Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:
Just what we need, more brainless leftist in charge. A 5 year old isn't mature to form a terrorist thought, much less make a terrorist threat. How do you all feel about being forced to live in a leftist fantasy land?
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:

When Nashville schools adopted a 'zero tolerance' policy, the expelled the young son of the PTA president because he had a key chain that was made like a gun. You read those policies to mean actual weapons. But there are a lot of school teachers and administrators who can't read. So they just do whatever the hell they want to whomever is on their shit list for the day.
Just what we need, more brainless leftist in charge. A 5 year old isn't mature to form a terrorist thought, much less make a terrorist threat. How do you all feel about being forced to live in a leftist fantasy land?

I'm glad my kid are out of school and I worry about my grandson. Neither of my children planned to have children which made me ecstatic because I agree with them that the world is going to hell in a handbasket. Then there was this wonderful little accident! LOL
I'm sure glad the left is going to make sure we have no more Sandy Hooks! How great it is they are getting these kids before they grow up?
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:

liberalism is a sickness.
If I had the technology we have now I would have home schooled my children. I am telling them they should think of that for my future grandchildren
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:

I wonder what would be done if she was saying that in line for a plane? Just pointing out that this is NOT new.
I hope you idiots realize that the "students doing things that are regarded as terroristic" all started in the Bush years after 9/11, because you all were fucking hysterical, and the hysteria exploded into every day life in places it shouldn't have.

It's the same type of reaction and mentality, from back then, that spawned the TSA that you now all bitch about.

Or do you all forget about those countless stories of innocent kids bringing things to school that prior to 9/11 would only require confiscation of the item instead of police involvement? Things like pocket knives, etc.

It wasn't Sandy Hook.
I hope you idiots realize that the "students doing things that are regarded as terroristic" all started in the Bush years after 9/11, because you all were fucking hysterical, and the hysteria exploded into every day life in places it shouldn't have.

It's the same type of reaction and mentality, from back then, that spawned the TSA that you now all bitch about.

Or do you all forget about those countless stories of innocent kids bringing things to school that prior to 9/11 would only require confiscation of the item instead of police involvement? Things like pocket knives, etc.

It wasn't Sandy Hook.

It started long before 2001 and has gotten progressively worse over time, they have been getting police involved in things like simple shoving matches since the 1980's.
Just what we need, more brainless leftist in charge. A 5 year old isn't mature to form a terrorist thought, much less make a terrorist threat. How do you all feel about being forced to live in a leftist fantasy land?

Evidence of this being left driven and not just a retard being a retard?
I hope you idiots realize that the "students doing things that are regarded as terroristic" all started in the Bush years after 9/11, because you all were fucking hysterical, and the hysteria exploded into every day life in places it shouldn't have.

It's the same type of reaction and mentality, from back then, that spawned the TSA that you now all bitch about.

Or do you all forget about those countless stories of innocent kids bringing things to school that prior to 9/11 would only require confiscation of the item instead of police involvement? Things like pocket knives, etc.

It wasn't Sandy Hook.

Nope, my son was born in 84, and he was getting that kind of treatment in school 10 years before 9/11.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.
It's "Prisoner Training" and "Anti-Gun Hysteria Training" for young people.

That is exactly what is happening here. Teach all children to fear anything they want to ban. If anyone resists, which many will because liberal tactics go against human nature, then teach them they will be severely punished if they don't toe the line. That, they understand.

There isn't anything the far left is doing that hasn't been done in other countries. Sadly, the dumbed down education system doesn't help young people understand history. They peddle the same propaganda used in the past because they think they can do the same thing that has ended in disaster countless times, yet have a different outcome this time.
I hope you idiots realize that the "students doing things that are regarded as terroristic" all started in the Bush years after 9/11, because you all were fucking hysterical, and the hysteria exploded into every day life in places it shouldn't have.

It's the same type of reaction and mentality, from back then, that spawned the TSA that you now all bitch about.

Or do you all forget about those countless stories of innocent kids bringing things to school that prior to 9/11 would only require confiscation of the item instead of police involvement? Things like pocket knives, etc.

It wasn't Sandy Hook.

It started long before 2001 and has gotten progressively worse over time, they have been getting police involved in things like simple shoving matches since the 1980's.

It hasn't been a national thing, and a hysteria thing, and a terrorism thing like it has since 9/11.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.
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This sounds like work for the Ministry of Fear, more generally known as Homeland Security. Given public schools' proven returns on taxpayers' investments since 1980 can public schools really be trusted to investigate the facts surrounding a five year old girl's bubble gum shooter?

Still remember laughing out loud hearing the words "Homeland Security" out of the mouth of the inheritor-halfwit, Junebug Bush, for the first time, then thinking that might be the actual tipping point for 'murka, on the basis that a nation with a police department named like a fictional department in a Nazi musical comedy probably doesn't have much of a future.
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Just what we need, more brainless leftist in charge. A 5 year old isn't mature to form a terrorist thought, much less make a terrorist threat. How do you all feel about being forced to live in a leftist fantasy land?

Evidence of this being left driven and not just a retard being a retard?

Oh I don't know, how about the leftist NEA pretty much running the schools for the last 40 years. Ya think that might have a bit to do with it. And don't try to feed me any crap that they are not a leftist organization when they placed Rules for Radicals on their recommended reading list.

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