Attn: Proud Boyz, lock and load: @realDonald df Trump: “We will soon be learning about the word “courage”, and saving our Country.

Trump will attempt to disrupt democracy for 4 years if he's permitted to get away with it.

The FBI is charged with the responsibility of not allowing that to happen.

Trump will have to be stopped by some legal means? Arrest for treasonous activities?

The big problem with that is that Trump has huge support and is building more support with his claims of being cheated.


Too many Americans are not taking this seriously enough yet.
FBI are a bunch of communist.
Cool. We'll call it, "Proud Boys Charge" (you know, instead of Pickett's Charge).
I hope someone takes pictures. :)
Pickett's Charge was an act of great courage.

libs think standing is a room full of libs, saying something that they know everyone there agrees with, is True Bravery.

Trump will attempt to disrupt democracy for 4 years if he's permitted to get away with it.

The FBI is charged with the responsibility of not allowing that to happen.

Trump will have to be stopped by some legal means? Arrest for treasonous activities?

The big problem with that is that Trump has huge support and is building more support with his claims of being cheated.


Too many Americans are not taking this seriously enough yet.
Wow, you were spot on . Another lying moron that just makes stuff up. Do you work for the Times?
You called me a liar, while admitting that you know I believed what I said.

That is a lie. I would never claim to know what goes on inside a rightwingers’ head. I prefer to stick with facts based reality regarding things that can be honestly and
objectively known and cross checked.

@Correll’s writings show a mind that is deeply estranged from reality.

Take @Correll!s false equivalence comparison between (A) one peaceful 35,000 attendee demonstration in Washington DC that was organized on Twitter by and for the sitting President of the United States who lost his bid for a second term and that was labeled a Stop the Steal Protest to (B) Five and a Half years of protests that evolve as a reaction to what millions have concluded is decades of excessive use of force by a white dominated law enforcement system against persons of color.

(B) is at least 10,000 separate and isolated peaceful demonstrations that have occurred across the entire country whereas some were organized by a national LOOSELY KNIT organization called BLM, and some were not.

We know this about (A): It was tightly knit. It was one thousand out of 35,000 of Trump’s most loyal followers that were in DC that day, including dozens from the Proud Boys militia to violently storm Capitol Hill in an insurrection attempt to flip the 2020 election in Trump’s favor.

There have been a few hundred arrests so far out of that one thousand who tell judges they did it for Trump.

Group A is comprised of a small percentage of the 35,000 Trump supporters that gathered into one square mile of territory and then committed violence on camera and on live TV against the US government. They committed violence against me and against every American that voted in 2020 for Biden and against my grand kids and the next generation of Americans being raised to be good governable citizens.

One thing we can be sure of is that Group A committed violence to favor the sitting president at the time - Donald J Trump. It’s the sole reason they were there. It was to to stop the certification of the election so Trump could serve another four years.

Group B is a barely discernible small percentage of Americans drawing from the entire 200 million of adult bipartisan population who committed violence over 5 1/2 years across hundreds of locations for random unspecified reasons and not on video in all cases and not limited to a confined geographical area.

Group B violence can be attributed to hundreds of causes. Direct anger at police brutality. Promoting anti-government anarchy. Stealing, looting trying to get a free TV or sneakers. Hooliganism in general and being antisocial criminal miscreants. Spontaneous reaction to violent event. Stirring up violence Boogaloo style to promote a future Civil War. White supremacists wanting to crack some black folks heads. Its unlimited.

This is for certain that the small percentage whi committed violence at or near peaceful BLM Protests are not committed at all to the Black Lives Matter cause which includes peaceful demonstrations to bring awareness and to promote change with regard to police brutality.

That is all I can think of for right now but there’s more differences between group A and group B for which the two cannot be compared with any honest analysts as to what’s been going on when Trump was in power.

It is also certainly beyond a shadow of a doubt that any proposition that group A and group B are comparable as equivalent examples of political violence by the right or by the left from which to make an assertion that the Black Lives Matter organization must be held accountable for all political violence that has happened in the past 5 1/2 years.

The past five years violence from both sides is so vast and spread across such a wide area and committed by so many types of people, it is ridiculous and absurd to pin the blame entirely an one organization dedicated to peaceful protest.

In the matter regarding the “cause”
of violence on the left or on the right there is no rational means of comparison of the January 6 STOP THE STEAL violence in DC to any violence coming from the left

That is also because the President of the United States and the vice president and the entire Congress are not directly involved as key players or as victims in any of the violence coming from the left.

@Correll’s false equivalence is therefore a lie and a his false attack on the Black Lives Matter organization as a whole is more than dishonest it is deplorable and shameless white grievance against black folks in general.
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You called me a liar, while admitting that you know I believed what I said.

That is a lie. I would never claim to know what goes on inside a rightwingers’ head. I prefer to stick with facts based reality regarding things that can be honestly and
objectively known and cross checked.

@Correll’s writings show a mind that is deeply estranged from reality.

Take @Correll!s false equivalence comparison between (A) one peaceful 35,000 attendee demonstration in Washington DC that was organized on Twitter by and for the sitting President of the United States who lost his bid for a second term and that was labeled a Stop the Steal Protest to (B) Five and a Half years of protests that evolve as a reaction to what millions have concluded is decades of excessive use of force by a white dominated law enforcement system against persons of color.

(B) is at least 10,000 separate and isolated peaceful demonstrations that have occurred across the entire country whereas some were organized by a national LOOSELY KNIT organization called BLM, and some were not.

