August 6

Where’s the monument located for what the Japanese did to women and children in China and Korea?

Yes, human life is precious. And people who had no part in the war died that day.

But a nations people must atone for the actions it started.

Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The illegals won't fight for us...!

Many already do.
"...two days prior to Roosevelt's departure for Yalta, the president received a crucial, forty page memorandum from General Douglas MacArthur outlining five separate surrender overtures from highly placed Jap officials offering surrender terms which were virtually identical to the ones eventually dictated by the Allies to the Japanese in August."

Chicago Tribune History

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor


73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

Only a fool would equate the attack on Pearl Harbor and Truman’s criminal act of incinerating women and children.

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

The war with Japan was already over. We did it to test them on a civilian population and show Russia our willingness to use them.
My uncles and dad would say different................especially some of my uncles.............who were waiting for the invasion orders to end the War........

They believed we'd lose a million people taking the island of Japan..............and they were there...........I believe them over you.
The million figure is propaganda made up after Truman was criticized for his war crimes.

Japan was done. Her young fighting men dead. No Air Force and no navy. No food. No oil.

Do you think they were going to kill American troops with pitch forks?
I have a book on Truman that I've yet to read

I hope it's David McCullough's excellent book.

This Pulitzer prize winning book is extremely well researched like all McCullough's work. It puts the use of the bomb in proper context.

McCullough is a great historian who has excellent communication skills.

Yea, it's taht one IIRC.
The subversion of democracy by the military absolves the Japanese people of responsibility for the acts of those who governed. The populace had no say. It is considered immoral, and is codified internationally as illegal, to punish civilians for acts over which they have no control.
The possession of gigantic military power in addition to the overwhelming weight of atomic weapons put America in a position no other country had ever occupied. It could have done great things. Incinerating cities for no gain was not great.
I take exception of trying to make Japan out to be a "Victim" in WWII.

They weren't. They were one of the most guilty players after Nazi Germany.

And they haven't shown all that much remorse. The Germans are STILL apologizing.
True, but the USA likes to think it does not do the heinous things tyrants and dictators do. We Americans want to believe we are better than to mass murder defenseless people, including women and children. History clearly shows our ruling class is just as heinous, if not worse.
True, but the USA likes to think it does not do the heinous things tyrants and dictators do. We Americans want to believe we are better than to mass murder defenseless people, including women and children. History clearly shows our ruling class is just as heinous, if not worse.

Okay, buddy... whatever are you going to do now that Alex Jones can't feed you your daily dose of crazy?
The subversion of democracy by the military absolves the Japanese people of responsibility for the acts of those who governed. The populace had no say. It is considered immoral, and is codified internationally as illegal, to punish civilians for acts over which they have no control.
The possession of gigantic military power in addition to the overwhelming weight of atomic weapons put America in a position no other country had ever occupied. It could have done great things. Incinerating cities for no gain was not great.

I don't necessarily buy that. No government can exist without the tacit support of it's people. The Japanese like the Germans, had no problem with what their leaders were doing when they were winning the war. And Japan's aggression and imperialism started long before Tojo and the military seized power in the 1930's.
The subversion of democracy by the military absolves the Japanese people of responsibility for the acts of those who governed. The populace had no say. It is considered immoral, and is codified internationally as illegal, to punish civilians for acts over which they have no control.
The possession of gigantic military power in addition to the overwhelming weight of atomic weapons put America in a position no other country had ever occupied. It could have done great things. Incinerating cities for no gain was not great.
So true, but most Americans can't accept the truth of that. They want to believe our national leaders are better, when clearly they are not.

The Japanese people had no say in their government. Any Japanese person who opposed the government's war policies before and during WWII, was imprisoned or executed. The people were silenced and as you clearly state, were not responsible for the criminal acts of their leaders.

Truman knew this, but he still choose to mass murder thousands of innocent men, women, and children.

Sad. Very sad.
True, but the USA likes to think it does not do the heinous things tyrants and dictators do. We Americans want to believe we are better than to mass murder defenseless people, including women and children. History clearly shows our ruling class is just as heinous, if not worse.

Okay, buddy... whatever are you going to do now that Alex Jones can't feed you your daily dose of crazy?
LMFAO...Alex goof.

After all the times I have explained my views to you, you claim I get info from Alex Jones. Come on now aren't that dumb.
The subversion of democracy by the military absolves the Japanese people of responsibility for the acts of those who governed. The populace had no say. It is considered immoral, and is codified internationally as illegal, to punish civilians for acts over which they have no control.
The possession of gigantic military power in addition to the overwhelming weight of atomic weapons put America in a position no other country had ever occupied. It could have done great things. Incinerating cities for no gain was not great.

