August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

You didn't ask for that.
You asked for a link proving that the GOP didn't obstruct Obama, and I gave it to you.
Obama was trying to crash the economy by using massive spending increases. He was eating up billions of dollars with Obamacare, SNAP, Welfare, and unemployment benefits at the same time he was cutting defense in half. He also pushed into law restrictive and wasteful regulations designed to punish businesses and force them into either closing their doors, cutting their workforce, or moving overseas.
All the GOP did was fight him on Obamacare.
If you want to talk about obstruction why did Congress as a whole never pass his budgets?

I'll tell you why.

They knew they were ridiculous.
Stop lying, you never provided what I asked for. What I asked for was:

How about you post a link to where you called on Republicans to cease obstructing Obama?

Instead, you provided a link to Breitbart.

The rest of your nonsense is discarded as nonsense because it is no different than what this thread proves -- you righties rely on lies to support your fragile positions because they can't stand on their own.
WTF should I do that?
I showed you a link proving they weren't obstructing him. Why in the fuck would I provide you a link of me calling for them to stop obstructing him?

Fact is Obama rarely worked with Congress after the Dems lost the House. He just went around them.
And I refuted that by pointing out Republican Senators started a record number of filibusters, blocking everything they could.
Fillibusters are a tool used by the minority.
Give it time.
Whatever record you claim will soon fall with this Congress.
But to explain why the number of filibusters increased was because of increasing divisions and they changed the rules. Today it's too easy to start a filibuster. Now it can be considered a filibuster if you can't get 60 votes. You don't have to stand up in front of the Senate and talk anymore.
And as the minority party, Republicans blocked everything they could. And no, Democrats are not breaking the record anytime soon. They are nowhere near on the pace Republicans set.
They didn't oppose everything the way Schumer is. He's taken Obstruction and RESISTANCE to another level.
The OP is a lie. The monthly jobs report doesn't come out on the first of the month. It's more like the 4th or 5th.
It comes out the first Friday of the month, which can and does fall on the first of the month as it did this month. BTW, June and July were both revised down, another thing the lying hypocritical scum Right would also attack Obama on.
Employment Situation Summary

Employment Situation Summary
Transmission of material in this release is embargoed until USDL-17-1177
8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, September 1, 2017
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Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
And as the minority party, Republicans blocked everything they could. And no, Democrats are not breaking the record anytime soon. They are nowhere near on the pace Republicans set.

With the HUGE majority in the House by republicans, AND the nuclear option now in play within the Senate, democrats cannot do anything on their own.......and they're not even trying to do that since the republicans party is fractured anyway.
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Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
They didn't oppose everything the way Schumer is. He's taken Obstruction and RESISTANCE to another level.

Moron, not even Ryan or McConnell are "blaming" democrats for not being able to get ONE major legislation through......Find another reason to bitch.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
The OP is a lie. The monthly jobs report doesn't come out on the first of the month. It's more like the 4th or 5th.
It comes out the first Friday of the month, which can and does fall on the first of the month as it did this monmth. BTE, June and July were both revised down, another thing the lying hypocritical scum Right would also attack Obama on.
Employment Situation Summary

Employment Situation Summary
Transmission of material in this release is embargoed until USDL-17-1177
8:30 a.m. (EDT) Friday, September 1, 2017
Though the figures are supposed to come out on the first Friday of every month, I have seen them on occasion get released on the second Friday when the first of the month fell on a Friday.

But usually, like today, they still release them on the first of the month when it falls on a Friday.
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Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up
U.S. economy records fastest growth in 3 years
The U.S. economy picked up steam during the second quarter, notching the fastest pace of growth in two years.
During the first full quarter with President Trump in charge, economic growth hit 3%, according to revised estimates released by the government on Wednesday.
When GDP increases, the job growth has a lag time, for now that companies are making profit they can hire more employees to fill the need for that growth. Of course liberals are totally clueless about the economic processes, which was why Obama's 8 years not one of those years broke the 3% mark.

Exploring Why Does Employment Growth Always Lag Behind an Economic Growth After a Recession and Whether Firms Achieve Efficiency During a Recession? Essay

GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:
U-6 has been slowly declining since 2010.

These debates about Presidents and the LFPR are a distraction from the real causes of long term unemployment, and it annoys the shit out of me.

The LFPR has been declining since 1999 and is correlated to private and public debt.

There is a lot of fricking noise thrown up by both sides to distract from the fact both sides are contributing to the debt and sluggish recoveries from downturns. The propaganda organs the hacks all obediently enslave themselves to are keeping the parroting rubes dumb and blind.

It should be remembered that Trump didn't even campaign on reducing our debt. In fact, the thinly described tax plans he put out would add 5 to 10 trillion to our debt.

We need to solve our debt problem. Then the employment, LFPR, and wage problems will automatically sort themselves out.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Better check again, that 50 billion dollars for GM really helped out Detroit didn't it? 1 state at a time, liberalism and destruction go hand in hand. Ed you are a fucking retard.

