August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald

Yes the election was rigged by the DNC. The democratic party sure supports transparent democracy as much as Hillary is a devout Truth supporter.

No, the DNC Primaries weren't rigged. The DNC played dirty, but they didn't break their rules. Part of running for the party nomination is understanding the Party controls the nomination process. If you don't like it, run third party and GTFO.

It's not our fault the GOP turned out to be spineless whimps that let Trump take over the party. The ground rules for the GOP could have saved them from the disaster that is the Trump candidacy but they did not do it.

Yeah, running the unfavored candidate to ground is just the usual democratic process for the party. The rules should be used actively to obstruct the democratic process!

You sure don't seem to care much about democracy to be a democrat. Oh well, the regressives are in control...
Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy
wikileaks didn't prove anything ... what it did do is suck the stupid people in like you...
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides
She's definitely taking a look at you right now. What a lunatic she is.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.

Maybe, if the DNC rigs it as they did with the election of Hillary Clinton, also revealing media favoritism.
the DNC didn't rig anything ... this email controversy that you're relying on is nothing more then people emailing each other ... the fact that you perceive it as the DNC rigging the election is hysterical ... the people in the primary make the votes ... that don't read emails from the DNC that is sent to each other ... the fact that you don't realize how this makes you look like a fool ...

Nothing more than people Emailing each other?

Is that what you think of Hillary's Email scandal too?

What fool!
I've posted what i think about hillary's email scandal ... the fool is you... anyone who is stupid enough to think the DNC email means anything is the bigger fool ... anyone that believes hillary lie about her email is and idiot ... you fit both of those categories ...
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides

Yes I usually just scroll right by posts from that person. However I just couldn't resist reminding it that conservatives were saying the same thing 4 years ago.
and heres another one living in the land of disney ...

Disney? I think some of the leftists here practically live on Disney. That's certainly how dumb their utopian bullshit is. Americans won't buy Hillary lies anymore. She has lied too much, become too crooked...

The debates will be a joy to watch. All the lies exposed...

Prediction. After the debates you'll claim they were rigged.

Maybe, if the DNC rigs it as they did with the election of Hillary Clinton, also revealing media favoritism.
the DNC didn't rig anything ... this email controversy that you're relying on is nothing more then people emailing each other ... the fact that you perceive it as the DNC rigging the election is hysterical ... the people in the primary make the votes ... that don't read emails from the DNC that is sent to each other ... the fact that you don't realize how this makes you look like a fool ...

Nothing more than people Emailing each other?

Is that what you think of Hillary's Email scandal too?

What fool!
heres what I responded to your post on post #52 this is reality something you can't deal with ...

and thats your opinion, which i don't support ... along with the polling she is started to be seen as truthful not in the land or repub-lie-tard land but in the real word ... when hillary says she didn't send classified documents to her server she believe she was telling the truth... now after the FBI hearing we found out that the emails that were in question were missed marked ... we were told by the state department that when they sent these emails in the beginning they had a classified mark on them before they were sent to hillary... they removed that big red classified, this is all document in the state department ... that the FBI didn't know at the time ... what they failed to do was remove the (C) in the subject matter ... after the FBI hearings where over he said to the public she had 3 that they felt were classified and a 1000 more done in the same manner... what they found out after the fact they found out they weren't classified ... so when Hillary said she didn't send classified Emails she really believe she didn't send them ... she wasn't lying ... instead of trying to convince us all here that she didn't lie it was easier for her to say she was sorry she made a mistake and move on ... the fact that you are continually stuck on this she's a crook attitude of yours, it's you showing your bias here and not doing the research in this matter ... go to the state department web site its all there ...Hillary has never been indicted for anything ...she has never been in court for anything thats was considered illegal and you call her a crook... yet here is trump being taken to court for fraud and you think that's ok ... hence, heres another one living in the land of disney
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides

Yes I usually just scroll right by posts from that person. However I just couldn't resist reminding it that conservatives were saying the same thing 4 years ago.
this is true ...
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides
She's definitely taking a look at you right now. What a lunatic she is.
i hate to tell you how many time i made a fool of her ...
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides

Yes I usually just scroll right by posts from that person. However I just couldn't resist reminding it that conservatives were saying the same thing 4 years ago.

And now it has switched. It makes me wonder if anyone really has any sincerity in what they believe or they just believe anything necessary in order to get their people into power. It is a sick mental dissorder that the left has but it is what it is.
That is because you have the never trumpers who are just being belligerent. A lot decided to move over to the Hillary side just because they are pissed off that their side didn't win. What goes around comes around so in 2020 I decided to vote democrat just to piss them off.
Not to worry we will have a real Republican in 2020 to vote for.
Our GOP is going to get beaten like a rug because it lied like a rug, and all of that is coming home now.

