Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

Kill a pre-natal tortoise and the Left goes batshit crazy.

Kill a pre-natal human and they'll drive you to the butcher.
Looks like they need your help, the violence loving democrats attacked the pro-life clinic
The news report says, "Earlier this week, the state Attorney General warned the public these clinics do not provide abortions."

Warned. Nice choice of words.

"Earlier this week". Then a few days later, the attack. And the biased news channel didn't see the connection.
Of all the stupidity in the world, this doctor says abortion is necessary for Placental abruption? She than links to Cleveland clinic that does not mention abortion at all. A c-section will be performed during an emergency and again Cleveland clinic says don't SMOKE!

An abortion performed after the plancenta separates from the uterus with bleeding so heavy the mother's life is on danger would kill her.

I can go through the doctor's entire article and show abortions are never performed to save a woman's life.

Further, if this doctor is so wise whyvdies she link to Cleveland clinic and then contradict Cleveland clinic.
A c-section on a yet unviable fetus is effectively an abortion. You failed even in your first example. 😄
That taxes, for now, don't go to the actual procedure is just something to make emotional children feel better. If the time comes when the law does change you will continue to pay your taxes as you do now for services that help abortion clinics maintain a business
That will be the point in time when I personally advocate for violence against the locations and individuals; something I never have up until now.,
Look, your personal choice to be part of the incel community is your own. But after 40 plus years you really should drop the pretense of it being voluntary
Actually my wife and I have a very pleasant sex life, as I have with a small number of other women before I met her. I just refuse to engage in the casual sexual flings thst many of my fellow men did in their youth.
They took that risk when they had unprotected sex. That is when CHOICE takes place.
They only have to continue living with those risk of you eliminate their ability to choose otherwise. I'm not sure why you clowns think women should have to qualify their choices to you every step of the way.
A c-section on a yet unviable fetus is effectively an abortion. You failed even in your first example. 😄
Wow, you have to misuse words in order to validate your opinion.

A c-section is performed by planned parenthood as an abortion procedure?

Curry, you can not turn your opinion into fact by misusing words.
They only have to continue living with those risk of you eliminate their ability to choose otherwise. I'm not sure why you clowns think women should have to qualify their choices to you every step of the way.
I'm not sure why you clowns think babies should be allowed to be murdered in the womb just because they are inconvenient.

It's all about personal responsibility. Something the Left discourages.
That will be the point in time when I personally advocate for violence against the locations and individuals; something I never have up until now.,
Sure you will, internet tough guy. Sure you will. I see you ignored my point about how your taxes already go to help facilitate abortions but that part made you emotional insecure I guess so you ignored it. 😄
Actually my wife and I have a very pleasant sex life, as I have with a small number of other women before I met her. I just refuse to engage in the casual sexual flings thst many of my fellow men did in their youth.
Sure. You chose that reality. 😉
Who cares about your strawman? 😄

Pregnancies do come with risks and abortions are medical procedures. Those risks don't always have to be life threatening to be valid. No woman should be required to accept health risks to satisfy someone else's morality.
That medical procedure is the business of the Dr. and the patients. Mother, child, and Dr.
Wow, you have to misuse words in order to validate your opinion.

A c-section is performed by planned parenthood as an abortion procedure?

Curry, you can not turn your opinion into fact by misusing words.
It's not my opinion you clown. It's your strawman coupled with you but understanding basic biology.
I'm not sure why you clowns think babies should be allowed to be murdered in the womb just because they are inconvenient.

It's all about personal responsibility. Something the Left discourages.
I don't think babies should be murdered in the womb. I think unviable fetuses don't take presidence over a woman's decisions with her own body and I certainly don't think she should lose the right to make decisions over her own body because you found a pervious one distasteful.
by reading it, posting it, and then commenting on it?
That still requires you to confirm the law which you could very well do before I go searching on behalf of your own argument. But hey, I don't care if your argument stalls here. 😄
That still requires you to confirm the law which you could very well do before I go searching on behalf of your own argument. But hey, I don't care if your argument stalls here. 😄

I've linked it before, it's contents are common knowledge.

Now go play in traffic.

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