August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.
Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.
I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Of course not, you're not capable. Remember, I understand you're nothing but an illiterate boob; as proven [again], earlier in this thread. How on G-d's green Earth could an illiterate boob like you ever hurt my feelings?? :dunno:

Because you are in a panic mode, that is how I know. You keep calling me illiterate, yet I can keep showing link after link how stupid your side is, and all you can do, is "SAY" your side of the argument without anything to back it up. Maybe you are the illiterate one and cant read, just have a dragon program so you can HEAR what is posted on this message board.

Links to bloggers, alt right rags and conspiracy theorist websites don't count as reliable sources.
Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.

"The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss..."
Leftist dolts will say anything to take the credit away from a real seer, Ronald Reagan...

Beating you senseless is simply completing the circle, back to where you started. I attended a real school, and you got that big red nose at
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College...this will be none too difficult.

Every one of the usual 'brilliant' Liberal pundits claimed the Soviet Union was about to surpass the United State, and would go on forever. me do what you, hot air boy, can never do: prove what I say:

a. First, there is John Kenneth Galbraith, considered a saint and Liberal icon, who, in 1984, offered his considered opinion of the future of communism:
"That the Soviet system has made great material progress in recent years is evident both from the statistics and from the general urban scene. . . . One sees it in the appearance of solid well-being of the people on the streets . . . and the general aspect of restaurants, theatres and shops. . . . Partly, the Russian system succeeds because, in contrast with the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower." FACTS FROM THE U.S.S.R.

See the year in which that was stated?

b. "WHEN LESTER THUROW TALKS, DEMOCRATS LISTEN... liberal economist..." Fortune Magazine, 1987

In 1989 Thurow wrote this:

“Can economic command [communism, as opposed to the free market] significantly … accelerate the growth process? The remarkable performance of the Soviet Union suggests that it can … Today the Soviet Union is a country whose economic achievements bear comparison with those of the United States.” Justice to Ronald Reagan

Get that????

Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review,successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

"With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

BTW.... "It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.
But....who gets taught in the university???

d. The very same inclinations apply to historians and foreign policy experts being paid to indoctrinate our students.

Seweryn Bialer "is emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International Change." Seweryn Bialer - Wikipedia

Columbia....the finest of higher education institutions, but the original home of the neo-Marxists who fled Nazi Germany.

And, it shows.

Bialer wrote, in Foreign Affairs, in 1982, this oblique attack on Ronald Reagan: “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”
Providence: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History | Joseph Loconte

And this:

“…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

And another one bites the dust.

Know what happened a scant few years later, in 1991?


e. Here's another version echoed in today's political conversation:

“… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

Reagan was correct, as proven in 1991....and every single Leftwing economist, historian, political you......dead wrong.

f. And Clinton adviser, Strobe Talbott....

.... "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981, clearly a shot at Reagan:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

He doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.

Need I remind all who insisted that Eastern Europe be bequeathed to Stalin?
Franklin Roosevelt left Eastern Europe to Stalin's tender mercies.

Thank God for Ronald Reagan.

Don't try to hide how amazed you are at my wealth of knowledge.

Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.

"The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss..."
Leftist dolts will say anything to take the credit away from a real seer, Ronald Reagan...

Beating you senseless is simply completing the circle, back to where you started. I attended a real school, and you got that big red nose at
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College...this will be none too difficult.

Every one of the usual 'brilliant' Liberal pundits claimed the Soviet Union was about to surpass the United State, and would go on forever. me do what you, hot air boy, can never do: prove what I say:

a. First, there is John Kenneth Galbraith, considered a saint and Liberal icon, who, in 1984, offered his considered opinion of the future of communism:
"That the Soviet system has made great material progress in recent years is evident both from the statistics and from the general urban scene. . . . One sees it in the appearance of solid well-being of the people on the streets . . . and the general aspect of restaurants, theatres and shops. . . . Partly, the Russian system succeeds because, in contrast with the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower." FACTS FROM THE U.S.S.R.

See the year in which that was stated?

b. "WHEN LESTER THUROW TALKS, DEMOCRATS LISTEN... liberal economist..." Fortune Magazine, 1987

In 1989 Thurow wrote this:

“Can economic command [communism, as opposed to the free market] significantly … accelerate the growth process? The remarkable performance of the Soviet Union suggests that it can … Today the Soviet Union is a country whose economic achievements bear comparison with those of the United States.” Justice to Ronald Reagan

Get that????

Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review,successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

"With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

BTW.... "It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.
But....who gets taught in the university???

d. The very same inclinations apply to historians and foreign policy experts being paid to indoctrinate our students.

Seweryn Bialer "is emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International Change." Seweryn Bialer - Wikipedia

Columbia....the finest of higher education institutions, but the original home of the neo-Marxists who fled Nazi Germany.

And, it shows.

Bialer wrote, in Foreign Affairs, in 1982, this oblique attack on Ronald Reagan: “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”
Providence: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History | Joseph Loconte

And this:

“…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

And another one bites the dust.

Know what happened a scant few years later, in 1991?


e. Here's another version echoed in today's political conversation:

“… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

Reagan was correct, as proven in 1991....and every single Leftwing economist, historian, political you......dead wrong.

f. And Clinton adviser, Strobe Talbott....

.... "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981, clearly a shot at Reagan:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

He doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.

Need I remind all who insisted that Eastern Europe be bequeathed to Stalin?
Franklin Roosevelt left Eastern Europe to Stalin's tender mercies.

Thank God for Ronald Reagan.

Don't try to hide how amazed you are at my wealth of knowledge.


The Blue Book? Still perplexed I see.
Faux are you related to Charles Manson? Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Of course not, you're not capable. Remember, I understand you're nothing but an illiterate boob; as proven [again], earlier in this thread. How on G-d's green Earth could an illiterate boob like you ever hurt my feelings?? :dunno:

Because you are in a panic mode, that is how I know. You keep calling me illiterate, yet I can keep showing link after link how stupid your side is, and all you can do, is "SAY" your side of the argument without anything to back it up. Maybe you are the illiterate one and cant read, just have a dragon program so you can HEAR what is posted on this message board.

Links to bloggers, alt right rags and conspiracy theorist websites don't count as reliable sources.

Psssstttt....there is no such thing as 'Alt Right'......or Far Right or Radical Right.

Just 'theRight'....vs. the Far Left, and its audience- dunces like you.
Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.

"The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss..."
Leftist dolts will say anything to take the credit away from a real seer, Ronald Reagan...

Beating you senseless is simply completing the circle, back to where you started. I attended a real school, and you got that big red nose at
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College...this will be none too difficult.

Every one of the usual 'brilliant' Liberal pundits claimed the Soviet Union was about to surpass the United State, and would go on forever. me do what you, hot air boy, can never do: prove what I say:

a. First, there is John Kenneth Galbraith, considered a saint and Liberal icon, who, in 1984, offered his considered opinion of the future of communism:
"That the Soviet system has made great material progress in recent years is evident both from the statistics and from the general urban scene. . . . One sees it in the appearance of solid well-being of the people on the streets . . . and the general aspect of restaurants, theatres and shops. . . . Partly, the Russian system succeeds because, in contrast with the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower." FACTS FROM THE U.S.S.R.

See the year in which that was stated?

b. "WHEN LESTER THUROW TALKS, DEMOCRATS LISTEN... liberal economist..." Fortune Magazine, 1987

In 1989 Thurow wrote this:

“Can economic command [communism, as opposed to the free market] significantly … accelerate the growth process? The remarkable performance of the Soviet Union suggests that it can … Today the Soviet Union is a country whose economic achievements bear comparison with those of the United States.” Justice to Ronald Reagan

Get that????

Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review,successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

"With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

BTW.... "It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.
But....who gets taught in the university???

d. The very same inclinations apply to historians and foreign policy experts being paid to indoctrinate our students.

Seweryn Bialer "is emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International Change." Seweryn Bialer - Wikipedia

Columbia....the finest of higher education institutions, but the original home of the neo-Marxists who fled Nazi Germany.

And, it shows.

Bialer wrote, in Foreign Affairs, in 1982, this oblique attack on Ronald Reagan: “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”
Providence: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History | Joseph Loconte

And this:

“…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

And another one bites the dust.

Know what happened a scant few years later, in 1991?


e. Here's another version echoed in today's political conversation:

“… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

Reagan was correct, as proven in 1991....and every single Leftwing economist, historian, political you......dead wrong.

f. And Clinton adviser, Strobe Talbott....

