August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald

Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is scripted robot, who has seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
Are you kidding me? Trumps a good speaker? Only if you are a rabbid fan he is. She's going to destroy him and make him snap. Wait till you see the jabs and how trump reacts.

Please don't be cocky after trumps really bad week. Lol too funny. But I guess we'll wait and see.

You've forgotten what good campaigners the Obama's and Clinton's are.

You don't realize we've heard all trumps arguments and his unfavorable are thru the roof. What planet are you on?

No presidential contender ever didn't get a bump after their convention. That's now referred to as a trump. The opposite of a bump is a trump.

23 point lead among women. Trumps done. You need a miracle
if he's not telling you how great he is, or saying thousands or tens of thousands over and over, or he's trying to convince you of his sacrifice of scanning money from people ...
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Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.

In all fairness to Jake... He said he see the real threat as a Trump Presidency, which I agree with him... Truth is Trump is the worst candidate for president in living memory...

Jake is voting for Johnson... I disagree with him on that but if nothing else he is consistent in his view...
I'm not wild about Trump either. Jake is voting for Hillary, he just can't admit she has his balls.
DD lies as usual, having a real problem understand that real GOP will not vote Trump, and most of those will vote Johnson. NeverRedTrump.
and some hillary
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
HRC will own Red Donald. She will kick his communist-loving ass. He will cry.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is scripted robot, who has seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
Are you kidding me? Trumps a good speaker? Only if you are a rabbid fan he is. She's going to destroy him and make him snap. Wait till you see the jabs and how trump reacts.

Please don't be cocky after trumps really bad week. Lol too funny. But I guess we'll wait and see.

You've forgotten what good campaigners the Obama's and Clinton's are.

You don't realize we've heard all trumps arguments and his unfavorable are thru the roof. What planet are you on?

No presidential contender ever didn't get a bump after their convention. That's now referred to as a trump. The opposite of a bump is a trump.

23 point lead among women. Trumps done. You need a miracle
if he's not telling you how great he is, or saying thousands or tens of thousands over and over, he's trying to convince you of his sacrifice of scanning money from people ...
They think they have something with her short circuit comment.

I have all the confidence with Obama, the dnc and her husband hillary will be ready for whatever things trump says.

People are no longer liking trump. People are now looking at him skeptically. His unfavorables are thru the roof now. 61-67% unfavorable depending on the question. And Hillary's favorables are getting better.

I'll admit I'll be nervous till the election is over but that's a good thing. Get out the vote.

Trumps in Michigan today to talk about tax breaks......for the rich.
Reuters is out with Trump only three points behind. But unless you take the time to actually go to the PDF and see how they sampled I don't think you can trust anyone's numbers these days.

What pisses me off is these wild swings in the polls really does a disservice to the person ahead. Voters might not show up to vote thinking the person ahead is going to win in a landslide. Or a voter might not donate to a campaign or might change their minds about volunteering.

I'm anti Hillary as can be, but while her supporters are thrilled to see a double digit lead, I see that as a major negative for the campaign. The Marist poll for example gave her a 15 point lead. But they over sampled D's by 12%.

Margin of error territory.
whine all you want TD you assured us that Romney was going to win ...time and time again you told us how the polls were wrong, come to find you were wrong ... just like you're wrong here ... you can't stand it when your party of crooks are losing ...
I don't want to get complacent and then people don't vote but things look good for dems and bad for GOP.

I'm not surprised usmb GOP are denying it. They are always intellectually dishonest.
I haven't seen you post before and I find your post intriguing ... although you're not for hillary supporter thats fine with me ... the fact that you're smart enough to see through trumps bull, tell me you're worth talking to in a serious manner... I tend to get a little bizarre, buts thats because what I see from the right posters heres ... so I'll try not to be to sarcastic on you threads ...

Billye Rocks
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Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.What a joke.
The joke is on the far right. Screw them. They tried to take over the GOP, now they are getting the mainstream's foot up the far right's ass.
when the people started see how the republican ran office this last 6 year ...which was work as little as possible ....try and waste tax payers money on the endless benghazi and email hearings and trying to repeal Obama care a zillion times, the people with intellect started to see what these republicans are for and its not them ...
And hillary will have the chance to explain all this when everyone is watching. And how will trump respond? Childishly I'm sure
when you watched him in the primaries he never answered a serious question ... just attack and attack .. I guess the right likes that sort of thing...
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
HRC will own Red Donald. She will kick his communist-loving ass. He will cry.
whats the words he uses??? oh yes she attacked me viciously so I had to call her names
Reuters is out with Trump only three points behind. But unless you take the time to actually go to the PDF and see how they sampled I don't think you can trust anyone's numbers these days.

