August 6


73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.
I saw this movie Harakiri for the first time last month. I love chambara or Japanese westerns. This movie was long on my list as recommended by other fans which I never got to. Wow. Not an easy film to watch nor forget.

While it is a movie unrelated to the WW II, its creator/director made it to criticize the thinking and hypocrisy of the Japanese elite and military. Set in the beginning of the 17th century, it shows the emerging feudalism and the Bushido or warrior code of honor. However, we see hypocrisy behind it as the film points out how one lordship chose to deal with honor and dishonor. The appearance of honor turns out to be more important than honor itself. Perhaps, this is why the Japanese military gained power and attacked Pearl Harbor when there was no reason to. The US wasn't going to get involved because of the Monroe Doctrine. There isn't a direct connection, but I can't help but think that this type of feudalistic thinking and colonizers rule mentality that led them to their decision.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

This is the exact mentality and reason that I want the wall built. If we get hit by a dirty bomb brought in by some POS sand n-word terrorist, then there will be no stopping the US peoples retaliating with a nuclear weapon when we find out what country or countries was responsible. The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. The illegals won't fight for us, so may as well kick them out ASAP!
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?
Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.
Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.
I think he’s lost here
Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.

Of course it is. But once AGAIN --- not the point at all. Are you both illiterate?
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities uncontested because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. Our military incinerated cities full of innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.

This is revisionist history. Japan wasn't going to surrender. Who told you that?
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.

Of course it is. But once AGAIN --- not the point at all. Are you both illiterate?

You're the one missing the point here. The US strategy was strategic aerial bombing first to enter the war in their country. Before the atomic bombs, there were plenty of regular bombs dropped on Japan. The atomic bombs weren't to make them surrender, but part of the strategy before entering their country. The Japanese military considered them superbombs, but weren't ready to give up. They didn't think the US had that many of them and they figured correctly. They thought they could withstand more and continue the war. That's why more than one bomb was dropped. That used up the nukes the US had. The Japanese military only surrendered because the Emperor got involved. To understand their mindset, I highly recommend watching Harakiri (sepukku) film. It explains the suicide bombers and everything. It explains the cruelty of the Japanese military.

It wasn't so much nuclear weapons, but you reap what you sow. People thinking nukes will end wars is bullsh*t. It's just part of military strategy.
What argument?

a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
"there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal" ·
reasoning · line of reasoning · logic · case · defense ·
Unkotare Is either unable or unwilling to engage
He has nothing but opinion to back his position. ...

I have FACTS and the words of the political and military leaders of the day themselves.
What argument?

a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
"there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal" ·
reasoning · line of reasoning · logic · case · defense ·
Unkotare Is either unable or unwilling to engage
He has nothing but opinion to back his position. The actual source documents PROVE the Japanese Government never offered to surrender and was forced to by the Emperor.
Unkotare claims to be Irish ....

I claim to be AMERICAN. My ancestors came from Ireland.
I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.

Of course it is. But once AGAIN --- not the point at all. Are you both illiterate?

You're the one missing the point here. The US strategy was strategic aerial bombing first to enter the war in their country. Before the atomic bombs, there were plenty of regular bombs dropped on Japan. The atomic bombs weren't to make them surrender, but part of the strategy before entering their country. The Japanese military considered them superbombs, but weren't ready to give up. They didn't think the US had that many of them and they figured correctly. They thought they could withstand more and continue the war. That's why more than one bomb was dropped. That used up the nukes the US had. The Japanese military only surrendered because the Emperor got involved. To understand their mindset, I highly recommend watching Harakiri (sepukku) film. It explains the suicide bombers and everything. It explains the cruelty of the Japanese military.

It wasn't so much nuclear weapons, but you reap what you sow. People thinking nukes will end wars is bullsh*t. It's just part of military strategy.

I don't GIVE A FLYING FUCK, STUPID. This has *NOTHING* to do with anything I posted about. **YOU** do not tell **ME** what the fuck my own point is.

Go forth and (a) learn the fuck how to READ and (b) concern yourself with posts that are actually addressed to you, before jumping in to embarrass yourself with both illiterate feet.
What argument?

a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong.
"there is a strong argument for submitting a formal appeal" ·
reasoning · line of reasoning · logic · case · defense ·
Unkotare Is either unable or unwilling to engage
He has nothing but opinion to back his position. ...

I have FACTS and the words of the political and military leaders of the day themselves.
And yet the FACTS are that NO ONE RUNNING the Japanese Government ACTUALLY offered to surrender as PROVEN by ACTUAL Government records.
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

I posted nothing about Japan or "Tokyo" or "who should have fucked with who" .

The poster I quoted put forth the proposition that a civilian populace is responsible for the sins of it's nation's military, and thereby deserve to die for those sins.

I challenged that proposition, and for an analogy asked him if it would be OK for me to nuke English people for the sins of their forebears against my ancestral country (which *IS* Ireland).

Nothing in there about "Japan", nothing about "Tokyo" (which isn't even part of the nuke legacy), nothing about "who fucked with whom", nothing about "emperors" or "islands" or any historical event. He laid out a moral responsibility proposition, I challenged it as specious. Then he ran away.

Why the fuck would you want to nuke Ireland?
Didn’t we bomb the shit out of Germany? Women and children died no?

I think you're lost here.

The US bombed the sh*t outta Germany and Italy. They dropped thousands of bombs on railways, harbours, cities, workers' housing and industrial districts in enemy territory. It still is the basic strategy today in entering war.
I think he’s lost here

I don't mean to hurt anyone, but the truth is the US wasn't going to enter the war. They were arguing about it, but weren't going to be the police for the world. Their strategic bombing wasn't any different from the Japanese, Germany or any other nation involved in the war. They bombed the f*ck out of Germany and Italy and then went in. There are still unexploded bombs in those countries. Even when we entered the Iraq versus Saddam, we dropped shock and awe bombs before going in. Today, we have MOAB for conventional bombing and nukes more powerful than that was dropped on Japan. THIS IS INSANE!!! Who wants to even drop MOABs all over the place???!!!???!!! Surely, these weapons are only meant for total annihilation.
I saw this movie Harakiri for the first time last month. I love chambara or Japanese westerns. This movie was long on my list as recommended by other fans which I never got to. Wow. Not an easy film to watch nor forget.

While it is a movie unrelated to the WW II, its creator/director made it to criticize the thinking and hypocrisy of the Japanese elite and military. Set in the beginning of the 17th century, it shows the emerging feudalism and the Bushido or warrior code of honor. However, we see hypocrisy behind it as the film points out how one lordship chose to deal with honor and dishonor. The appearance of honor turns out to be more important than honor itself. Perhaps, this is why the Japanese military gained power and attacked Pearl Harbor when there was no reason to. The US wasn't going to get involved because of the Monroe Doctrine. There isn't a direct connection, but I can't help but think that this type of feudalistic thinking and colonizers rule mentality that led them to their decision.

Wow, you are really off in your own little world.
Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.
I'd rather remember those killed at Pearl Harbor.Japan brought the atomic bomb on themselves

Japan had already been defeated by the time we dropped the bombs. We were fire bombing their cities uncontested because they no longer had an air force to oppose us. Our military incinerated cities full of innocent men, women and children just to test the bombs on a civilian population. It was disgusting. We have no right to criticize anybody.

This is revisionist history. Japan wasn't going to surrender. Who told you that?

Japan told MacArthur that, for one.

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