ATTN: Christians - no longer any need to worry about abortions

There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.
You mean like you are doing right now?

If you could find one place in the Bible where it says life begins at conception, you might have a point. Its not "picking and choosing" when I'm picking one of several passages that support the argument and there are none in existence which disprove the argument.

Any Christian who claims to follow the Bible and is anti-choice is simply a liar.
A passage that disproves your distorted interpretation?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

Proudly displaying your idiocy isn't a virtue, but it does have entertainment value. Do carry on OhPooPoo.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
Key word being " the man" meaning Adam. Not all men.
Adam, is the WORD for Mankind...God breathed life in to MANKIND/Adam.

Strong's Hebrew: 120. אָדָם (adam) -- man, mankind

Strong's Concordance
adam: man, mankind
Original Word: אָדָם
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: adam
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dawm')
Short Definition: man
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from an unused word
man, mankind
NASB Translation
any man (2), anyone (4), anyone's (1), being* (1), common sort* (1), human (19), infantry (1), low degree* (1), low* (1), man (363), man's (20), man* (1), mankind (9), men (104), men of low degree* (1), men's (3), men* (4), mortal (1), one (3), people (1), person (5), person* (1), persons (3), population (1), someone (1).
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

The breath of life comes from the Mother.
Adam was not born from a Woman.
The unborn baby exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with the mother through the placenta and umbilical cord. The mother’s blood circulates through the placenta and also carries nutrients to the baby. The placenta is attached to the uterine wall and to the umbilical cord, which is attached to the baby. The mother, in effect, breathes for the baby. The mother inhales and breathes in oxygenated air, which passes through her circulatory system to the baby through the placenta and umbilical cord. Carbon dioxide returns from the baby through the umbilical cord and placenta to the mother, who exhales and removes the waste from her body. - See more at: How Do Babies Breathe in the Womb? | LIVESTRONG.COM
How many times must we tell you, Christians go by the New testiment...

We like pork, don't care if some one has a tattoo...

So the 10 commandments don't count any more?
Wow. Who knew.

But, uhh, why do so many Christians want the 10 commandments displayed at courthouses if they don't go by those any more?

And where does the New Testament say anything about when life begins? Are you actually telling me life began at first breath before Christ, but then after Christ it got moved up to conception? How the fuck does that even work?
It works like it has for a really long time,an egg gets firtalised,and a new life begins at that momnet,cells mutiply
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
Key word being " the man" meaning Adam. Not all men.

??? So life begins at different points for different people? Really? How the fuck does that work?
Well if clowns like yourself,would admit that a living growing human starts being alive at conception,you wouldn't have to try and argue an indefensible position.Cells split growth begins,if it wasn't ALIVE that wouldn't be happening,even a retard understands that.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.

Actually, the definition of murder under the system the founders created is State law. It's amazing how terrible liberals argue even when you're on the right side

Huh? What does that even mean? Abortion was legal in most places in the U.S. at the time of our founding. It was only in the latter half of the 19th century it began to be criminalized.

I'm not sure what part of murder being State law not Federal law confused you, can you clarify what you are missing?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

I get, but disagree with, your argument. On a technical point you are wrong. The fetus's oxygen is not delivered directly by the mother's blood, but indirectly through the placenta.

Breath is a gas. Blood is not. Breath derives from the Earth's atmosphere, blood derives from another human being. The argument that it is a separate living human being is simply false upon the simplest inspection, as the fetus is literally part of the woman's body. The argument that a recently fertilized embryo is a human being is even more absurd, as that human being is subject to splitting in two to form identical twins, or merging with another embryo to form a chimera.

The God of the Bible also clearly values the fetus as less than its mother. The penalty for assaulting a pregnant woman and causing a miscarriage is a fine, but if the woman dies - the penalty is death.

Strangely, this value system is also reflected in the beliefs of most anti-choicers. Very few of them actually want the penalty for getting an abortion to be the same as the penalty for 1st degree premeditated murder (death in many states, life in prison for the rest) - even though by their definition of the fetus being a human being and having rights like all other humans, the penalty for getting an abortion should be the same as pre-meditated 1st degree murder (except maybe in cases where the woman causes herself to have a miscarriage in a fit of passion, which would be more like manslaughter or 2nd degree murder).

Is there a point in there somewhere? The Founders gave the Federal government no say either way over abortion. They did that by not mentioning abortion, the 10th Amendment tells you what that means.

They neither legalized it nor criminalized it. It's a State power, not a Federal power. And the States should use that power to do nothing and stay out of it as well
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.

The proof is in the puddin'... so to speak.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.

The proof is in the puddin'... so to speak.
That means nothing when the majority of Americans describe themselves as Christian.

Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.

The proof is in the puddin'... so to speak.

So if 7 out of 10 terrorists indicate their political preference is Democrat, what conclusion would you draw from that?
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.

The proof is in the puddin'... so to speak.
That means nothing when the majority of Americans describe themselves as Christian.

Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

And yet-----and yet you're not even capable of attempting to explain why 70% of all abortions performed, are performed on self-described Christian women - why is that?

Could it be because of the counseling they get from their fellow parishioners, pastors and church elders?

Poll: 70% Of Women Getting Abortions Are Christian

Nov 26, 2015

Note Fox News chose to not put a question mark on this statement. So it’s not just Godless atheists or other heathens doing this.

The survey, conducted by LifeWay Research, found that 43 percent of the women who had abortions attended a Christian church at least once a month when they chose the legal medical procedure, while 20 percent went once a week, notes The Christian Post.