We know this about (A): It was tightly knit. It was one thousand out of 35,000 of Trump’s most loyal followers that were in DC that day, including dozens from the Proud Boys militia to violently storm Capitol Hill in an insurrection attempt to flip the 2020 election in Trump’s favor.

There have been a few hundred arrests so far out of that one thousand who tell judges they did it for Trump.

Group A is comprised of a small percentage of the 35,000 Trump supporters that gathered into one square mile of territory and then committed violence on camera and on live TV against the US government. They committed violence against me and against every American that voted in 2020 for Biden and against my grand kids and the next generation of Americans being raised to be good governable citizens.

One thing we can be sure of is that Group A committed violence to favor the sitting president at the time - Donald J Trump. It’s the sole reason they were there. It was to to stop the certification of the election so Trump could serve another four years.

Group B is a barely discernible small percentage of Americans drawing from the entire 200 million of adult bipartisan population who committed violence over 5 1/2 years across hundreds of locations for random unspecified reasons and not on video in all cases and not limited to a confined geographical area.

Group B violence can be attributed to hundreds of causes. Direct anger at police brutality. Promoting anti-government anarchy. Stealing, looting trying to get a free TV or sneakers. Hooliganism in general and being antisocial criminal miscreants. Spontaneous reaction to violent event. Stirring up violence Boogaloo style to promote a future Civil War. White supremacists wanting to crack some black folks heads. Its unlimited.

This is for certain that the small percentage whi committed violence at or near peaceful BLM Protests are not committed at all to the Black Lives Matter cause which includes peaceful demonstrations to bring awareness and to promote change with regard to police brutality.

That is all I can think of for right now but there’s more differences between group A and group B for which the two cannot be compared with any honest analysts as to what’s been going on when Trump was in power.

It is also certainly beyond a shadow of a doubt that any proposition that group A and group B are comparable as equivalent examples of political violence by the right or by the left from which to make an assertion that the Black Lives Matter organization must be held accountable for all political violence that has happened in the past 5 1/2 years.

The past five years violence from both sides is so vast and spread across such a wide area and committed by so many types of people, it is ridiculous and absurd to pin the blame entirely an one organization dedicated to peaceful protest.

In the matter regarding the “cause”
of violence on the left or on the right there is no rational means of comparison of the January 6 STOP THE STEAL violence in DC to any violence coming from the left

That is also because the President of the United States and the vice president and the entire Congress are not directly involved as key players or as victims in any of the violence coming from the left.

@Correll’s false equivalence is therefore a lie and a his false attack on the Black Lives Matter organization as a whole is more than dishonest it is deplorable and shameless white grievance against black folks in general.

Not, what is the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter"?
You called me a liar, while admitting that you know I believed what I said.

Then show me where I admitted that I knew that you believed what you said.

It will clear up your lies, if you can produce it. If you don’t produce it then you are lying. Simple as that. I never admitted that.
You called me a liar, while admitting that you know I believed what I said.

Then show me where I admitted that I knew that you believed what you said.

It will clear up your lies, if you can produce it. If you don’t produce it then you are lying. Simple as that. I never admitted that.

Nope, not going to waste my time digging though our long threads, when all it would lead to would be you throwing a fresh handful against the wall.
Not, what is the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter"?

There is no unstated premise but the one that exists in your head. Black Lives Matter mean that Black Lives Matter. It’s a simple concept. No surprise you can’t understand it and feel a need to alter it..
Not, what is the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter"?

There is no unstated premise but the one that exists in your head. Black Lives Matter mean that Black Lives Matter. It’s a simple concept. No surprise you can’t understand it and feel a need to alter it..

The unstated premise is that that there is a large, significant population of America, if not America as as whole, that needs to be told that, because they do not know it or agree with it.

Would you not agree that is the unstated premise?
Not, what is the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter"?

You’re attacking the BLM organization by lying about it. This is a diversion. That’s what you do when you can’t dispute a single word I said in the post to which you are you replying.
when you know that it is not true?

Another lie. And you have no way of knowing because you haven’t gone back and checked the original statements.

I don’t know it’s not true because I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
Not, what is the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter"?

You’re attacking the BLM organization by lying about it. This is a diversion. That’s what you do when you can’t dispute a single word I said in the post to which you are you replying.

I've disputed every word you've posted. So what you just said was stupid.

I'm happy to dispute your words. But we are going in circles so I thought of a fresh angle to take the discussion.

The purpose is not diversion but to get to the truth.

I know that that will motivate you to increase you efforts at evasion. But, here we go.

Do you not agree that the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter" is that there is a significant portion of the country, if not the country generally speaking, that does not agree with that statement already?
when you know that it is not true?

Another lie. And you have no way of knowing because you haven’t gone back and checked the original statements.

I don’t know it’s not true because I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.

I can remember you saying it, without remembering the exact post number.


Your pretense of not know that is not credible.
I've disputed every word you've posted.

That is another lie. I wrote a lengthy post about your false equivalence pointing out many many many many many differences and reasons why you can’t compare trumps STS demonstration to 10,000 BLM demonstrations..

You replied to that with a diversion about unwritten premises bullcrap.
Do you not agree that the unstated premise of the slogan, "black lives matter" is that there is a significant portion of the country, if not the country generally speaking, that does not agree with that statement already?

Nope. I don’t agree that there is an unstated premises behind the slogan that Black Lives Matter. It doesn’t matter if I agree or not. So proceed with your point.

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