August 6

...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite
...The concentration camps are still there and ready to be filled. ...

No, they aren’t.

And you claim I'm off in my own little world.

You are.

Japanese American internment: Manzanar dismantled

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


"According to Alex Jones...." :lmao: Nothing like credible sources huh.

Was curious why the video said FEMA was "created in 1976" while showing a picture of Jimmy Carter, since the POTUS in 1976 was Gerald Ford. It actually dates from 1979 so some sloppy 'research' here.

I'd trust Alex Jones thinking over Pogo's. FEMA created in 1979 by EO of second worst POTUS off all time Jimmy Carter. And under Dept of Homeland Security since 2003 which just so happens to deal with terrorism.

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. .....

Evidently not.

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were born, let alone being in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of today's WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

ETA: Again, I recommend people interested in WW II history and war with Japan and the war in the Pacific to watch Harakiri (1962). It's created and directed by a Japanese director named Masaki Kobayashi of Kwaidan, Human Condition and Ghost Stories fame (still haven't seen the latter two of his movies, but plan to). This movie is set in the 17th century feudal Japan with samurais in the post-feudal era. While it has nothing to do with WW II, it explains the thinking that led to WW II and how regular Japanese were forced into military service. It explains the most "honorable" thinking of the Japanese which the creator/director Kobayashi was against. Maybe he despised it. While I do not agree with his pacificism, it's still very interesting to see his views on what happened.
Last edited:

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of the WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

Maybe Nantucket once in a while, but my working class Irish immigrant ancestors couldn’t afford even that most of the time.

If you want to talk about History, go study some and steer clear of conspiracy nonsense.

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were born, let alone being in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of today's WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

My disparaging comments about hypocrisy were directed at unkotare.

I was just making a point. Unkotare is ok what we are doing to South Americans seeking asylum but would not be ok if we did the same thing to American Muslims or Japanese Americans

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


"According to Alex Jones...." :lmao: Nothing like credible sources huh.

Was curious why the video said FEMA was "created in 1976" while showing a picture of Jimmy Carter, since the POTUS in 1976 was Gerald Ford. It actually dates from 1979 so some sloppy 'research' here.

I'd trust Alex Jones thinking over Pogo's.

Of course you would. Goes with your illiteracy.

FEMA created in 1979 by EO of second worst POTUS off all time Jimmy Carter. And under Dept of Homeland Security since 2003 which just so happens to deal with terrorism.

Actually revamped rather than "created", out of the already-existing Office of Emergency Preparedness (OEP) which ultimately grew from the Civil Defense Administration (1950). The Carter administration retooled it more to address civil defense planning and less to be a secret tree house where the gummint could go hide when the booga-booga Commies came.

Jimmy Carter... Jimmy Carter.... ah yes, the only POTUS since Herbert Hoover who never went to war.
I know, what a loser, right?

Look dood, I gave your video a quick run-through and found glaring flaws and I said so. If you can't handle it don't post shoddily-researched videos.

Nice theme too, "stuff they don't want you to know". Kevin Trudeau's gonna sue. :lol:

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. .....

Evidently not.

That's just your ignorant assertion.
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????

What in the wide, wide world of sports are you talking about?
What is your purpose here? That was 1945 and you want to create Hate here..............
One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.

And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of the WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

Maybe Nantucket once in a while, but my working class Irish immigrant ancestors couldn’t afford even that most of the time.

If you want to talk about History, go study some and steer clear of conspiracy nonsense.

It's part conspiracy because it can't be proven. However, we know that the Feds will not give the states money through FEMA unless they have places, i.e. camps, to hold terrorists. They can build fences and barbed wire in a day with the gun towers. And aren't there still some of the Japanese camps still around? I thought they placed the illegal children in one of them. Also, the article said that some of the buildings at Manzanar were relocated.

It's interesting you mention history, but I'm not sure what you learned from it. Do you not fear nuclear weapons and being attacked on US soil? I know we have WMDs, so fear greatly using it against another country. Thus, it's imperative that we do not let the enemy start a war on American soil. History shows that led to the most egregious counter strikes. You haven't even explained how Japanese wouldn't surrender and how they became kamikazes.
This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.
And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of the WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

Maybe Nantucket once in a while, but my working class Irish immigrant ancestors couldn’t afford even that most of the time.

If you want to talk about History, go study some and steer clear of conspiracy nonsense.

It's part conspiracy because it can't be proven...

Then STFU about it and stick to reality.

One camp dismantled, but hundreds remain and more can be set up in a moments notice. Just admit you live in naivete.

List of concentration and internment camps - Wikipedia

It's operated through FEMA. I usually don't believe in conspiracy theories, but this one isn't that far off from US history.


This is the History forum. Take your little kiddie nonsense somewhere else.

Except I learn from studying US history. .....

Evidently not.

That's just your ignorant assertion.

It’s an informed opinion based on your shallow comments.
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????

What in the wide, wide world of sports are you talking about?
What is your purpose here? That was 1945 and you want to create Hate here..............

Why are you in the history forum if discussing history upsets you so?
Except I learn from studying US history. While you keep making mistakes as your history is off as in wacko.
And besides, the winners write the history. So the story goes they weren’t going to stop unless we dropped two bombs. And dropping those bombs saved American lives.

