ATTN: Christians - no longer any need to worry about abortions

Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

The Bible also says that God 'already knew you BEFORE you were conceived'.

Nice try.... :p

So you are against IVF then...
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

The Bible also says that God 'already knew you BEFORE you were conceived'.

Nice try.... :p

So are you saying life begins *before* conception? Seriously?

I really don't get your point. The issue is when does something that is not a living human being become a living human being, not when God Creates your soul. All the verses in the Bible that address the issue of when something becomes a living being say it is when it breathes its first breath - you are referring to peoples souls with your quote, not their bodies.

Didn't say life begins before conception. Responding to Biblcal reference with Biblical reference. You take it how you want to.
How many times must we tell you, Christians go by the New testiment...

We like pork, don't care if some one has a tattoo...

Good point!
When it comes to abortion, we should all follow Jesus' words - literally?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

I promise I won't try to use abortion to shove my faith/religion down your throat, if you'll agree that that road runs both directions and tell your Republican lawmaker buddies to quit trying to codify their religion into law?

Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

That and the several instances canonized Scripture has no problem whatsoever with abortion, infanticide, and killing pregnant women.

Besides, if a baby is aborted doesn't it just grow up in Heaven anyway?
'You' claim Christians have no right to force their beliefs on 'you', but Liberals force their beliefs on Christiabs all the time by forcibly requiring Christians to fund 'your' abortions with their tax dollars.

Have all the abortions you 'YOU' pay for it. Defund Planned Parenthood - we have no Constitutional obligation to fund a PRIVATE 'health care' organization. There is no Constitutional right to free abortions and no Constitutional obligation to seize and use tax dollars to fund individuals' decision to have this 'elective surgery' (the vast majority of the time) to correct the unwanted consequences of a poor personal CHOICE.

Stop telling Christians they should have no say in how their tax dollars are being used against their will to fund something that violates their religious convictions and that is not mandated in/by the Constitution.

Again, YOU want 'em, YOU pay for them! If you feel strongly enough then YOU donate to the cause, sponsor an abortion, start a 'go-fund-me' page for abortions... That would solve everything.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.
You do understand when it was written, do you not?

Online Etymology Dictionary

If you are saying God was unaware of the elements when God inspired the written word of God, that begs the question, what else do think God is unaware of?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

The Bible also says that God 'already knew you BEFORE you were conceived'.

Nice try.... :p

So you are against IVF then...

Why would God know about sex babies and not test tube babies?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.
You do understand when it was written, do you not?

Online Etymology Dictionary

If you are saying God was unaware of the elements when God inspired the written word of God, that begs the question, what else do think God is unaware of?

1) you don't know what begging the question means

2) God said other things like not to eat pork, but didn't explain about germs. you were just being snarky
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.

Wow, thanks God. Or are you just his press agent?
Press agent and sock :)
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.
You do understand when it was written, do you not?

Online Etymology Dictionary

If you are saying God was unaware of the elements when God inspired the written word of God, that begs the question, what else do think God is unaware of?

1) you don't know what begging the question means

2) God said other things like not to eat pork, but didn't explain about germs. you were just being snarky
Libs always want to take the bible literally but add nuance to the actual words of their political gods. How does that work exactly? :)
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
You do realize Adam wasn't birthed by a mother but created from God's will right? As was Eve. That was the beginning of human life which then was turned over to pregnancy and child birth to pro-create.

How long did you look for that bible verse? Or did one of your left wing idiot's come up with it for you? Either way it's a fail.

You do realize that is not the only reference in the Bible to life beginning with breath, right? I mean, you're a Christian, right, so I'm sure you know of all the other places its mentioned.

BTW - where in the Bible does it say life begins at conception?
Do you wake up everyday and ask yourself, how can I prove to myself I am an idiot?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.
You mean like you are doing right now?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

I get, but disagree with, your argument. On a technical point you are wrong. The fetus's oxygen is not delivered directly by the mother's blood, but indirectly through the placenta.

Breath is a gas. Blood is not. Breath derives from the Earth's atmosphere, blood derives from another human being. The argument that it is a separate living human being is simply false upon the simplest inspection, as the fetus is literally part of the woman's body. The argument that a recently fertilized embryo is a human being is even more absurd, as that human being is subject to splitting in two to form identical twins, or merging with another embryo to form a chimera.

The God of the Bible also clearly values the fetus as less than its mother. The penalty for assaulting a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage is a fine, but if the woman dies - the penalty is death.

Strangely, this value system is also reflected in the beliefs of most anti-choicers. Very few of them actually want the penalty for getting an abortion to be the same as the penalty for 1st degree premeditated murder (death in many states, life in prison for the rest) - even though by their definition of the fetus being a human being and having rights like all other humans, the penalty for getting an abortion should be the same as pre-meditated 1st degree murder (except maybe in cases where the woman causes herself to have a miscarriage in a fit of passion, which would be more like manslaughter or 2nd degree murder).
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Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.

Actually, the definition of murder under the system the founders created is State law. It's amazing how terrible liberals argue even when you're on the right side

Huh? What does that even mean? Abortion was legal in most places in the U.S. at the time of our founding. It was only in the latter half of the 19th century it began to be criminalized.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.
You mean like you are doing right now?

If you could find one place in the Bible where it says life begins at conception, you might have a point. Its not "picking and choosing" when I'm picking one of several passages that support the argument and there are none in existence which disprove the argument.

Any Christian who claims to follow the Bible and is anti-choice is simply a liar.

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