Attorney General Barr: Media waged ‘jihad’ to discredit hydroxychloroquine

Its actually pretty absurd, as hydroxychloroquine is quite safe. Every medicine has possible side effects, but this drug's side effects usually occur with LONG TERM use, and hydroxychloroquine is only taken for a couple of weeks at most for the Chinese Kung Flu.

From John Hopkins that has prescribed this stuff for lupus for a long time:

Damage to the retina, the light sensitive portion of the inner eye, can occur with long-term use of Plaquenil or chloroquine (Aralen). With Plaquenil, however, the most commonly prescribed anti-malarial, this sort of damage occurs only in 1 out of 5,000 people who take the drug for five years or more.
democrats want Americans to die.

democrats think that if Americans die in great enough numbers they can lay the dead at the feet of Donald Trump at election time and defeat him.

If 100,000 dead Americans are what it takes to defeat Donald Trump, it's a price democrats will happily pay. If a million have to die, even better. democrats want, democrats NEED dead Americans.

An effective treatment for Wuhan virus does NOT fit with the democrats political agenda, hence they have their corrupt, lying, yellow journalist media lie about hydroxychloroquine.
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Who cares?

If it works, we will use it
Responsible people are just being cautious before it is hailed as a remedy
Who cares?

If it works, we will use it
Responsible people are just being cautious before it is hailed as a remedy

2 months of use, 90% effective. 5% side effect, less than 1% serious side effects.

But the democrat press lies about it every hour of every day.
Barr is corrupt and is a stooge of Dopey Donald Trump.

He should be arrested and prosecuted for perverting the DOJ.
Barr needs to STFU and do his job which is to put the people from the DOJ who perpetrated the coup against Trump behind bars. I don't give a fuck if he likes pancakes, baseball, eskimos or anything else. Just put those criminals behind bars or we have no justice and if we have no justice we sure as hell don't need a justice dept.
The truth always causes fear in the orange man and red-hatters.

The "truth" is that you're a pile of shit. You Stalinist pigs want Americans to die. Your political agenda depends on Americans dying in vast numbers.
IT IS against the law to advertise a drug without listing or telling the side effects....

NO PERSON, especially someone in great power, who is not a doctor, should be advertising the taking of a drug.... for any reason.....

This should come from a scientist's or doctor's mouth, from one of his Health Agencies.

this pastor jim jones impersonation crap of telling his flock to drink the kool aide in the plastic cups is beyond wrong....
You have evidently mistaken me for Dopey Donald Trump.

The only thing anyone would mistake you for is a turd in a cat box.

You have confirmed that you have mistaken me for Dopey Donald Trump.

Pathetic, even for a moron like you with a sub-50 IQ.

So, you're a scumbag and dumb as a brick. Tell us WHY we should deny life saving treatment to patients who WILL die without it?

Especially given that over the last two months, hydroxychloroquine is 90% effective. Yes it sucks that it doesn't help everyone. But on what medical basis do you putrid Stalinists deny life to the 9 out of 10 it WILL help?

Only one answer, democrats want Americans to die, democrats are a full on terrorist organization working to kill Americans for political gain.

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