Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun

My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

I believe my niece is an agnostic, not sure, never discussed it with her. I do know they don't attend any church and never have.

Oh, and you really need to research home schooling, you have no idea what it is.
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:

When Nashville schools adopted a 'zero tolerance' policy, the expelled the young son of the PTA president because he had a key chain that was made like a gun. You read those policies to mean actual weapons. But there are a lot of school teachers and administrators who can't read. So they just do whatever the hell they want to whomever is on their shit list for the day.
I know nothing about the incident in Nashville or Mount Carmel but I do know public school expulsion is rarely based on a single incident but rather a series incident. Usually the student gets a warning. If that doesn't change the behavior parents are informed and the student is disciplined. If there is another incident, particular if it's more serious then the student is likely to be expelled or at least suspended. The media rarely reports the whole story because it makes the story less sensational and that's what news reporting is all about today.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

The more I think about your post here the more I think you must hate Christians, or is it any religion? Yes I know Christians(my next door neighbors) who home-school their kids and they do a damn fine job of it. So far everyone of their kids has been eligible for early start in college with the local public school picking up the tab. That means when they graduate from high-school they already have 2 years of college education. And our high-school, of course, take credit for their graduation. Makes their statistics look better. They also attend the high-school for musical instruction and sports. Every Friday they have other home schooled kids come over for interaction. They are the best behaved kids in the neighborhood. They've adopted two children from China, one of them is taking Irish dance. The other excelled in track and is now going to college. They've all been taking Chinese lessons too. Not only are they the best behaved, but they are the best educated kids in the neighborhood too. At least once a year they take in a visitor from another country, usually Japan or Korea. They grow their own food, harvest it and can it. The kids help with everything. And you seem to hate them because of their religion and their refusal to trust the public schools to educate their children?

When Nashville schools adopted a 'zero tolerance' policy, the expelled the young son of the PTA president because he had a key chain that was made like a gun. You read those policies to mean actual weapons. But there are a lot of school teachers and administrators who can't read. So they just do whatever the hell they want to whomever is on their shit list for the day.
I know nothing about the incident in Nashville or Mount Carmel but I do know public school expulsion is rarely based on a single incident but rather a series incident. Usually the student gets a warning. If that doesn't change the behavior parents are informed and the student is disciplined. If there is another incident, particular if it's more serious then the student is likely to be expelled or at least suspended. The media rarely reports the whole story because it makes the story less sensational and that's what news reporting is all about today.

It may have changed, but there were no warnings with their "zero tolerance" policy. My son was saved from being expelled for "pointing his pencil at the back of another student in a threatening way" only because he was on an IEP, he's special needs.
“Society will develop a new kind of servitude which covers the surface of society with a network of complicated rules, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate. It does not tyrannise but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

― Alexis de Tocqueville
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

The more I think about your post here the more I think you must hate Christians, or is it any religion? Yes I know Christians(my next door neighbors) who home-school their kids and they do a damn fine job of it. So far everyone of their kids has been eligible for early start in college with the local public school picking up the tab. That means when they graduate from high-school they already have 2 years of college education. And our high-school, of course, take credit for their graduation. Makes their statistics look better. They also attend the high-school for musical instruction and sports. Every Friday they have other home schooled kids come over for interaction. They are the best behaved kids in the neighborhood. They've adopted two children from China, one of them is taking Irish dance. The other excelled in track and is now going to college. They've all been taking Chinese lessons too. Not only are they the best behaved, but they are the best educated kids in the neighborhood too. At least once a year they take in a visitor from another country, usually Japan or Korea. They grow their own food, harvest it and can it. The kids help with everything. And you seem to hate them because of their religion and their refusal to trust the public schools to educate their children?

Cow_Boy appears to be Cammmpbell's retarded grandson. The idiot militant atheist gene didn't fall far from the tree, did it?
I send my son to private school. Not a chance in hell I'll allow him to be subjected to those brainless morons running the government sponsored education system.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

They should never use your advice on anything.
Just what we need, more brainless leftist in charge. A 5 year old isn't mature to form a terrorist thought, much less make a terrorist threat. How do you all feel about being forced to live in a leftist fantasy land?

