August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
The numbers continue to pile up against Donald the Red.

There is no where to hide from the truth.

If Clinton lose VA, PA, OH, she can have still about a 20 point victory margin.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.5 40.5 Clinton +7.0

Favorability Ratings -10.1 -27.0 Clinton +16.9
Betting Odds 75,0 25.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 8.4 4.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 246 154 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 346 192

Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.3 41.3 Clinton +8.0
Michigan 41.8 35.2 Clinton +6.6
Ohio 42.6 41.8 Clinton +0.8
Florida 44.7 42.0 Clinton +2.7
Iowa 41.3 40.8 Clinton +0.5
Wisconsin 44.3 38.7 Clinton +5.6
North Carolina 44.0 43.5
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

Marist over sampled Democrats by 12 % Fox by 6%.

Means the polls are bullshit.
I agree when they suggest the race is close. If they say hillary up 2 points I assume the real number is 4. Or if they say 10 it's actually 12
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
According to you, td, they have been busted, while in fact, the right wing polling companies are oversampling land lines and online surveys. The numbers I have given a fairly close.
Reuters is out with Trump only three points behind. But unless you take the time to actually go to the PDF and see how they sampled I don't think you can trust anyone's numbers these days.

What pisses me off is these wild swings in the polls really does a disservice to the person ahead. Voters might not show up to vote thinking the person ahead is going to win in a landslide. Or a voter might not donate to a campaign or might change their minds about volunteering.

I'm anti Hillary as can be, but while her supporters are thrilled to see a double digit lead, I see that as a major negative for the campaign. The Marist poll for example gave her a 15 point lead. But they over sampled D's by 12%.

Margin of error territory.
The numbers continue to pile up against Donald the Red.

There is no where to hide from the truth.

If Clinton lose VA, PA, OH, she can have still about a 20 point victory margin.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.5 40.5 Clinton +7.0

Favorability Ratings -10.1 -27.0 Clinton +16.9
Betting Odds 75,0 25.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 8.4 4.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 246 154 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 346 192

Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.3 41.3 Clinton +8.0
Michigan 41.8 35.2 Clinton +6.6
Ohio 42.6 41.8 Clinton +0.8
Florida 44.7 42.0 Clinton +2.7
Iowa 41.3 40.8 Clinton +0.5
Wisconsin 44.3 38.7 Clinton +5.6
North Carolina 44.0 43.5
Hillary is definitely kicking some Trump azz.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
According to you, td, they have been busted, while in fact, the right wing polling companies are oversampling land lines and online surveys. The numbers I have given a fairly close.

My favorite pollster is PPP. They are D founded but I've never seen them pull any shenanigans so I trust them.
I say I have it as Clinton ahead by 5-7%...

But she has a better ground game in the swing states... I think Trump is realising how much work has gone in from the Clinton Team to get to this stage and how mature they developed their network...

Obama is now sharing his booster and donor network as well... This is invaluable and what made Obama so hard to beat... Obama supporters will be big on canvasing and voter drives...

Compared to Trump who is piggy backing on the RNC network sharing resources with senators who are polling above him... Sentors might not ditch the Trump but they won't be singing his praises either...
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.

In all fairness to Jake... He said he see the real threat as a Trump Presidency, which I agree with him... Truth is Trump is the worst candidate for president in living memory...

Jake is voting for Johnson... I disagree with him on that but if nothing else he is consistent in his view...
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.What a joke.
The joke is on the far right. Screw them. They tried to take over the GOP, now they are getting the mainstream's foot up the far right's ass.
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.

In all fairness to Jake... He said he see the real threat as a Trump Presidency, which I agree with him... Truth is Trump is the worst candidate for president in living memory...

Jake is voting for Johnson... I disagree with him on that but if nothing else he is consistent in his view...
All good GOP are voting for Johnson.
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.

In all fairness to Jake... He said he see the real threat as a Trump Presidency, which I agree with him... Truth is Trump is the worst candidate for president in living memory...

Jake is voting for Johnson... I disagree with him on that but if nothing else he is consistent in his view...

I'm not wild about Trump either.

Jake is voting for Hillary, he just can't admit she has his balls.
The numbers continue to pile up against Donald the Red.

There is no where to hide from the truth.

If Clinton lose VA, PA, OH, she can have still about a 20 point victory margin.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.5 40.5 Clinton +7.0

Favorability Ratings -10.1 -27.0 Clinton +16.9
Betting Odds 75,0 25.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 8.4 4.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 246 154 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 346 192

Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.3 41.3 Clinton +8.0
Michigan 41.8 35.2 Clinton +6.6
Ohio 42.6 41.8 Clinton +0.8
Florida 44.7 42.0 Clinton +2.7
Iowa 41.3 40.8 Clinton +0.5
Wisconsin 44.3 38.7 Clinton +5.6
North Carolina 44.0 43.5
even in Georgia ... she's up 4 points there ... Georgia !!! can ya believe it ??? sure we can

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