Jake less than 1% of all usmb posters believe you're a Republican, and those that do can be discounted as Starkey Sock accounts
You are wrong, of course, because you are a far right homer and not a real Republican. I have never had a sock. Never needed one because I have always kicked far right butt hard, harder than they can kick mine combined.

I told you this day would come if the Party nominated someone like your hero.

Real Republicans are guaranteeing Comrade Trump will be badly, very badly, defeated.
Jake earns an unprecedented 6 Pinocchios
Yes the election was rigged by the DNC. The democratic party sure supports transparent democracy as much as Hillary is a devout Truth supporter.

No, the DNC Primaries weren't rigged. The DNC played dirty, but they didn't break their rules. Part of running for the party nomination is understanding the Party controls the nomination process. If you don't like it, run third party and GTFO.

It's not our fault the GOP turned out to be spineless whimps that let Trump take over the party. The ground rules for the GOP could have saved them from the disaster that is the Trump candidacy but they did not do it.

Yeah, running the unfavored candidate to ground is just the usual democratic process for the party. The rules should be used actively to obstruct the democratic process!

You sure don't seem to care much about democracy to be a democrat. Oh well, the regressives are in control...
Wikileaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy
You are remarkably naive. Look, you want to run as a "Party" candidate, guess what, you have to win over the party. That includes far more than voters. It includes the party machinery, officials, committees, donors, local officials, etc. You want to play their game, you get to play by their rules.

And by the way, that's a good thing. It means that a demagogue would have a hard time becoming an actual Democratic Party candidate. Right now, the GOP wishes it has as much control over it's nomination process as the Democrats had over theirs.

If you don't like that, run third party and run a true grassroots movement. Start early enough and it isn't even that tough to get on enough states to really put up a fight.

But if you want to play with someone else's toys, you have to play by their rules. Don't like that? Get your own toys.
That is because you have the never trumpers who are just being belligerent. A lot decided to move over to the Hillary side just because they are pissed off that their side didn't win. What goes around comes around so in 2020 I decided to vote democrat just to piss them off.
Not to worry we will have a real Republican in 2020 to vote for.
I hate to say it, but you're wrong there Jake. Kasich is too old and didn't do well enough in this run. Rubio is too young and needs time to live down the beating he took at Christie's and Trump's hands. I strongly suspect that Walker is the nominee in 2020 with Cruz as the closest runner up.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.

The same thing was said in 2012.

How did that work out for you?
its tinydancer she's notorious for being full of shit ... she will tell you how intelligent she is, then after you get yourself off the floor from laughing ... you eviscerat her she runs and hides

Yes I usually just scroll right by posts from that person. However I just couldn't resist reminding it that conservatives were saying the same thing 4 years ago.

And now it has switched. It makes me wonder if anyone really has any sincerity in what they believe or they just believe anything necessary in order to get their people into power. It is a sick mental dissorder that the left has but it is what it is.
what is a mental disorder is people like you who will support any thing from the right ... no matter how bad they are ... at least we know what Hillary is about ...what she supports .... what she will try to do for the people... she has had a history for trying to get her agenda passed ... that's more then I can say for any republican in office...
That is because you have the never trumpers who are just being belligerent. A lot decided to move over to the Hillary side just because they are pissed off that their side didn't win. What goes around comes around so in 2020 I decided to vote democrat just to piss them off.
Not to worry we will have a real Republican in 2020 to vote for.
I hate to say it, but you're wrong there Jake. Kasich is too old and didn't do well enough in this run. Rubio is too young and needs time to live down the beating he took at Christie's and Trump's hands. I strongly suspect that Walker is the nominee in 2020 with Cruz as the closest runner up.
walker will get his head handed to him in his next election ... so will Cristy I don't think we will see any more of ted cruz
The numbers continue to pile up against Donald the Red.

There is no where to hide from the truth.

If Clinton lose VA, PA, OH, she can have still about a 20 point victory margin.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.5 40.5 Clinton +7.0

Favorability Ratings -10.1 -27.0 Clinton +16.9
Betting Odds 75,0 25.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 8.4 4.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 246 154 Clinton +92
No Toss Up States 346 192

Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.3 41.3 Clinton +8.0
Michigan 41.8 35.2 Clinton +6.6
Ohio 42.6 41.8 Clinton +0.8
Florida 44.7 42.0 Clinton +2.7
Iowa 41.3 40.8 Clinton +0.5
Wisconsin 44.3 38.7 Clinton +5.6
North Carolina 44.0 43.5

+7.2 RCP Avg as of this morning

87,5% probability of winning

and for the dumb donald wingers:

"We’ve reached that stage of the campaign. The back-to-school commercials are on the air, and the “unskewing” of polls has begun — the quadrennial exercise in which partisans simply adjust the polls to get results more to their liking, usually with a thin sheen of math-y words to make it all sound like rigorous analysis instead of magical thinking.

