Audiences continue to reject Woke tv

The problem is not that people won't or don't accept diversity. The problem is that Hollywood made it punitive towards straight white males.
The problem is not that people won't or don't accept diversity. The problem is that Hollywood made it punitive towards straight white males

True. If you wrote a story or produced a story about a successful man out of some village in India, and made sure that 90% of the casting was any race OTHER than Indian, you'd get attacked for being a racist.

The entire point is, of course, that diversity is not commonly found in the world, and that should be reflected in storytelling.
Youre complaining that a mythical creature is being portrayed by an actor of the wrong color and I'M missing the point?
Fans of the books have a well defined visualization that is accumulated over many hours of reading. Is it wrong to expect the characters on film to reflect those on the page?
Youre complaining that a mythical creature is being portrayed by an actor of the wrong color and I'M missing the point?
Yes. It isn't about the 'mythical' creature. Its about having an agenda shoved down everyone's throat at the expense of art and literature.
Yes. It isn't about the 'mythical' creature. Its about having an agenda shoved down everyone's throat at the expense of art and literature.

No. It's about denying work to actors because you believe only certain ethnicities are allowed to portray mythical creatures ...


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