYF.
It's your argument you clown. You present it and then explain what part you have an issue with. It's not my job to look it up and try to intuit what your gripe is.
Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

QUOTE: Attempts to regulate Massachusetts pro-life crisis pregnancy centers failed after a city council vote.

Worcester city councilors voted 7–4 on Tuesday to shoot down two draft ordinances aimed at legislating the advertising practices of pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

Catholic Action League's executive director, C.J. Doyle, stated in a press release:
While the vote was a victory for human life, religious freedom and constitutional government, its proximate cause was a cold and calculated appreciation of the legal liabilities, and consequent fiscal burdens, that the city of Worcester and its taxpayers would have to bear defending this untenable and extremist legislation in court.

COMMENT: A small win for the most precious and most vulnerable among us
You'll notice the pro abortion crowd goes immediately to try to make the less than one percent of abortions that are necessary to save the mother's life a justification for abortion on demand.

The same people defended Planned Parenthood who resisted having to tell their clients about alternatives to abortion. And now these same people seem to defend a lawsuit that tried to make a pro-life center include support for abortion in their advertising.

Or they are trying to divert the discussion away from that.

Frankly that's sick.
It's your argument you clown. You present it and then explain what part you have an issue with. It's not my job to look it up and try to intuit what your gripe is.

Are you denying the NY law says what I claim it says?

I've linked it in other threads, it's easy to find.
Are you denying the NY law says what I claim it says?

I've linked it in other threads, it's easy to find.
I don't know what NY Law you're actually talking about until you link to it here. I'm not searching your history for it.
NY abortion law health of mother.
Go to google, type that.
Win the internets.
That's not going to tell me what law you're specifically referring to. There could be a number of them that deal with abortion and the health of the mother.

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