Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

It's your argument you clown, how is it my problem? 😄

It's easily found information. How is you not being able to google something my problem?

This isn't a structured debate requiring me to link anything, so do it your self or sod off.
So you keep repeating but repetition doesn't make it any more factual a statement.

Here's an article where a doctor discusses some instances where an abortion might be necessary to save a mother's life.

Fact Check-Termination of pregnancy can be necessary to save a woman’s life, experts say
Hahaha, you have no idea what you are talking about so you are using Google to confirm your opinion by linking to an abortion activist that is purposely misusing the term, abortion.

The first example the doctor gives is if the water breaks early. The doctor talks about terminating the pregnancy but does not state an abortion procedure is used. The fact of the matter in this case, where this doctor fears severe septis the baby will have to be removed surgically in an operating room using no procedure that is called an abortion procedure.

Further if you do your research you will find that most doctors will use antibiotics, keep the woman hospitalized, and monitor the pregnancy until the baby can survive.

I am using Cleveland clinic as a source, curried goats sought the opinion of Rueters.

This is an in depth article on PROM. PROM is not life threatening and is very manageable. Unless of course you run to planned parenthood instead of a hospital, then you have put your life at risk.

And, quit smoking while pregnant and you will most likely never ever suffer PROM.

Now currygoat can argue with the cleveland clinic (Reuters, of all the stupid places to look for serious medical advice).

How can I prevent PROM?​

There isn’t a way to prevent PROM. The best thing you can do is avoid smoking cigarettes
It's easily found information. How is you not being able to google something my problem?

This isn't a structured debate requiring me to link anything, so do it your self or sod off.
How is finding out what exact law you're referring to easy when NY probably has thousands of laws and a number of which that probably deal with abortion? I could guess but what law you're referring to but it would only be a guess and I'm not inclined to play 20 questions for information about your own argument that you could easily provide. Plus I think you're lying about having actually read the law.
How is finding out what exact law you're referring to easy when NY probably has thousands of laws and a number of which that probably deal with abortion? I could guess but what law you're referring to but it would only be a guess and I'm not inclined to play 20 questions for information about your own argument that you could easily provide. Plus I think you're lying about having actually read the law.


Type in NY abortion law health of mother
Or get an abortion
Not if a single penny of my tax money is going to support the doctor, the procedure or the patient.
The only 100% method is abstinence and that's a ridiculous standard for others to live by for your morality. Practice that in your own life
It’s a method which has served me well at times over my 49+ years. It’s only ridiculous if you want me to be part of your life. I’ve shed friends, family members, etc… many times over the years due to my ideals and I have no regrets. It cost me the woman I’ve come closest to loving over two decades ago. Such is life.
Here's an article where a doctor discusses some instances where an abortion might be necessary to save a mother's life.

Fact Check-Termination of pregnancy can be necessary to save a woman’s life, experts say
Of all the stupidity in the world, this doctor says abortion is necessary for Placental abruption? She than links to Cleveland clinic that does not mention abortion at all. A c-section will be performed during an emergency and again Cleveland clinic says don't SMOKE!

An abortion performed after the plancenta separates from the uterus with bleeding so heavy the mother's life is on danger would kill her.

I can go through the doctor's entire article and show abortions are never performed to save a woman's life.

Further, if this doctor is so wise whyvdies she link to Cleveland clinic and then contradict Cleveland clinic.
Not if a single penny of my tax money is going to support the doctor, the procedure or the patient.
It already does. You think they power their practice with hamsters on wheels? You think their patients arrive at their door via privately paved roads? 😄 That taxes, for now, don't go to the actual procedure is just something to make emotional children feel better. If the time comes when the law does change you will continue to pay your taxes as you do now for services that help abortion clinics maintain a business. The internet tough guy act isn't believable. It's just embarrassing.
It’s a method which has served me well at times over my 49+ years. It’s only ridiculous if you want me to be part of your life. I’ve shed friends, family members, etc… many times over the years due to my ideals and I have no regrets. It cost me the woman I’ve come closest to loving over two decades ago. Such is life.
Look, your personal choice to be part of the incel community is your own. But after 40 plus years you really should drop the pretense of it being voluntary. 😄
Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

QUOTE: Attempts to regulate Massachusetts pro-life crisis pregnancy centers failed after a city council vote.

Worcester city councilors voted 7–4 on Tuesday to shoot down two draft ordinances aimed at legislating the advertising practices of pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

Catholic Action League's executive director, C.J. Doyle, stated in a press release:
While the vote was a victory for human life, religious freedom and constitutional government, its proximate cause was a cold and calculated appreciation of the legal liabilities, and consequent fiscal burdens, that the city of Worcester and its taxpayers would have to bear defending this untenable and extremist legislation in court.

COMMENT: A small win for the most precious and most vulnerable among us
I'm glad to hear this.

I have frequently said the pro-life movement should open a women's health clinic across the street from every Planned Parenthood clinic, and then demand federal funding on par with PP's.

I have donated to such clinics all over the country.

I had a great aunt who used to live in Worcester. I will look up what pro-life clinics they have there and add them to my list.
2. All pregnancies bring with them risk and no one should be compelled to accept risk for the sake of someone else's morality.
They took that risk when they had unprotected sex. That is when CHOICE takes place.
I'm glad to hear this.

I have frequently said the pro-life movement should open a women's health clinic across the street from every Planned Parenthood clinic, and then demand federal funding on par with PP's.

I have donated to such clinics all over the country.

I had a great aunt who used to live in Worcester. I will look up what pro-life clinics they have there and add them to my list.
Looks like they need your help, the violence loving democrats attacked the pro-life clinic

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