August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald

And what does that have to do with your delusions about the polls being skewed?
Hint: it doesn't.

You're right - it has nothing to do with polls being skewed.....but it has everything to do with DL claiming the Democrats didn't get their rear ends kicked in historic fashion, which is what WE were discussing.

If you're going to butt into other people's discussions, dear, do at least keep up.
Kasich could have easily beat Clinton by ten points and Comrade Donald won't get 40% of the vote against her.

That is just how bad she is in the eyes of Americans.

Americans are very worried about Red Donald's relationship to Putin and his support of Russian goals. Very scary.
How many of those results were skewed.....
Poor Jill searching for excuses. Here's all you need to know about the 2014 Congressional elections:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

Don't dwell on the past, dear.
When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were
Funny, a defender of the party that just got exposed for being Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian, homophobes calling someone else a racist. That still kills me. :p

You mean your party right? If you think the guy whose re-tweeting white supremacists and playing the big got card is all yours.

That's why everyone except for old uneducated white males is nauseated by dumb Donald.

Gotta love rightwing opposite world. Lol
How many of those results were skewed.....
Poor Jill searching for excuses. Here's all you need to know about the 2014 Congressional elections:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

Don't dwell on the past, dear.

Dum dum trumpster still missing the point. :cuckoo:
Yes, that is an excellent description of the far right in the GOP: anti-semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian (except for the heresies and apostasies of the hard core evangelical literalists), homophomes) -- good job of getting it right, easyt65.
When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were
Funny, a defender of the party that just got exposed for being Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian, homophobes calling someone else a racist. That still kills me. :p

I'm sorry, there was no defense of Republicans in my post.
That's because you are either projecting or are ignorant. Everyone except you seems to know all about the embarrassing episode of the DNC's private, secret e-mails that got hacked, revealing they are a bunch of Anti-Semites, racists, sexists, and anti-Christian homophobes.

Wasserman Schultz got fired by the DNC for her part in it...but since she was Hillary's kind of woman Hillary hired her. Then the Libs cleaned house by firing anyone and everyone who could have allowed their true feelings and comments be 'out'ed this way.

Lie, deny, and justify, dear DL. Thanks for the demonstration.

(By the way, playing 'ignorant' isn't a good look for you.)
Yes, that is an excellent description of the far right in the GOP: anti-semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian (except for the heresies and apostasies of the hard core evangelical literalists), homophomes) -- good job of getting it right, easyt65.
I'm no fan of the Birthers and even less of Trump, but I don't know where you get that. I think the hard core rightmost wing are pretty much a combination of very rich folks who want to fock the middle class, and who do not necessarily represent a maj of very rich folks, and aging white people who society not reflecting the society that was culturally and racially homogenous in the middle 60s

And yeah, Kasich could have beaten Hill in a landslide.
How many of those results were skewed.....
Poor Jill searching for excuses. Here's all you need to know about the 2014 Congressional elections:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

Don't dwell on the past, dear.

Dum dum trumpster still missing the point. :cuckoo:
The point being Liberals arrogantly believed they would win in 2014, and when the smoke cleared there were 'DNC candidate 'bodies' lying everywhere after their historic record-setting loss. Their own voters abandoned them at the voting booth, especially after Obana declared the election was all about HIM....which I am still counting on him to do before the vote in November.

After the DN's little 'racist e-mail' leak, Hillary shamelessly using parents of killed American troops, appearing at speeches with Taliban-supporting fathers of terrorists declaring 'God will Punish Gays', and 68% of Americans not trusting Hillary, Obama may begin to feel he is her only hope... That would be awesome. At this point it looks like there will be a lot more liberals failing to go vote, more than in 2014....and if they do they will vote Libertarian.
bendog, I am GOP, have plenty of evangelical friends, and have no trouble being hyperbolic at all when easyt65 ascribes certain bad characteristics of a small minority of so-called Republicans to the Democrats as a whole.

The easyt's are the ones we are trying to get rid of, so we point out their exaggerated silliness every time, because we know you guys will call 'stop'.

Thank you.
bendog, I am GOP, have plenty of evangelical friends, and have no trouble being hyperbolic at all when easyt65 ascribes certain bad characteristics of a small minority of so-called Republicans to the Democrats as a whole.

The easyt's are the ones we are trying to get rid of, so we point out their exaggerated silliness every time, because we know you guys will call 'stop'.

Thank you.
I think you cannot reason with a birther. So I'd have to agree that the very most right of the gop, excluding the rich folks who just don't want to pay any taxes, is hopelessly racist. They view society as hostile towards them.