The poll was sponsored by the Christian pro-life organization Care Net, which runs anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers that do not offer abortion.

The survey also found that 7 percent of these women talked about their abortion decision with someone at their church, 52 percent claimed no one at church knew, 64 percent feared church members would gossip, and a whopping 76 percent said the church was not influential on their choice to have an abortion.

Yikes! 64% of Christian women fear their fellow church 'friends' will wink, nod and giggle behind the backs of women who are the process of making a difficult decision - hmmm, I wonder why Christian women would think Christian women would gossip about... ________... fill in the blank?
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

I promise I won't try to use abortion to shove my faith/religion down your throat, if you'll agree that that road runs both directions and tell your Republican lawmaker buddies to quit trying to codify their religion into law?

Black and white huh.

Do you have any idea what I stand for? You seem to be making some massive assumptions based on hot air.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.
You do understand when it was written, do you not?

Online Etymology Dictionary

If you are saying God was unaware of the elements when God inspired the written word of God, that begs the question, what else do think God is unaware of?

If you really are this dumb there is no point in explaining why the bible was not written in words that did not exist for another 1700 years.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"
There you go trying to define another's faith for them without any understanding of what their faith is.

I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

The very fact that you think you can tells us all we need to know about your arrogance. The very personal reality of faith is not something you are going to define for other people - you can only define that faith for yourself.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.
What is interesting is that you still fail to understand the concept of faith and how it is personally and internally driven.

Instead, you replace any attempt at understanding with snarky comments meant to make the others sound idiotic. So pathetic.
Hey Christians. You guys always get so bent out of shape about the abortion issue because you say that even an embryo is alive. It really upsets you guys I can tell.

Well I've got some good news for you. You can relax now. The Bible actually says life begins when you draw your first breath:

Genesis 2:7 “He (God) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and it was then that the man became a living being”

Even though Adam had a fully formed human body - he was not alive until he started breathing.

Says so in the Bible.

There is absolutely no evidence in the Bible that God considers an embryo to be a "living being"

I'm pro-choice, but here's what's wrong with your argument. Breathe means oxygen, the fuel. A baby is getting oxygen, fuel, through blood. You breathe for a reason, it's not an action which stands on it's own. A fetus gets the purpose of breathe through another means

If God wanted breathe to mean oxygen, God would have footnoted the Bible or written the word oxygen but-----but God didn't.
You do understand when it was written, do you not?

Online Etymology Dictionary

If you are saying God was unaware of the elements when God inspired the written word of God, that begs the question, what else do think God is unaware of?

If you really are this dumb there is no point in explaining why the bible was not written in words that did not exist for another 1700 years.

Star wasn't the start pupil. I'm not a christian, but the word parsing she's using is juvelile
Key word being " the man" meaning Adam. Not all men.
Adam in hebrew means "MANKIND."

Your post is absolute proof that so called CON$ervative Christians know absolutely NOTHING about the bible and even less about Christianity. The WHOLE concept of original sin and salvation REQUIRES that Adam is an ARCHETYPE!!! That is why ALL men are born in sin and must die. It is the most BASIC principle Christianity.
I'm reading straight from the Bible of Christianity - literally.

You can't cite a single passage in the Bible where it says life begins at conception - can you?

Neither could the Founding Fathers. Its no wonder abortion was legal in most places at the time of our nation's founding.
I don't need to. Nor do Christians. That is because they define their faith - not you.

So in other words, Christians aren't actually guided by the Bible - they literally just make it up as they go along and only cite the Bible when it supports their argument. That's interesting.

The proof is in the puddin'... so to speak.
That means nothing when the majority of Americans describe themselves as Christian.

Poll: Most Americans Say They're Christian

And yet-----and yet you're not even capable of attempting to explain why 70% of all abortions performed, are performed on self-described Christian women - why is that?

Could it be because of the counseling they get from their fellow parishioners, pastors and church elders?

Poll: 70% Of Women Getting Abortions Are Christian

Nov 26, 2015

Note Fox News chose to not put a question mark on this statement. So it’s not just Godless atheists or other heathens doing this.

The survey, conducted by LifeWay Research, found that 43 percent of the women who had abortions attended a Christian church at least once a month when they chose the legal medical procedure, while 20 percent went once a week, notes The Christian Post.

The poll was sponsored by the Christian pro-life organization Care Net, which runs anti-abortion crisis pregnancy centers that do not offer abortion.

The survey also found that 7 percent of these women talked about their abortion decision with someone at their church, 52 percent claimed no one at church knew, 64 percent feared church members would gossip, and a whopping 76 percent said the church was not influential on their choice to have an abortion.

Yikes! 64% of Christian women fear their fellow church 'friends' will wink, nod and giggle behind the backs of women who are the process of making a difficult decision - hmmm, I wonder why Christian women would think Christian women would gossip about... ________... fill in the blank?
You are assuming all denominations of Christians hold the same beliefs at the same level. Clearly they don't because not all Christian women are against birth control. Gay marriage, Abortion etc...

Try again
Key word being " the man" meaning Adam. Not all men.
Adam in hebrew means "MANKIND."

Your post is absolute proof that so called CON$ervative Christians know absolutely NOTHING about the bible and even less about Christianity. The WHOLE concept of original sin and salvation REQUIRES that Adam is an ARCHETYPE!!! That is why ALL men are born in sin and must die. It is the most BASIC principle Christianity.
God created Adam. Then told him to be fruitful and multiply. He didn't tell him to invent chemicals and scissors to abort babies and sever their spines or harvest their brains.

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