August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

Pretty much the same as last year, a bit better.

From 2016:

Well let us look a little closer including that the report also says June and July were revised down.

Comparison to previous year:
June 2016: 287,000 June 2017: 210,000
July 2016: 255,000 July 2017: 189,000
August 2016: 151,000 August 2017: 156,000
Total: 693,000 to 555,000

So is 138,000 fewer jobs created in June-August 2017 than June-August 2016 what Trump fans consider a bit better and winning?
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
Actually it was Republican Governors who refused infrastructure projects, like Christie rejecting the ARC tunnel, and applied the stimulus grants to pay down their state's debts by paying back the money they borrowed from their pension funds so they could brag about reducing their state's debt come election time.
But you knew that already.
Are you related to Faux? You are as much of a sociopath as he/her/it is. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
However, just because you say it DOES make it false!!!!
Americans pay some of the lowest income taxes in the first world. You'd never know that given the unending whining about taxes. Now this doesn't take into consideration that they pay twice as much for healthcare which pretty much evens it out and unlike sensible countries, Americans insist on letting greedy insurance companies control health care which adds at least 20% to their costs.

Also unlike other countries, Americans also go to war regularly and spend at least 4% of GDP on the military. More if they're involved in a major shooting war.

Imagine if all of that money you blew on Iraq and Afghanistan could have been spent on education or infrastructure at home.

Its well past the time that the US stop this ridiculous military spending which started under Reagan and started addressing the needs of your own country, instead of using wars to distract the population from the problems at home.
Also unlike other countries, Americans also go to war regularly and spend at least 4% of GDP on the military. More if they're involved in a major shooting war.

War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA

The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history

I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
Actually it was Republican Governors who refused infrastructure projects, like Christie rejecting the ARC tunnel, and applied the stimulus grants to pay down their state's debts by paying back the money they borrowed from their pension funds so they could brag about reducing their state's debt come election time.
But you knew that already.
Are you related to Faux? You are as much of a sociopath as he/her/it is. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
However, just because you say it DOES make it false!!!!
I give you fucking links you stupid shitfuck, yes you are a shitfuck, and need to be put away, before you hurt yourself , or someone else.
I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Perhaps you missed it earlier, but one of your own confessed to how the right willfully lies in order to "destroy" Democrats.
Its well past the time that the US stop this ridiculous military spending which started under Reagan and started addressing the needs of your own country, instead of using wars to distract the population from the problems at home.

A reminder.from one of the last decent republicans...........

On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower gave the nation a dire warning about what he described as a threat to democratic government. He called it the military-industrial complex, a formidable union of defense contractors and the armed forces.
Pretty much the same as last year, a bit better.

From 2016:

Well let us look a little closer including that the report also says June and July were revised down.

Comparison to previous year:
June 2016: 287,000 June 2017: 210,000
July 2016: 255,000 July 2017: 189,000
August 2016: 151,000 August 2017: 156,000
Total: 693,000 to 555,000

So is 138,000 fewer jobs created in June-August 2017 than June-August 2016 what Trump fans consider a bit better and winning?
I guess you didn't see the post about Job Growth lagging GDP growth? It figures, hard to see anything with liberal thinking.

Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Perhaps you missed it earlier, but one of your own confessed to how the right willfully lies in order to "destroy" Democrats.
Nope.....the right willfully lies to destroy Trump.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Perhaps you missed it earlier, but one of your own confessed to how the right willfully lies in order to "destroy" Democrats.
It is okay for Obama to lie to US so he can push his agenda out to destroy Republicans, but you have issues when Republicans do the same? I guess you are a cry baby and cant play with the big boys. Now run along after you call me a racist.

I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Of course not, you're not capable. Remember, I understand you're nothing but an illiterate boob; as proven [again], earlier in this thread. How on G-d's green Earth could an illiterate boob like you ever hurt my feelings?? :dunno:
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?