I'm seeing old guys at my gym wearing teeshirts with "heros of the south" like Lee and Jackson and Forrest silk screened on them.
bendog, I am GOP, have plenty of evangelical friends, and have no trouble being hyperbolic at all when easyt65 ascribes certain bad characteristics of a small minority of so-called Republicans to the Democrats as a whole.

The easyt's are the ones we are trying to get rid of, so we point out their exaggerated silliness every time, because we know you guys will call 'stop'.

Thank you.
I think you cannot reason with a birther. So I'd have to agree that the very most right of the gop, excluding the rich folks who just don't want to pay any taxes, is hopelessly racist. They view society as hostile towards them.

I'm seeing old guys at my gym wearing teeshirts with "heros of the south" like Lee and Jackson and Forrest silk screened on them.
Same as me, and I make sure I do not go to their clubs for dinner and such.
When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were
Funny, a defender of the party that just got exposed for being Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian, homophobes calling someone else a racist. That still kills me. :p

I'm sorry, there was no defense of Republicans in my post.
That's because you are either projecting or are ignorant. Everyone except you seems to know all about the embarrassing episode of the DNC's private, secret e-mails that got hacked, revealing they are a bunch of Anti-Semites, racists, sexists, and anti-Christian homophobes.

Wasserman Schultz got fired by the DNC for her part in it...but since she was Hillary's kind of woman Hillary hired her. Then the Libs cleaned house by firing anyone and everyone who could have allowed their true feelings and comments be 'out'ed this way.

Lie, deny, and justify, dear DL. Thanks for the demonstration.

(By the way, playing 'ignorant' isn't a good look for you.)

There were less than a dozen emails out of thousands which tells you that the entire Democratic party is racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic. Are you saying Wasserman-Shultz, who is Jewish, is anti-Semitic? Wasserman-Shultz was no happier about an independent (Bernie Sanders) co-opting the Democratic Party to run on a socialist platform, than mainstream Republicans were about Trump, but in the end, the Democrats bowed to their voters, and put several planks from Bernie's platform into Hillary's Official Platform, so the Bernie people won, and the party has united around their candidate.

What did Trump do for the people he defeated in winning his Party's nomination? How did he bring the Republican Party together to take on Hillary? How's that party unity thing going for ya?

Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he maligns Mexicans, blacks, women, and anyone with an ounce of decency or common sense. He is swooned over by White Supremicists, the KKK and the he's the Birther in Chief. Birthers are, by their very nature, racists. The mere fact that they deny Obama is legitimately the President of the United States of America and they believe that he is disqualified because he's not a "real" American, meaning not a white American, defines their racism.

Moderate Republicans have been trying to deny the dog whistle code words that Trump uses to rally the racists, but the racists are coming out in droves wearing T-shirts that say "Fuck Muslims", and while they are asked to leave the rallies, remember they felt comfortable going there wearing that T-shirt, and after they leave the rallies, people going in are high-fiving them for the T-shirt. Trumps calls to racists is why people of color get so angry hearing Trump speak. They hear the dog whistle words too. Things haven't come nearly far enough for people of color, gays, or women, that we can afford to turn back the progress towards equal rights that have been achieved to date. Moderate Republicans know that, and they are equally horrified by the overt racism of Trump and his followers.
Yes, that is an excellent description of the far right in the GOP: anti-semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian (except for the heresies and apostasies of the hard core evangelical literalists), homophomes) -- good job of getting it right, easyt65.
I'm no fan of the Birthers and even less of Trump, but I don't know where you get that. I think the hard core rightmost wing are pretty much a combination of very rich folks who want to fock the middle class, and who do not necessarily represent a maj of very rich folks, and aging white people who society not reflecting the society that was culturally and racially homogenous in the middle 60s

And yeah, Kasich could have beaten Hill in a landslide.
There's one myth Liberals keep spewing - more like a lie than anything else. It's the idea that Liberals care about the poor and that it is the GOP, not the DNC, that consists of rich white billionaires. There's just one problem - the FACTS don't support it. It's not the GOP the fat-cat Billionaires are supporting:

Oprah, Soros, Buffet on long list of tycoons backing Clinton
-- PressTV-US billionaires line up behind Clinton

Billionaires for Hillary
"The Clinton campaign is lining up mogul after mogul to say, 'I'm with her' "
- Billionaires for Hillary

The Hillary Clinton billionaires club
- The Hillary Clinton billionaires club

Is Hillary really for the middle class / poor? Does she give a damn about them, and can she help them in any way (other than keep giving out 'freebies'?