What pisses me off is these wild swings in the polls really does a disservice to the person ahead. Voters might not show up to vote thinking the person ahead is going to win in a landslide. Or a voter might not donate to a campaign or might change their minds about volunteering.

I'm anti Hillary as can be, but while her supporters are thrilled to see a double digit lead, I see that as a major negative for the campaign. The Marist poll for example gave her a 15 point lead. But they over sampled D's by 12%.

Margin of error territory.
whine all you want TD you assured us that Romney was going to win ...time and time again you told us how the polls were wrong, come to find you were wrong ... just like you're wrong here ... you can't stand it when your party of crooks are losing ...
I don't want to get complacent and then people don't vote but things look good for dems and bad for GOP.

I'm not surprised usmb GOP are denying it. They are always intellectually dishonest.
I haven't seen you post before and I find your post intriguing ... although you're not for hillary supporter thats fine with me ... the fact that you're smart enough to see through trumps bull, tell me you're worth talking to in a serious manner... I tend to get a little bizarre, buts thats because what I see form the right posters heres ... so I'll try not to be to sarcastic on you threads ...

Billye Rocks
Of course I support Hillary.

People say, "I don't want to vote for the lesser of two evils". Of course you do!!! You do if you want less evil in the world.

Take for example gore v bush. If gore won no Iraq war. How many wounded or dead soldiers or their families should have voted for gore?
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.What a joke.
The joke is on the far right. Screw them. They tried to take over the GOP, now they are getting the mainstream's foot up the far right's ass.
when the people started see how the republican ran office this last 6 year ...which was work as little as possible ....try and waste tax payers money on the endless benghazi and email hearings and trying to repeal Obama care a zillion times, the people with intellect started to see what these republicans are for and its not them ...
And hillary will have the chance to explain all this when everyone is watching. And how will trump respond? Childishly I'm sure
when you watched him in the primaries he never answered a serious question ... just attack and attack .. I guess the right likes that sort of thing...
Maybe the GOP rules should have it down to 2 candidates by mid June and then Ted and trump could have debated a couple times but kasich rubio and carson's pride wouldn't let them drop out. Probably because Cruz was unacceptable too
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

and thats your opinion, which i don't support ... along with the polling she is started to be seen as truthful not in the land or repub-lie-tard land but in the real word ... when hillary says she didn't send classified documents to her server she believe she was telling the truth... now after the FBI hearing we found out that the emails that were in question were missed marked ... we were told by the state department that when they sent these emails in the beginning they had a classified mark on them before they were sent to hillary they removed that big red classified this is all document in the state department that the FBI didn't know at the time ... what they failed to do was remove the (C) in the subject matter ... after the FBI hearings where over he said to the public she had 3 that they felt were classified and a 1000 more done in the same manner... what they found out after the fact they found out they weren't classified ... so when Hillary said she didn't send classified Emails she really believe she didn't send them ... she wasn't lying ... instead of trying to convince us all here that she didn't lie it was easier for her to say she was sorry she made a mistake and move on ... the fact that you are continually stuck on this she's a crook attitude of yours, it's you showing your bias here and not doing the research in this manner ... go to the state department web site ts all there ...Hillary has never been indicted for anything ...she has never been in court for anything thats was a considered illegal and you call her a crook... yet here is trump being taken to court for fraud and you think that's ok ... hence, heres another one living in the land of disney
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.
or hillary was asked all the easy question like how will you stimulate the economy ... those kind of easy questions ...
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.
or hillary was asked all the easy question like how will you stimulate the economy ... those kind of easy questions ...
This is why I think in 2020 the GOP needs to narrow it down to two by june so they can debate each other. No doubt Cruz vs. Trump would have been much different than trump vs kasich. I think trump would have beat them still but I would have loved for kasich jeb Cruz or rubio to use the same old right wing talking points on Donald and have him call bullshit.

Trump is my hero for what he did to the gop. Now he must be defeated
Trump has been a necessary filter for the GOP to force the far right phucs into the open. They will be flushed down the drain after the election.
The younger an more educated don't use land lines , land lines are used primarily by the older and uneducated and polls don't call cells unless someone is on their list , so some data is skewed to short hands making it look like a horse race
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Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.

Maybe, if the DNC rigs it as they did with the election of Hillary Clinton, also revealing media favoritism.
The far right denial machine begins the "election is rigged" mantra.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

I can't wait for that either.

Hillary has produced scandal after scandal. Against Trump the best argument seems to be that "he is a racist", a completely unfunded assertion based on hard left nonsense. Then you can also observe that Trump is amazing spontaneous speaker, while Hillary is a scripted robot, who suffers from seizures. She will get completely destroyed in debates, I doubt she will even participate.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.

Maybe, if the DNC rigs it as they did with the election of Hillary Clinton, also revealing media favoritism.
See! It's already rigged. What a man child con man trump is.

Trump voters are anarchists

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