.... "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981, clearly a shot at Reagan:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

He doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.

Need I remind all who insisted that Eastern Europe be bequeathed to Stalin?
Franklin Roosevelt left Eastern Europe to Stalin's tender mercies.

Thank God for Ronald Reagan.

Don't try to hide how amazed you are at my wealth of knowledge.


I take it that your response the result of

a. you lack of language skills,
b. your inability to find even the slightest error in my brilliant post.

You may recede into a well-deserved oblivion.
No surprise there, The R's control the government and have never been able to govern successfully.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.

"The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss..."
Leftist dolts will say anything to take the credit away from a real seer, Ronald Reagan...

Beating you senseless is simply completing the circle, back to where you started. I attended a real school, and you got that big red nose at
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College...this will be none too difficult.

Every one of the usual 'brilliant' Liberal pundits claimed the Soviet Union was about to surpass the United State, and would go on forever. me do what you, hot air boy, can never do: prove what I say:

a. First, there is John Kenneth Galbraith, considered a saint and Liberal icon, who, in 1984, offered his considered opinion of the future of communism:
"That the Soviet system has made great material progress in recent years is evident both from the statistics and from the general urban scene. . . . One sees it in the appearance of solid well-being of the people on the streets . . . and the general aspect of restaurants, theatres and shops. . . . Partly, the Russian system succeeds because, in contrast with the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower." FACTS FROM THE U.S.S.R.

See the year in which that was stated?

b. "WHEN LESTER THUROW TALKS, DEMOCRATS LISTEN... liberal economist..." Fortune Magazine, 1987

In 1989 Thurow wrote this:

“Can economic command [communism, as opposed to the free market] significantly … accelerate the growth process? The remarkable performance of the Soviet Union suggests that it can … Today the Soviet Union is a country whose economic achievements bear comparison with those of the United States.” Justice to Ronald Reagan

Get that????

Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review,successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

"With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

BTW.... "It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.
But....who gets taught in the university???

d. The very same inclinations apply to historians and foreign policy experts being paid to indoctrinate our students.

Seweryn Bialer "is emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International Change." Seweryn Bialer - Wikipedia

Columbia....the finest of higher education institutions, but the original home of the neo-Marxists who fled Nazi Germany.

And, it shows.

Bialer wrote, in Foreign Affairs, in 1982, this oblique attack on Ronald Reagan: “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”
Providence: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History | Joseph Loconte

And this:

“…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

And another one bites the dust.

Know what happened a scant few years later, in 1991?


e. Here's another version echoed in today's political conversation:

“… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

Reagan was correct, as proven in 1991....and every single Leftwing economist, historian, political you......dead wrong.

f. And Clinton adviser, Strobe Talbott....

.... "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981, clearly a shot at Reagan:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

He doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.

Need I remind all who insisted that Eastern Europe be bequeathed to Stalin?
Franklin Roosevelt left Eastern Europe to Stalin's tender mercies.

Thank God for Ronald Reagan.

Don't try to hide how amazed you are at my wealth of knowledge.


I take it that your response the result of

a. you lack of language skills,
b. your inability to find even the slightest error in my brilliant post.

You may recede into a well-deserved oblivion.

Here's two 'Rs' for you.....the most successful President in a century:
Ronald Reagan

BTW....he did to the Soviet Union what pantywaist Obama couldn't do to the seventh century savages of Iran.

The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss, something Putin is doing to Russia today.

If you had attended the U., you might have taken a history course and taken Blue Book Exams. One question which would stump you was one I responded to my sophomore year:

"Does a man make history, or does history make the man?"

I hope that's not too abstract for you.

"The Soviet Union spent it self into the abyss..."
Leftist dolts will say anything to take the credit away from a real seer, Ronald Reagan...

Beating you senseless is simply completing the circle, back to where you started. I attended a real school, and you got that big red nose at
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Clown College...this will be none too difficult.

Every one of the usual 'brilliant' Liberal pundits claimed the Soviet Union was about to surpass the United State, and would go on forever. me do what you, hot air boy, can never do: prove what I say:

a. First, there is John Kenneth Galbraith, considered a saint and Liberal icon, who, in 1984, offered his considered opinion of the future of communism:
"That the Soviet system has made great material progress in recent years is evident both from the statistics and from the general urban scene. . . . One sees it in the appearance of solid well-being of the people on the streets . . . and the general aspect of restaurants, theatres and shops. . . . Partly, the Russian system succeeds because, in contrast with the Western industrial economies, it makes full use of its manpower." FACTS FROM THE U.S.S.R.