Why Obama won't bail out Detroit
Four years ago, the Obama administration rode to the rescue of two Detroit automakers, pouring $80 billion into General Motors and Chrysler Group to see them through their bankruptcies.
But their hometown won't get a similar bailout, even as Detroit becomes the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history.
When the liberals over step the law, and really get violent, which is their last resort, it will be time to dust off the Chicago Typewriter.

I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the fire of a thousand suns.

The left waged a propaganda war on the economy for 2 years 2006 to 2008 claiming everything was horrible to drive the economy into the ditch just so they could win the 2008 election.
Interesting that all it took was 2 years worth of words to DESTROY the super spectacular economy of Bush, and yet 8 years of lies from the lying scum Right could do no more than slow the GROWTH of the Obama economy!!!
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
I'm loving this thread. It's completely exposing how the right has, and will, lie, cheat, and steal as long as it's to the detriment of the political party they hate with the Fire of a thousand suns.

Faux are you related to Charles Manson?
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!

Just waiting to be called a racist, and then the playbook is complete.

Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
Actually it was Republican Governors who refused infrastructure projects, like Christie rejecting the ARC tunnel, and applied the stimulus grants to pay down their state's debts by paying back the money they borrowed from their pension funds so they could brag about reducing their state's debt come election time.
But you knew that already.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
Success to a Democrat is different than success to the rest of us.
Democrats in Washington are communists so the destruction of Capitalism is their primary goal. Thus when they fail... we win.
And success to CON$ervofascists is the destruction of America as their primary goal.
Thus when they fail... Americans win.
Totally ass-backwards to the truth.

You must be a communist.

Commies lie.
Americans pay some of the lowest income taxes in the first world. You'd never know that given the unending whining about taxes. Now this doesn't take into consideration that they pay twice as much for healthcare which pretty much evens it out and unlike sensible countries, Americans insist on letting greedy insurance companies control health care which adds at least 20% to their costs.

Also unlike other countries, Americans also go to war regularly and spend at least 4% of GDP on the military. More if they're involved in a major shooting war.

Imagine if all of that money you blew on Iraq and Afghanistan could have been spent on education or infrastructure at home.

Its well past the time that the US stop this ridiculous military spending which started under Reagan and started addressing the needs of your own country, instead of using wars to distract the population from the problems at home.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker.
February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
From the article that was failed to be posted, continuing the conversation.
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
Let me give them some more fodder: I want the stimulus package to fail. ‘Cause if this thing for the first time ever does what it never has done before, we’re in even worse trouble. If it becomes established that the federal government and the federal government alone can manage the economy and take over the private sector, then forget it, folks. I’m looking for property in New Zealand, and I’m going to put my money in Singapore. I do not want this to succeed, and nobody who has any respect for the founding of this country and for the capitalist system, who is honest and who has looked at it, would want it to succeed either. We are being told it must succeed because it’s Obama’s. Well, what’s such a big deal about Obama? Somebody tell me. Somebody tell me.
So Obama took over Government motors shut down all the dealerships that voted against him, closed the Saturn Plant(non union work) which was the only profitable car at the time for GM, paid the unions, and all the stock holders were left with crap pieces of paper. Also all warranties of the cars before the bailout were now null and void. This set a precedence for GM to fail again, so the government would come in and bail them out again. I will never again own a GM product, because if they failed once and was rewarded, what is to prevent them from doing it again, and again?
Pure FAKE NEWS bullshit.
1/3 of the stimulus was tax cuts, proving your MessiahRushie to be lying scum again.
Thank you.
Where did stimulus money really go?
Rather than helping out those in the toughest shape, it looks like Democrats ended up helping their supporters, including unions and many very wealthy supporters.
And you aren't even ashamed of lying. Do they teach that in public education and from your parents?
Actually it was Republican Governors who refused infrastructure projects, like Christie rejecting the ARC tunnel, and applied the stimulus grants to pay down their state's debts by paying back the money they borrowed from their pension funds so they could brag about reducing their state's debt come election time.
But you knew that already.
Are you related to Faux? You are as much of a sociopath as he/her/it is. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
Americans pay some of the lowest income taxes in the first world. You'd never know that given the unending whining about taxes. Now this doesn't take into consideration that they pay twice as much for healthcare which pretty much evens it out and unlike sensible countries, Americans insist on letting greedy insurance companies control health care which adds at least 20% to their costs.

Also unlike other countries, Americans also go to war regularly and spend at least 4% of GDP on the military. More if they're involved in a major shooting war.

Imagine if all of that money you blew on Iraq and Afghanistan could have been spent on education or infrastructure at home.

Its well past the time that the US stop this ridiculous military spending which started under Reagan and started addressing the needs of your own country, instead of using wars to distract the population from the problems at home.
You are right, some about 47% don't even pay any income tax. Yet that isn't enough for you fuckers, because there are some(like me) who has over time, amassed a small fortune, so I must be punished for my hard work and intelligence to amass that wealth. Maybe instead of you low information voters being victims of liberalism, get off you lazy ass, and make something of yourself. Nah, that requires work, and that is a 4 letter word to you, like garlic is to a vampire.

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