Even unkotare admits American lives are more valuable and precious than people in other countries. For example he’s ok that trump put South Americans in similar camps and trump went one further. He separated children from parents.

Talk about a hypocrite

Let's stick to the subject as this is history and not politics, so strike President Trump and separation of illegal children from their illegal parents.

And where did I say America lives were more valuable and precious than people in other countries? Didn't I support remembering the citizens of Nagasaki and Hiroshima on Aug 6? In times of war, we all become nationalistic, so your argument goes down the tubes.

I doubt most of us were in the US unless you were. What do others think who were there when the US dropped the bombs? My initial reaction to any nuclear explosion is one of horror. Any type of nuke attack on our soil will call for a counter nuclear strike. That is unimaginable and would not be able to be stopped. Thus, the best thing is to not start it and take measures to prevent it.

Now, getting to the good stuff, where did I support the idea of dropping a superbomb mean that the enemy will surrender? I mentioned the shock and awe bombings of Iraq and we knew that it wasn't going to be enough. One has to put boots on the ground and fight the war with troops. Isn't this what I mentioned in regards to WW II in Germany, Italy and Japan? The bombings were not designed to make the enemy surrender unless it destroyed most or all of their country. I'm sure some of the WMD are capable of total annihilation. However, the conventional bombs and nukes weren't designed to do that.

"Following these events, Emperor Hirohito intervened and ordered the Supreme Council for the Direction of the War to accept the terms the Allies had set down in the Potsdam Declaration for ending the war. After several more days of behind-the-scenes negotiations and a failed coup d'état, Emperor Hirohito gave a recorded radio address across the Empire on August 15. In the radio address, called the Jewel Voice Broadcast (玉音放送 Gyokuon-hōsō), he announced the surrender of Japan to the Allies."


"however, isolated soldiers and personnel from Japan's far-flung forces throughout Asia and the Pacific refused to surrender for months and years afterwards, some even refusing into the 1970s."

Surrender of Japan - Wikipedia

Maybe Unkotare's relatives were/are still on some island fighting the war ha ha. We had Twilight Zone and other shows about it.

Maybe Nantucket once in a while, but my working class Irish immigrant ancestors couldn’t afford even that most of the time.

If you want to talk about History, go study some and steer clear of conspiracy nonsense.

It's part conspiracy because it can't be proven...

Then STFU about it and stick to reality.

Ha ha. You are one dumb SOB. According to history...

You: Concentration camps are a thing of the past because one camp was dismantled.
Me: Concentration camps are still around and exist all over the US in case a major war breaks out again or an uprising occurs and mass groups of people need to be rounded up and watched. We had evidence of a concentration camp when children of illegal immigrants were separated from their parents. We also have Guantanomo Bay still operating.

Let's see if you can answer the following...

Was there mandatory conscription during that time? What happened to conscientious objectors? What did the Japanese Americans call these young men and why?

The last one is the toughest, but should be a piece of cake for you.
The other stupidity of both Unkotare and Pogo was being against Alex Jones. Alex Jones may think there are conspiracies everywhere, but he's right about concentration camps. They are everywhere and he's against them and I am against them, too. They're illegal and a violation of our Constitution and freedoms. That's part of history, too, but both are blind, deaf and dumb. See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.
Governments do what they are able to do. In that context, a government is capable of anything. Given time, any government does things most of us would call reprehensible. Power corrupts because humans are weak. They believe too much in things that are ephemeral, base and degrading to the human spirit. So, we have exterminations and other horrors. All we can do is try to instigate people to think and reason clearly. If a sufficient majority is conscious, the vicious minority may be controlled.
Japan was building the atomic bomb as were we during the war. Thanks to FDR we won the race, and had the means to deliver it. Would Japan have used the bomb on the US if it meant
Japan would win the war?

The Japanese did not have a nuclear program. Our program was created because we thought the Germans were developing the bomb. Turns out they weren't. Since most of the theory was by Jews, Hitler rejected it.

The reality is, we probably didn't need to use it, the Japanese were already looking for a way to surrender.

Let's look at the sequence of events.

We issue our terms for surrender. The Japanese agree to most of them and want to retain the Emperor.

We drop the bomb, and the USSR enters the Pacific War, breaking their non-aggression pact with Japan. As Japan was not really ready for a new front, the Russians pretty quickly start rolling up their forces in Manchuria and Korea.

Now, here's the thing, the last thing Japan wanted was to be partitioned like Germany. And the US didn't want that either. So suddenly we became all cool with Hirohito (a War Criminal as bad as any other) keeping his job.
The other stupidity of both Unkotare and Pogo was being against Alex Jones. Alex Jones may think there are conspiracies everywhere, but he's right about concentration camps. They are everywhere and he's against them and I am against them, too. They're illegal and a violation of our Constitution and freedoms. That's part of history, too, but both are blind, deaf and dumb. See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.

the only concentration camps are the ones we are keeping Mexicans in, and Crazy Racist Alex is cool with those.
For what purpose does the OP have to breed hate of a war already paid in blood??

I would remind the op we are still allies.....

Serves no purpose to open old wounds....Is the op
Trying to wedge relations between our countries and if so for what purpose???????

What in the wide, wide world of sports are you talking about?
What is your purpose here? That was 1945 and you want to create Hate here..............

Why are you in the history forum if discussing history upsets you so?
Doesn't upset me. It appears to upset you, and you refuse to answer the question.

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