See the year in which that was stated?

b. "WHEN LESTER THUROW TALKS, DEMOCRATS LISTEN... liberal economist..." Fortune Magazine, 1987

In 1989 Thurow wrote this:

“Can economic command [communism, as opposed to the free market] significantly … accelerate the growth process? The remarkable performance of the Soviet Union suggests that it can … Today the Soviet Union is a country whose economic achievements bear comparison with those of the United States.” Justice to Ronald Reagan

Get that????

Another 'brilliant' Liberal economist out to support communism, i.e., command and control by big government.

c. In 1970 the winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, and the author of the best-selling and most popular economics text was Paul Samuelson.

"As non-economist Tim Bethell pointed out in a 1988 article in National Review,successive editions of Samuelson's Economics showed a graph of relative growth rates for the US and Soviet economies with the Soviet growth rate rising more steeply than the American one. ....the Soviets were projected to overtake the US in about twenty-five years."
John O’Sullivan, The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World, p. 255

"With each new edition of the book, the date of intersection with the US economy was shifted out into the future. Samuelson's seventh edition (1967) ....put the Soviet economy at 50% of the US in 1960...with intersection about 1990.

By the tenth edition (1976)....Soviet GDP had moved ahead to 57% of US........intersection point around the year 2000.

The graph has been dropped from Samuelson's ...(twelth) edition.

BTW.... "It is a vulgar mistake to think that most people in Eastern Europe are miserable," wrote Samuelson in the tenth edition of his textbook "Economics." This, mind you, in the aftermath of the 1953 East German uprising, the 1956 Hungarian uprising and the Poznan protests in Poland, the 1968 revolution in Czechoslovakia--all suppressed with bloodshed by Soviet tanks."

Reagan, on the other had it 100% correct.
But....who gets taught in the university???

d. The very same inclinations apply to historians and foreign policy experts being paid to indoctrinate our students.

Seweryn Bialer "is emeritus professor of political science at Columbia University and an expert on the Communist parties of the Soviet Union and Poland. He was the Director of Columbia's Research Institute on International Change." Seweryn Bialer - Wikipedia

Columbia....the finest of higher education institutions, but the original home of the neo-Marxists who fled Nazi Germany.

And, it shows.

Bialer wrote, in Foreign Affairs, in 1982, this oblique attack on Ronald Reagan: “the Soviet Union is not now nor will be during the next decade in the throes of a true system crisis, for it boasts enormous unused reserves of political and social stability that suffice to endure the deepest difficulties.”
Providence: Reagan, the Soviets, & the Ash-Heap of History | Joseph Loconte

And this:

“…such language stunned and humiliated the Soviet leaders . . . [who] believe that President Reagan is determined to deny the Soviet Union nothing less than its legitimacy and status as a global power . . . status . . . they thought had been conceded once and for all by Reagan's predecessors.”
Seweryn Bialer, "Danger in Moscow", the New York Review of Books, February 16, 1984.

And another one bites the dust.

Know what happened a scant few years later, in 1991?


e. Here's another version echoed in today's political conversation:

“… Reagan's "red-baiting" and "bellicose" rhetoric, as it was branded in the press, elicited widespread disapproval from the pundits. Then-New Republic editor Hendrik Hertzberg told The Washington Post that "words like that frighten the American public and antagonize the Soviets," condemning the speech as "not presidential." Reagan: On the right side of history

Reagan was correct, as proven in 1991....and every single Leftwing economist, historian, political you......dead wrong.

f. And Clinton adviser, Strobe Talbott....

.... "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981, clearly a shot at Reagan:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

He doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.

Need I remind all who insisted that Eastern Europe be bequeathed to Stalin?
Franklin Roosevelt left Eastern Europe to Stalin's tender mercies.

Thank God for Ronald Reagan.

Don't try to hide how amazed you are at my wealth of knowledge.


I take it that your response the result of

a. you lack of language skills,
b. your inability to find even the slightest error in my brilliant post.

You may recede into a well-deserved oblivion.


You and I, same Genus, different species. Clearly 'sapiens' doesn't apply to you.

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