Evidence of this being left driven and not just a retard being a retard?

Oh I don't know, how about the leftist NEA pretty much running the schools for the last 40 years. Ya think that might have a bit to do with it. And don't try to feed me any crap that they are not a leftist organization when they placed Rules for Radicals on their recommended reading list.

So thats a no. Thank you.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

I believe my niece is an agnostic, not sure, never discussed it with her. I do know they don't attend any church and never have.

Oh, and you really need to research home schooling, you have no idea what it is.

I do, you are a moron.
Attorney: Girl, 5, in trouble for chatting about shooting bubble gun |

MOUNT CARMEL - Talking with a friend about a pink toy bubble gun got a five-year-old kindergarten girl in the Mount Carmel Area School District labeled as a terrorist threat, according to an attorney.

The incident occurred Jan. 10 while the girl was waiting in line for a school bus, said Robin Ficker, the Maryland lawyer retained by the girl's family. He would not identify the girl or her parents, but gave this version of events:

Talking with a friend, the girl said something to the effect “I’m going to shoot you and I will shoot myself” in reference to the device that shoots out bubbles. The girl did not have the bubble gun with her and has never shot a real gun in her life, Ficker said.

I think the school system has lost their minds REALLY :mad:

Again we see political correctness gone mad!

Political Correctness is the scourge of our times.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

The more I think about your post here the more I think you must hate Christians, or is it any religion? Yes I know Christians(my next door neighbors) who home-school their kids and they do a damn fine job of it. So far everyone of their kids has been eligible for early start in college with the local public school picking up the tab. That means when they graduate from high-school they already have 2 years of college education. And our high-school, of course, take credit for their graduation. Makes their statistics look better. They also attend the high-school for musical instruction and sports. Every Friday they have other home schooled kids come over for interaction. They are the best behaved kids in the neighborhood. They've adopted two children from China, one of them is taking Irish dance. The other excelled in track and is now going to college. They've all been taking Chinese lessons too. Not only are they the best behaved, but they are the best educated kids in the neighborhood too. At least once a year they take in a visitor from another country, usually Japan or Korea. They grow their own food, harvest it and can it. The kids help with everything. And you seem to hate them because of their religion and their refusal to trust the public schools to educate their children?

Your description of home schooling seems very similar to what we have in AK. I home schooled my daughter and she turned out quite well. She went to HS for JROTC and then came home for her education. I am agnostic, so I really wasn't interested in a Christian indoctrination. After visiting several classes and observing the classroom activity, I decided that my daughter was being cheated out of a decent education because the teacher was more occupied catering to the lowest common denominators in class and the bright kids were pretty much teaching themselves.
You'll hear no argument from me in support of this type of over-reaction. But blaming it on 'the left'? Give me a break.
My niece is now starting to complain about her children's school and are discussing option of private schools. I personally think she should home school her girls, she's certainly smart and educated enough.

To teach her primarily about god and shit... and to indoctrinate them to not believe in any of the "revisionist liberal history" that will certainly not help later in life?

You know, if parents want to school their kids themselves, that's fine... but more often than not it seems to be out of paranoia and defensive actions to "protect" their kids from liberals or anti-religious types or whatever the fuck else.

Misguided is what it is, and their kids often grow up with problems because of it.

I believe my niece is an agnostic, not sure, never discussed it with her. I do know they don't attend any church and never have.

Oh, and you really need to research home schooling, you have no idea what it is.

I have no idea what it is? Are you fucking joking? Home schooling is home schooling... teaching kids outside of the local independent school district at home. Children are still required to be taught according to certain curriculum standards, but that doesn't preclude the parents from stepping in at every opportunity and just glossing over issues or teaching their kids that such and such is wrong.

Believe me bitch, I know what Home Schooling is. And I know the type of "beliefs" that many home schooled children come out of it with.

Three most commonly cited reasons for home schooling by parents

"The three reasons selected by parents of more than two-thirds of students were concern about the school environment, to provide religious or moral instruction, and dissatisfaction with the academic instruction available at other schools. "

So shut up, bitch.
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