AU black & queer protesters attack white photographer in public space; Demand cops remove HIM!!??


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
VIDEO: Students endure shoving, verbal taunts for chance to hear Milo speak at AU

One of the more pathetic liberal freak shows I've seen this week. A white guy with a camera in a public space was trying to film a protest full of mostly queers and blacks. They became hostile and even assaulted him as cops just watched.

Did cops swoop in to arrest the guy who assaulted the cameraman?? Nope. Didn't. Can't blame em.

But how did the mob of queers and blacks shown their appreciation for the cops using good discretion and not arresting one of them for the assault??? By screaming at them for not removing the VICTIM!!!

Folks....I'm sad to say it....but this movement is going to lead to mass violence soon.

How pathetic hearing them squeal about why cops won't remove the peaceful cameraman in a public area.

Those people in that protest are hopeless. Our society had decades ahead of dealing with this scum contaminating our workplaces and streets with their bullshit.
We are going into a dark age. Asia will make massive land grabs and we will live on the fringes.

lesson. Never let your women get on top.
VIDEO: Students endure shoving, verbal taunts for chance to hear Milo speak at AU

One of the more pathetic liberal freak shows I've seen this week. A white guy with a camera in a public space was trying to film a protest full of mostly queers and blacks. They became hostile and even assaulted him as cops just watched.

Did cops swoop in to arrest the guy who assaulted the cameraman?? Nope. Didn't. Can't blame em.

But how did the mob of queers and blacks shown their appreciation for the cops using good discretion and not arresting one of them for the assault??? By screaming at them for not removing the VICTIM!!!

Folks....I'm sad to say it....but this movement is going to lead to mass violence soon.

Yes, we must give those students a free college education.
Vote Bernie.
VIDEO: Students endure shoving, verbal taunts for chance to hear Milo speak at AU

One of the more pathetic liberal freak shows I've seen this week. A white guy with a camera in a public space was trying to film a protest full of mostly queers and blacks. They became hostile and even assaulted him as cops just watched.

Did cops swoop in to arrest the guy who assaulted the cameraman?? Nope. Didn't. Can't blame em.

But how did the mob of queers and blacks shown their appreciation for the cops using good discretion and not arresting one of them for the assault??? By screaming at them for not removing the VICTIM!!!

Folks....I'm sad to say it....but this movement is going to lead to mass violence soon.

Yes, we must give those students a free college education.
Vote Bernie.

I went to a local college because of VA benefits but it was sometimes a struggle because I was the only conservative in my class. Of course I voiced my opinion on everything and when I got challenged with threats of violence I would say,"If you want to change my opinion, you'll have to go outside with me to do it." I never had the pleasure of going outside with one of the cowards.
Folks....I'm sad to say it....but this movement is going to lead to mass violence soon.


It already has.













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