I don't necessarily buy that. No government can exist without the tacit support of it's people. The Japanese like the Germans, had no problem with what their leaders were doing when they were winning the war. And Japan's aggression and imperialism started long before Tojo and the military seized power in the 1930's.

Do you have any understanding of what it is like to live in a tyrannical society? Clearly you don't.
The subversion of democracy by the military absolves the Japanese people of responsibility for the acts of those who governed. The populace had no say. It is considered immoral, and is codified internationally as illegal, to punish civilians for acts over which they have no control.
The possession of gigantic military power in addition to the overwhelming weight of atomic weapons put America in a position no other country had ever occupied. It could have done great things. Incinerating cities for no gain was not great.

I don't necessarily buy that. No government can exist without the tacit support of it's people. The Japanese like the Germans, had no problem with what their leaders were doing when they were winning the war. And Japan's aggression and imperialism started long before Tojo and the military seized power in the 1930's.
And at any rate Little Joe even if the people had a say, does that warrant the US leadership mass murdering women and children?

Think Little Joe. THINK! Don't emote or promote statist propaganda you learned in 3rd grade. Think!

73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor


73 years have passed since the first use of an atomic weapon in war. Most of the 150,000 victims were civilians. Women, children, the elderly. The effects of this new weapon on real people shocked the conscience of the world, and its use at that time is still debated to this day.

Regardless of one's position on Truman's decision, it is fitting to take a moment to remember so many lives taken and the horror of war in general. There is a reason the monument to the event in the city is called the Peace Park.

Perhaps one moment in history we will never repeat.
Same for the attack on Pearl Harbor
I don't believe that is the Point of the OP.................not sure........

I believe it is a point about Nuclear Weapons in General.

No one gives Japan a pass for attacking us.........and I'd go as far to say the Atom Bomb actually saved lives because it shortened the war.

But Nukes are dangerous to mankind...........and I hope mankind can keep a lid on them............

Only a fool would equate the attack on Pearl Harbor and Truman’s criminal act of incinerating women and children.

Not trying to equate.

Did you see that black guy push that older white man on the ground? Do you approve of the guy shooting the black man who shoved him to the ground? Oh you do? That's interesting. Because the white guys reaction to being shoved on the ground was not EQUATE to what the black guy did. The black guy pushed him to the ground and the white guy murdered him. And he got off because of Republican stand your ground laws.

So don't cry to me about equate. Fuck the Japs who sneak attacked us and killed American men and women at Pearl Harbor. I don't give a crap about asian babies and women when their country murders American humans.

They will never get their lives back. The people who died at Pearl Harbor. We should have annihilated the entire country of Japan so to make sure they and no one else ever fucking bombed us again.

Oh and guess what? Except for 9-11, we haven't been attacked again. Maybe we should have nuked Afganistan.
Really. You don't know the difference between a nation's military and its populace?

Better get that looked at.

Say, can I nuke England for what they did to my ancestral country? Same thing.
No we didn’t bomb Tokyo we bombed a few islands. Bomb Ireland

Non sequitur, in so many ways....
Ok then, Japan wouldn’t have cared had we nuked a military installation. There was no one group of military japs that we could have taken out that would have moved the emperor. To the japs he was a god. How do you deal with a cult? You bomb two of their islands.

They shouldn’t have fucked with us.

...The illegals won't fight for us...!

Many already do.
Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve

A small number of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. will have an opportunity to join the military for the first time in decades under a new Department of Defense policy unveiled Thursday.

The new rules will expand an existing program allowing recruiters to target foreign nationals with high-demand skills, mostly rare foreign language expertise or specialized health care training.

For the first time, the program — known as Military Accessions in the National Interest, or MAVNI — will be open to immigrants without a proper visa if they came to the U.S. with their parents before age 16. More specifically, they must be approved under a 2012 Obama administration policy known as Deferred Action for Child Arrivals, or DACA.

Is Trump still allowing this?
Those targeted by recruiters under the MAVNI program likely will be immigrants with language skills critical to national security, such as Arabic, Chinese, Pashto or Persian.
Since 2001, more than 92,000 foreign-born service members have become citizens while serving in uniform.

Since Bush broke the military by spreading our boys too thin.

Don't blame Obama The MAVNI program began in 2008 and remains a pilot program.

Another thing Bush did on his way out the door as he burned the place down.

Military to allow undocumented immigrants to serve

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