Clinton's jobs push as senator fell flat, helped donors
"The Washington Post report found that, as a senator from 2001-2009, the now-Democratic presidential nominee was unable to pass “big ticket legislation” that she introduced to benefit upstate New York, as job growth stagnated and manufacturing jobs fell by almost 25 percent."
- Report: Clinton's jobs push as senator fell flat, helped donors | Fox News

Liberal Policies Can’t Help but Destroy the Middle Class
- Liberal Policies Can’t Help but Destroy the Middle Class

But the whole MYTH that the DNC is the champion of Christians, Jews, blacks, Latinos, & LGBTs just went up in a huge fiery plume of smoke when the DNC's personal e0-mails were hacked and released, putting on for full display to the American people their Anti-Semitism, racism, sexism, anti-Christian, homophobic true-feelings and self.

For damage control they fired Schultz (and Hillary immediately hired her...birds of a feather...), they fired a few people as scapegoats, and then tried to spin the story to blame the Russians / Trump / anyone they could while trying to paint themselves as the victims - "Shoot the Messenger - Not the people who actually believe and wrote that stuff!"

Remarkably this last ploy actually worked on some stupid Liberals. It's like stepping into the wrong room and hearing one of your employees tell another employee what a complete loser you walk out, and the guy runs up and tells you they were talking about ANOTHER person with your exact same name...AND YOU BUYING IT! :p

And in the end, despite all the evidence dispelling those myths (lies) libs who declare that will vote for Hillary still repeat the same myths as their reason. Truly remarkable.
When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were
Funny, a defender of the party that just got exposed for being Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian, homophobes calling someone else a racist. That still kills me. :p

I'm sorry, there was no defense of Republicans in my post.
That's because you are either projecting or are ignorant. Everyone except you seems to know all about the embarrassing episode of the DNC's private, secret e-mails that got hacked, revealing they are a bunch of Anti-Semites, racists, sexists, and anti-Christian homophobes.

Wasserman Schultz got fired by the DNC for her part in it...but since she was Hillary's kind of woman Hillary hired her. Then the Libs cleaned house by firing anyone and everyone who could have allowed their true feelings and comments be 'out'ed this way.

Lie, deny, and justify, dear DL. Thanks for the demonstration.

(By the way, playing 'ignorant' isn't a good look for you.)

There were less than a dozen emails out of thousands which tells you that the entire Democratic party is racist, homophobic and anti-Semitic. Are you saying Wasserman-Shultz, who is Jewish, is anti-Semitic? Wasserman-Shultz was no happier about an independent (Bernie Sanders) co-opting the Democratic Party to run on a socialist platform, than mainstream Republicans were about Trump, but in the end, the Democrats bowed to their voters, and put several planks from Bernie's platform into Hillary's Official Platform, so the Bernie people won, and the party has united around their candidate.

What did Trump do for the people he defeated in winning his Party's nomination? How did he bring the Republican Party together to take on Hillary? How's that party unity thing going for ya?

Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth, he maligns Mexicans, blacks, women, and anyone with an ounce of decency or common sense. He is swooned over by White Supremicists, the KKK and the he's the Birther in Chief. Birthers are, by their very nature, racists. The mere fact that they deny Obama is legitimately the President of the United States of America and they believe that he is disqualified because he's not a "real" American, meaning not a white American, defines their racism.

Moderate Republicans have been trying to deny the dog whistle code words that Trump uses to rally the racists, but the racists are coming out in droves wearing T-shirts that say "Fuck Muslims", and while they are asked to leave the rallies, remember they felt comfortable going there wearing that T-shirt, and after they leave the rallies, people going in are high-fiving them for the T-shirt. Trumps calls to racists is why people of color get so angry hearing Trump speak. They hear the dog whistle words too. Things haven't come nearly far enough for people of color, gays, or women, that we can afford to turn back the progress towards equal rights that have been achieved to date. Moderate Republicans know that, and they are equally horrified by the overt racism of Trump and his followers.

anyone who hasn't accepted that Obama is an American, twice legally elected President is ... racist. You don't need to go further. They can give you reasons they feel society has abandoned whites, and they may not be for burning crosses, but none of that really matters. There were rational reasons for Forrest founding the KKK, but that doesn't really matter.
bendog, I am GOP, have plenty of evangelical friends, and have no trouble being hyperbolic at all when easyt65 ascribes certain bad characteristics of a small minority of so-called Republicans to the Democrats as a whole.

The easyt's are the ones we are trying to get rid of, so we point out their exaggerated silliness every time, because we know you guys will call 'stop'.

Thank you.
I think you cannot reason with a birther. So I'd have to agree that the very most right of the gop, excluding the rich folks who just don't want to pay any taxes, is hopelessly racist. They view society as hostile towards them.

