Attempts to Stifle MA Crisis Pregnancy Centers FAIL

I see you ignored my point about how your taxes already go to help facilitate abortions but that part made you emotional insecure I guess so you ignored it.
I decided it wasn’t worth my time to comment on.
Sure. You chose that reality
Sometimes yes and other times, not so much. Like pretty much every other guy in my generation, I’ve had to swim through the sea of braindead feminist c***s to find the few worthwhile ladies worthy of being caught.
I decided it wasn’t worth my time to comment on.
As I said. It reveals what a unprincipled bitch you are. 😄
Sometimes yes and other times, not so much. Like pretty much every other guy in my generation, I’ve had to swim through the sea of braindead feminist c***s to find the few worthwhile ladies worthy of being caught.
Yep. It's always the feminists faults why you couldn't get laid.... 😄
I'm not your friend though Marty and I'm not inclined to help you make your own argument. 😄

Google is your friend, dipshit, not me.

It's not my problem you can't google something, and desire to be stuck in a blame loop instead of debating the actual subject matter.
ep. It's always the feminists faults why you couldn't get laid....
I’m sure you won’t believe this, but I was never the kind of guy looking to pump and dump. I was always a relationship guy… looking for Mrs. Anathema. Got my heart crushed at age 12, then again at 25. Took me until I was 37 to find the right one. Been more than a decade together now.
I Google things I care about Marty. I don't care about your inability to make your argument. 😄

It's your argument Marty. It's certainly not my problem. 😄

I made my argument, that you don't believe the law says what it says is your problem.
I’m sure you won’t believe this, but I was never the kind of guy looking to pump and dump. I was always a relationship guy… looking for Mrs. Anathema. Got my heart crushed at age 12, then again at 25. Took me until I was 37 to find the right one. Been more than a decade together now.
Sure. My brother was the same way. Used to drive me crazy blasting All For One in the house while I was Creepin' On Ah Come Up. The boy still managed girlfriend after girlfriend though.
Sure. My brother was the same way. Used to drive me crazy blasting All For One in the house while I was Creepin' On Ah Come Up. The boy still managed girlfriend after girlfriend though
I am probably a little more selective about who I dated than your brother. Not that my way is better, but it worked wonders in thinning the herd for me. They tell me “What's your favorite pie to bake at home?” Isn’t a great pickup line.
I am probably a little more selective about who I dated than your brother.
Then you don't know my brother. I've never met a more picky or stubborn person in my life. 😄 I'm the exact opposite. I'm easy as a Sunday morning.
Not that my way is better, but it worked wonders in thinning the herd for me. They tell me “What's your favorite pie to bake at home?” Isn’t a great pickup line.
Whatever pie my wife is asking me to help her bake. In the kitchen I'm just an assistant and barely that. I think she just keeps me around for my good looks.

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