If any of this sounds familiar — and if I sound a little exasperated — it’s probably because we went through this four years ago. Remember (The website is defunct, but you can view an archived picture of it here.) The main contention of that site and others like it was that the polls had too many Democratic respondents in their samples. Dean Chambers, who ran the site, regularly wrote that the polls were vastly undercounting independents and should have used a higher proportion of Republicans in their samples. But in the end, the polls underestimatedPresident Obama’s margin.

Now the unskewers are back, again insisting that pollsters are “using” more Democrats than they should, and that the percentage of Democrats and Republicans should be equal, or that there should be more Republicans. They point to surveys like the recent one from ABC News and The Washington Post, in which 33 percent of registered voters identified as Democrats compared to 27 percent as Republicans. That poll found Hillary Clinton ahead by 8 percentage points.

But let’s say this plainly: The polls are not “skewed.” They weren’t in 2012, and they aren’t now."\

The Polls Aren’t Skewed: Trump Really Is Losing Badly
That is because you have the never trumpers who are just being belligerent. A lot decided to move over to the Hillary side just because they are pissed off that their side didn't win. What goes around comes around so in 2020 I decided to vote democrat just to piss them off.
Not to worry we will have a real Republican in 2020 to vote for.
I hate to say it, but you're wrong there Jake. Kasich is too old and didn't do well enough in this run. Rubio is too young and needs time to live down the beating he took at Christie's and Trump's hands. I strongly suspect that Walker is the nominee in 2020 with Cruz as the closest runner up.
walker will get his head handed to him in his next election ... so will Cristy I don't think we will see any more of ted cruz

christie isn't running again. he's term limited.

kasich absolutely would have won.

walker won't get any support because he wussed out this time around and dropped out after about a minute.
That is because you have the never trumpers who are just being belligerent. A lot decided to move over to the Hillary side just because they are pissed off that their side didn't win. What goes around comes around so in 2020 I decided to vote democrat just to piss them off.
Not to worry we will have a real Republican in 2020 to vote for.
I hate to say it, but you're wrong there Jake. Kasich is too old and didn't do well enough in this run. Rubio is too young and needs time to live down the beating he took at Christie's and Trump's hands. I strongly suspect that Walker is the nominee in 2020 with Cruz as the closest runner up.
Nope, Dr., I am not. Kasich is old enough and wise enough to understand he needs to capture the populist strain in the party in a most intelligent way. He has the smarts to do it; let's see if he has the emotional capacity as well.
Why do Liberals continue to project upon Trump?

'Comrade'? Really

Barak Obama was, admittedly, tutored by famous US Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alynski - even quoted him during his inauguration speech, was mentored for decades by a Black Liberation theologist racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor', was best buds with a US domestic terrorist who killed cops and bombed his own country, has helped / funded / facilitated / financed / armed / trained / protected / and even dragged the nation into the middle of 2 Unsanctioned wars to help terrorists defeat dictators, not to mention arming and aiding illegals, human traffickers, Mexican Drug cartels, and terrorists - who with the help of his visa came into the country and killed 12 Americans in California.

Hillary has taken BILLIONS from nations that support and fund terrorism, that oppress / physically mutilate / murder women...for things like BEING raped, that murders homosexuals, has sold 1/5th of the US Uranium supply, virtually INVITED Russia into the Middle East and Europe (look how that turned out), got 4 Americans needlessly killed, jeopardized our national security, got an Iranian scientist who was paying for the US murdered, and has financially benefitted from her connections with nefarious persons / nations that are NOT our friends.

Then there is the hacked DNC e-mails that revealed they are a bunch of lying, anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian homophobes who plot, plan, man, and instigate violence upon their opposition.

Let's not forget the constant stream of references to Hitler they throw out when no one else is talking about it, an overflow from their packed mental closets that are stuffed with memories of their master-race 'White Lives Matter' KKK days. Despite the Democrats creating and running this, until LBJ came up with a plan to replace them, Libs love to project that one...despite libs showing up at Trump rallies wearing sheets or dressed as Nazis while handing out Nazi propaganda.

So if you want to attack Trump on the issues - something VALID, something NOT childish, then PLEASE do so, but can we at least GROW THE FRICK UP AND STOP WIT HTHE INFANTILE INFERENCES AND NAME CALLING.

If you don't likes economic, immigration, foreign, etc policies then just say it and argue that rather than childishly infer he is somehow a Nazi or a communist, or whatever!

I don't know which is worse - the name calling or false projected inferences from ignorant liberals. They're like a man with homosexual feelings, beating up a homosexual because THEY are really confused sexually and are trying to prove they are NOT gay!

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