I'm seeing old guys at my gym wearing teeshirts with "heros of the south" like Lee and Jackson and Forrest silk screened on them.
Same as me, and I make sure I do not go to their clubs for dinner and such.
But they're my "group." LOL
There were less than a dozen emails out of thousands

Thank you for admitting the DNC has anti-Semites, racists, sexists, and homophobes among their ranks.

Maybe just as disturbing is that they never admitted it or apologized for it! They immediately went into damage control mode:
They denied it.
They blamed the Russians.
They blamed Trump.
They fired W.-Schultz
They fired several others

So you are arguing that "just a FEW Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic e-mails" are acceptable, as if there is a magic number you can go up to but not cross before being legitimately criticized for BEING Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, and/or homophobic. :p

If it was "JUST a few Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic e-mails" - no big deal - then why did they freak out? Why did they fire so many people? Do Democrats make it a habit to freak out like this and fire a lot of people.....No, that's right - Democrats are NEVER about accountability, as Obama has shown, so this was a MAJOR deal. It was enough for the Libs to run scrambling to try to save their asses.
There were less than a dozen emails out of thousands

Thank you for admitting the DNC has anti-Semites, racists, sexists, and homophobes among their ranks.

Maybe just as disturbing is that they never admitted it or apologized for it! They immediately went into damage control mode:
They denied it.
They blamed the Russians.
They blamed Trump.
They fired W.-Schultz
They fired several others

So you are arguing that "just a FEW Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic e-mails" are acceptable, as if there is a magic number you can go up to but not cross before being legitimately criticized for BEING Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, and/or homophobic. :p

If it was "JUST a few Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, homophobic e-mails" - no big deal - then why did they freak out? Why did they fire so many people? Do Democrats make it a habit to freak out like this and fire a lot of people.....No, that's right - Democrats are NEVER about accountability, as Obama has shown, so this was a MAJOR deal. It was enough for the Libs to run scrambling to try to save their asses.

Yeah, I'm saying there's rotten apples in every barrel. The DNC fired theirs, and the Republicans are running theirs for President.
anyone who hasn't accepted that Obama is an American, twice legally elected President is ... racist. You don't need to go further. They can give you reasons they feel society has abandoned whites, and they may not be for burning crosses, but none of that really matters. There were rational reasons for Forrest founding the KKK, but that doesn't really matter.

The whole birther thing? Whether Dems want to admit it or not Hillary's 'surrogates' brought that up when he started winning in 2008 - she was desperate and certainly not above doing it, as she has proved in the past. Doesn't matter. STUPID people don't have to be racist to jump on conspiracy theory BS. And in the case of Birthers Liberals have jumped on board with this one attacking GOP for that as well.

And please, the Democrats who have NEVER met an illegal they don't like and who accuse the GOP of a War on Women (despite they began this) attacking a candidate's wife for hypocritical crap, like she MAY not be here legally, she is too pretty and has posed, and she has been married 3 times. I love that last one

Yesterday some ignorant Liberal tried to argue that God hates divorcees and that having been married 3 times was somehow far worse that Bill Clinton's life-long sexual assaults, sexual harassment, rapes, adulteries, and pedophilia...BECAUSE AT LEAST HE STAYED MARRIED THE WHOLE TIME HE WAS DOING IT.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
yeah, I'm saying there's rotten apples in every barrel. The DNC fired theirs, and the Republicans are running theirs for President.

STOP already with the double-standard, hypocritical partisan BS already!

'Dems have a few bad apples, but the GOP is Satan...we stand on the moral high-ground. Our candidate is honest and good - yours is evil."


Your candidate, like her husband, is a life-long Scandal Queen who has never gone 4 years in her life without being involved in some crime / scheme. In the last few months alone - months out from the election - she has been involved in SEVERAL scandals, has been exposed for jeopardizing national security, for breaking the law, for pathologically lying, and potentially getting an Iranian doctor spying for the US killed.

Over the last 2 weeks she has been given 1 x 'FALS', 1 X 'PANTS ON FIRE', AND 4 TIMES 'PINOCCHIOS' for lying about her lying.

The Democrats couldn't pick a worse candidate - 68% of Americans believe she isn't trustworthy!

Her fellow Democrats can't name a single accomplishment of Hillary, even with the help of 'Google'. :)

And Moral High Ground? She spent decades demonizing, bullying, and silencing her husband's victims of sexual assault, sexual harassment, adultery, and rape...but had the nerve to come out and declare all women who claim to be victims of such things should be believed? :p

Again, just spare everyone from the hypocritical BS!

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