Atty General: It should be Stacey Abrams OR Comey


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2020
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
This should be in the Humor forum.
Abrams, because she is far more comical than Comey. At least give us something to work with for the next four years.


Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.

I think Stacy Abrams is a very good choice.

If she is nominated I hope she can get confirmed.
Abrams, because she is far more comical than Comey. At least give us something to work with for the next four years.


Interesting the people you choose to make fun of.

Why not? She has all the right ingredients for hilarity: She's fat, she's black, she's a Democrat, she's a liberal, she's lost every election, she's from some hillbilly state....

The only things that would make her more hilarious would be if she had a clown suit, a little tricycle, and a horn that went "honk honk" when she pedaled around in circles.

But then I might fall out of my chair from too much hilarity, and hurt myself. That wouldn't be a good thing.
Abrams, because she is far more comical than Comey. At least give us something to work with for the next four years.


Interesting the people you choose to make fun of.

Why not? She has all the right ingredients for hilarity: She's fat, she's black, she's a Democrat, she's a liberal, she's lost every election, she's from some hillbilly state....

The only things that would make her more hilarious would be if she had a clown suit, a little tricycle, and a horn that went "honk honk" when she pedaled around in circles.

But then I might fall out of my chair from too much hilarity, and hurt myself. That wouldn't be a good thing.



Trump is fat. Ok not black but orange. And fat.

He lost.

On the other hand...Abrams was instrumental in delivering Georgia to Biden.

Laugh all you want.
Abrams, because she is far more comical than Comey. At least give us something to work with for the next four years.


Interesting the people you choose to make fun of.

Why not? She has all the right ingredients for hilarity: She's fat, she's black, she's a Democrat, she's a liberal, she's lost every election, she's from some hillbilly state....

The only things that would make her more hilarious would be if she had a clown suit, a little tricycle, and a horn that went "honk honk" when she pedaled around in circles.

But then I might fall out of my chair from too much hilarity, and hurt myself. That wouldn't be a good thing.



Trump is fat. Ok not black but orange. And fat.

He lost.

On the other hand...Abrams was instrumental in delivering Georgia to Biden.

Laugh all you want.

Trump is hefty, Abrams is morbidly obese.

He beat the "smartest woman in the world" and 12 of the best Republicans the GOP had to offer. That sounds like winni9ng to me.

The only thing Abrams delivered were probably boxes and boxes of fraudulent ballots.

I already have more than enough to laugh about the next four years, but I'll add her to the list.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Mitch McConnell, the Apex Predator, does not suffer such fools lightly.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Stacey Abrams should be groomed alright. To be a plow horse. She's big enough.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Stacey Abrams should be groomed alright. To be a plow horse. She's big enough.

Unfortunately, she'd also eat up all the profits. She's more fit to be a sow in the pig sty.


Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Sally Yates
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Were you dropped on your head repeatedly as a child?
How does a person come up with these 2 when thinking of who should be attorney general? And not only did these names occur to you, but you thought it was a good idea????
Let me guess, you saw/heard it discussed in some leftist website/talk show, and it sounds good to you.
And people wonder why the government is full of corruption and incompetence.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.

I do like Comey as he cannot be any worse than Barr.
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Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Were you dropped on your head repeatedly as a child?
How does a person come up with these 2 when thinking of who should be attorney general? And not only did these names occur to you, but you thought it was a good idea????
Let me guess, you saw/heard it discussed in some leftist website/talk show, and it sounds good to you.
And people wonder why the government is full of corruption and incompetence.
But, this why the GOP needs to hold the Senate so they can send appointments like this, packing, and why we would be much better served if Romney isn't the critical 51st vote, because he is a back-stabbing untrustworthy bitterly jealous bastard.
Who should Bidens AG be? If he wants someone from DC experience who knows all about Trumps antics and can clean it up, then Comey.

But my pick would be Stacey Abrams. Its almost a blessing in disguise that she was cheated out of the GA governorship bc honestly shes just too big time for local/state office. As AG she brings a diverse and fresh outlook and can get real justice done bc shes not far removed from the real world where this stuff occurs. Maybe really push civil rights prosecution? She’s obviously a future Senator or presidential candidate so this begins to groom her.
Abrams has done nothing in her life so I know you must be a paid dem trolls to even mention this idiotic woman---comey has mental issues----he likes to feel power of framing people for crimes that they never committed which btw started off since atleast his teen years.

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