August 6

I saw this movie Harakiri for the first time last month. I love chambara or Japanese westerns. This movie was long on my list as recommended by other fans which I never got to. Wow. Not an easy film to watch nor forget.

While it is a movie unrelated to the WW II, its creator/director made it to criticize the thinking and hypocrisy of the Japanese elite and military. Set in the beginning of the 17th century, it shows the emerging feudalism and the Bushido or warrior code of honor. However, we see hypocrisy behind it as the film points out how one lordship chose to deal with honor and dishonor. The appearance of honor turns out to be more important than honor itself. Perhaps, this is why the Japanese military gained power and attacked Pearl Harbor when there was no reason to. The US wasn't going to get involved because of the Monroe Doctrine. There isn't a direct connection, but I can't help but think that this type of feudalistic thinking and colonizers rule mentality that led them to their decision.

Wow, you are really off in your own little world.

Have you seen it? It has nothing to do with WW II, but it explains Japanese feudal mentality, the warrior's code and Japanese suicide. Why did the Japanese pilots and soldiers, even regular Japanese citizens (in certain situations) commit suicide and consider it honorable? The only thing comparable in the US is dying trying to rescue someone, i.e. being a good Samaritan. And that's not really suicide.
Since 2001, more than 92,000 foreign-born service members have become citizens while serving in uniform.

Since Bush broke the military by spreading our boys too thin.

Don't blame Obama The MAVNI program began in 2008 and remains a pilot program.

Another thing Bush did on his way out the door as he burned the place down.

Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve

There goes one of my arguments, but I still want the wall built :04:.
Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled
Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled
The LA Times? You believe fake news? LOL
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????

It’s hard to imagine the Japanese as once being war mongers.

They seem so civilized.
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????

What in the wide, wide world of sports are you talking about?
Japan was building the atomic bomb as were we during the war. Thanks to FDR we won the race, and had the means to deliver it. Would Japan have used the bomb on the US if it meant
Japan would win the war?
Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.

Unkotare, don't be bakatare ha ha. We got murder-suicide here and I can explain, i.e. understand, the psychology. I can explain the psychology of the Muslim suicide bomber terrorist. Yet, how do you explain suicide being honorable in Japan? It's been a long tradition and one of the reasons why the military bombed Pearl Harbor. They thought they could win the war in the Pacific using suicide bombers. Kamikaze was a war strategy.
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


"According to Alex Jones...." :lmao: Nothing like credible sources huh.

Was curious why the video said FEMA was "created in 1976" while showing a picture of Jimmy Carter, since the POTUS in 1976 was Gerald Ford. It actually dates from 1979 so some sloppy 'research' here.

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