August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald

Im spreading the word. If you are a liberal in a red state, vote green party. Your vote will give more liberal parties more power money and influence. BUT if you are in Texas or Georgia or Arizona vote hillary because she might win those states.

Whoa, what about North or South Carolina? They are both still considered red states. I wouldn't throw out Utah either if that other guy who just entered the race has any impact it will be Arizona.

Also, why Green, why now? Other than not being Democrats or Republicans what have they done to earn your vote? Jill Stein? They could and should do better.
This guy was explaining how if you don't think hillary is liberal enough and you are in a solid red state, vote for another party.

Jill Stein doesn't matter. She's not going to win. But the green party will get more money and that means more power and influence.

Im just using the green party as an example.

And if you think the Democrats are liberal enough, vote hillary.

Republicans in blue States who don't like rinos should do the same. Vote tea party or libertarian

I disagree with the premise. What is so great about the Green Party? I agree with many of their positions, but so do a lot of if not most Democrats, voting for Democrats has a stronger chance of enacting change then voting for the Green Party. I'd rather Clinton destroy Trump in blue states, win states Democrats weren't expected to win and come close to many other red states and show that people like Trump should never, ever be elected. To me that sends a stronger message than Jill Stein nationally winning 5% for doing absolutely nothing.

Voting for 3rd party candidates in federal elections only because they are 3rd party candidates doesn't change anything. What would make a change is if liberals actually showed up to vote in local and off year elections, that would by far have a bigger impact then voting Green.
The point is to pull the democratic party to the left. Or to give more liberal parties more power.

I'm only saying do this in 100% red states. It doesn't matter if hillary does bad in these states.

Look at the libertarians and tea party. Don't you think they've pulled the GOP to the right?

What pulls Democrats to the left is voting for Democrats who are liberal. However, in off year elections they have to rely on the middle because many on the left just give up. Voting Green doesn't change any of that. Plus, why Jill Stein?
I don't even know Jill Stein! Lol

Lefties don't give up. The middle doesn't show up because they don't think it matters. I hope it isn't liberals who stupidly don't show up to midterms.
My posts are quite clear that I am voting for Gary Johnson, not Clinton. That you can't tell the truth merely reveals your weakness. You truly need to stop fangirling, Henry.

Sorry, young fella. Your posts make it clear that you are Hillary's #1 fanboi and promoting Johnson only to divert votes from The One Who Will (to your ovbious chagrin) Make America Great Again. Of course your vote for Hillary is a matter for your own conscience - to whatever degree that might have developed in one at age 12.
My posts are quite clear that I am voting for Gary Johnson, not Clinton. That you can't tell the truth merely reveals your weakness. You truly need to stop fangirling, Henry.

Sorry, young fella. Your posts make it clear that you are Hillary's #1 fanboi and promoting Johnson only to divert votes from The One Who Will (to your ovbious chagrin) Make America Great Again. Of course your vote for Hillary is a matter for your own conscience - to whatever degree that might have developed in one at age 12.
Why would we hate trump if we believed he was going to make America great again?

Trump means 2000-2006 when bush Tom delay and Dennis hastert were in charge. We were not great then in fact, that era is what made us less great
My posts are quite clear that I am voting for Gary Johnson, not Clinton. That you can't tell the truth merely reveals your weakness. You truly need to stop fangirling, Henry.

Sorry, young fella. Your posts make it clear that you are Hillary's #1 fanboi and promoting Johnson only to divert votes from The One Who Will (to your ovbious chagrin) Make America Great Again. Of course your vote for Hillary is a matter for your own conscience - to whatever degree that might have developed in one at age 12.
So you are wrong again as you are often. Not to worry, Trump will not be elected. Johnson is going to do as well or better than Trump, which means your girl, HRC, will take 500 EVs..
So much fun to hear the board's most prominent Hillarybot singing Johnson songs!

Give it up and shift to your girl's theme song!


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