Liberals love publishing twisted spun half truths out of context.
I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Of course not, you're not capable. Remember, I understand you're nothing but an illiterate boob; as proven [again], earlier in this thread. How on G-d's green Earth could an illiterate boob like you ever hurt my feelings?? :dunno:

Because you are in a panic mode, that is how I know. You keep calling me illiterate, yet I can keep showing link after link how stupid your side is, and all you can do, is "SAY" your side of the argument without anything to back it up. Maybe you are the illiterate one and cant read, just have a dragon program so you can HEAR what is posted on this message board.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Perhaps you missed it earlier, but one of your own confessed to how the right willfully lies in order to "destroy" Democrats.
Nope.....the right willfully lies to destroy Trump.
Nope right back at ya, Spunky. Like I said, one of your own confessed. Of course, no confession was needed as we all observed it during Obama's 8 years in office.
The OP is a lie. The monthly jobs report doesn't come out on the first of the month. It's more like the 4th or 5th.
It comes out the first Friday of the month, which can and does fall on the first of the month as it did this monmth. BTE, June and July were both revised down, another thing the lying hypocritical scum Right would also attack Obama on.
Employment Situation Summary

Employment Situation Summary
Transmission of material in this release is embargoed until USDL-17-1177
8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, September 1, 2017
Though the figures are supposed to come out on the first Friday of every month, I have seen them on occasion get released on the second Friday when the first of the month fell on a Friday.

But usually, like today, they still release them on the first of the month when it falls on a Friday.
The Employment Situation is released on the Friday two weeks after collection of the data, which occurs during the week of the month that contains the 19th (unless that happens to be Thanksgiving week or Christmas week). Usually that's the first Friday of the month. But because February is short, often the release in March is on the second Friday.

To avoid manipulation (Nixon wanted to manipulate release dates to be politically convenient for him) all release dates for Principal Federal Economic Indicators must be approved by and set by OPM one year in advance.
I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

View attachment 147033
No, but you are no doubt related to Zippy the pinhead.
Oh, did I hurt your feelings Faux?
Here is a video so you and your friends can have a safe space get together.

Of course not, you're not capable. Remember, I understand you're nothing but an illiterate boob; as proven [again], earlier in this thread. How on G-d's green Earth could an illiterate boob like you ever hurt my feelings?? :dunno:

Because you are in a panic mode, that is how I know. You keep calling me illiterate, yet I can keep showing link after link how stupid your side is, and all you can do, is "SAY" your side of the argument without anything to back it up. Maybe you are the illiterate one and cant read, just have a dragon program so you can HEAR what is posted on this message board.


Imbecile, pointing out you're illiterate after you demonstrably misunderstood my post earlier appears to be "panic mode" to you?

Great, now add deranged, along with illiterate, in describing you.
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
Actually it was Republican Governors who refused infrastructure projects, like Christie rejecting the ARC tunnel, and applied the stimulus grants to pay down their state's debts by paying back the money they borrowed from their pension funds so they could brag about reducing their state's debt come election time.
But you knew that already.
Are you related to Faux? You are as much of a sociopath as he/her/it is. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
However, just because you say it DOES make it false!!!!
I give you fucking links you stupid shitfuck, yes you are a shitfuck, and need to be put away, before you hurt yourself , or someone else.
You linked to Fake News.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Perhaps you missed it earlier, but one of your own confessed to how the right willfully lies in order to "destroy" Democrats.
Nope.....the right willfully lies to destroy Trump.
Nope right back at ya, Spunky. Like I said, one of your own confessed. Of course, no confession was needed as we all observed it during Obama's 8 years in office.
Obama was an American hating, Muslim loving, chaos creating Communist bent on taking our guns so we can't stop him from taking our possessions and destroying Capitalism.
His favorite pastime was starting riots and releasing criminals.
He would suck Iran's dick while telling Israel to go fuck off and die.....literally.
Pretty much the same as last year, a bit better.

From 2016:

Well let us look a little closer including that the report also says June and July were revised down.

Comparison to previous year:
June 2016: 287,000 June 2017: 210,000
July 2016: 255,000 July 2017: 189,000
August 2016: 151,000 August 2017: 156,000
Total: 693,000 to 555,000

So is 138,000 fewer jobs created in June-August 2017 than June-August 2016 what Trump fans consider a bit better and winning?
I guess you didn't see the post about Job Growth lagging GDP growth? It figures, hard to see anything with liberal thinking.
Well let's look at another thing the lying scum hypocritical Right bitched about Obama's job reports.
Full time jobs DECLINED by 166,000 and part time jobs increased by 34,000 in August under Tramp's glorious GDP.

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