August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up

Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up
U.S. economy records fastest growth in 3 years
The U.S. economy picked up steam during the second quarter, notching the fastest pace of growth in two years.
During the first full quarter with President Trump in charge, economic growth hit 3%, according to revised estimates released by the government on Wednesday.
When GDP increases, the job growth has a lag time, for now that companies are making profit they can hire more employees to fill the need for that growth. Of course liberals are totally clueless about the economic processes, which was why Obama's 8 years not one of those years broke the 3% mark.

Exploring Why Does Employment Growth Always Lag Behind an Economic Growth After a Recession and Whether Firms Achieve Efficiency During a Recession? Essay

GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:
Maybe if those pissant Democrats would stop obstructing that would change.

You know, at some point right after Republicans start controlling EVERY BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT you have to stop saying that bullshit.
GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:

95 million people out of the labor force and Trump delivers a pathetic 150,000 jobs
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

U.S. economy records fastest growth in 3 years When GDP increases, the job growth has a lag time, for now that companies are making profit they can hire more employees to fill the need for that growth. Of course liberals are totally clueless about the economic processes, which was why Obama's 8 years not one of those years broke the 3% mark.

Exploring Why Does Employment Growth Always Lag Behind an Economic Growth After a Recession and Whether Firms Achieve Efficiency During a Recession? Essay

GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:

95 million people out of the labor force and Trump delivers a pathetic 150,000 jobs
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?

President Obama gave Trump a 4.6 percent unemployment rate

Under Trump, there are now 170 million unemployed
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
You're s moron. No one here rooted for failure. All that's been posted so far is how the economy is moving along at pretty much the same pace as what Trump inherited and how dishonest the right is for attacking figures while Obama was president whereas now, their silent on those very same figures.

Irony, learn to type libwit.
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:

95 million people out of the labor force and Trump delivers a pathetic 150,000 jobs
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

View attachment 147017
Illiterate boob, do I really need to explain this to you? I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20% -- I pointed out how rightards were making that claim while Obama was president but no more since Trump is president. Their silence on that proved they were full of shit all along. Not that anyone didn't already know that, mind you.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
You're s moron. No one here rooted for failure. All that's been posted so far is how the economy is moving along at pretty much the same pace as what Trump inherited and how dishonest the right is for attacking figures while Obama was president whereas now, their silent on those very same figures.

Irony, learn to type libwit.

I point out you're a moron for making a false claim and all you can do is bitch about a typo??


Damn, are you ever desperate.

Less jobs than expected were created in August. Let us hope things improve soon.
August Jobs Report Disappoints as Unemployment Ticks Up
U.S. economy records fastest growth in 3 years
The U.S. economy picked up steam during the second quarter, notching the fastest pace of growth in two years.
During the first full quarter with President Trump in charge, economic growth hit 3%, according to revised estimates released by the government on Wednesday.
When GDP increases, the job growth has a lag time, for now that companies are making profit they can hire more employees to fill the need for that growth. Of course liberals are totally clueless about the economic processes, which was why Obama's 8 years not one of those years broke the 3% mark.

Exploring Why Does Employment Growth Always Lag Behind an Economic Growth After a Recession and Whether Firms Achieve Efficiency During a Recession? Essay

GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years

If it increases, above 3%, will you admit that Trump is doing something right?

Actually, President Trump called Obama GDP numbers above 3 percent "a disaster" and promised four percent GDP

If Trump delivers four percent, I will kiss his fat ass

So, you're deferring to Trump on what is a good economy....

Very convenient for you.

If Trumps says the economy has to be over 4 percent GDP, who am I to argue?

Trump is one of our smartest presidents, real smart, smart man, his father is smart too (kids? Not so much)....went to Wharton, great school, only smart hombres go to Wharton....believe me
If Trump says 4 percent GDP, Not 3 percent, not 2 is needed...I believe him
He wouldn't lie about something that important would he?
GDP is hovering at just under 3 percent
Just as it has for the last eight years
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:
Maybe if those pissant Democrats would stop obstructing that would change.
How about you post a link to where you called on Republicans to cease obstructing Obama?
Paul Ryan gave him everything he wanted.

Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds 'Fundamental Transformation of America' - Breitbart
The Senate broke records with the number of filibusters while Republicans were in the minority.

So where was your condemnation of Republican obstruction?
How else was Obama gonna be able to brag about cutting the deficit if not for the GOP prevention that took place after Obama raised the deficit 300%?
95 million people out of the labor force and Trump delivers a pathetic 150,000 jobs
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

View attachment 147017
Illiterate boob, do I really need to explain this to you? I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20% -- I pointed out how rightards were making that claim while Obama was president but no more since Trump is president. Their silence on that proved they were full of shit all along. Not that anyone didn't already know that, mind you.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Don't need to say anything more about you Faux.
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
You're s moron. No one here rooted for failure. All that's been posted so far is how the economy is moving along at pretty much the same pace as what Trump inherited and how dishonest the right is for attacking figures while Obama was president whereas now, their silent on those very same figures.

Irony, learn to type libwit.

I point out you're a moron for making a false claim and all you can do is bitch about a typo??


Damn, are you ever desperate.


Boo hoo we opposed Obama, tissue? Damn but you snowflakes are fragile, grow a pair for Christ sake.
Where are all the rightards, who for 8 years, reminded us every month how many millions of folks were not in the labor force? We're at a near record high at just shy of 95 million -- and those rightards are nowhere to be found anymore. :dunno:
Maybe if those pissant Democrats would stop obstructing that would change.
How about you post a link to where you called on Republicans to cease obstructing Obama?
Paul Ryan gave him everything he wanted.

Paul Ryan Betrays America: $1.1 Trillion, 2,000-Plus Page Omnibus Bill Funds 'Fundamental Transformation of America' - Breitbart
The Senate broke records with the number of filibusters while Republicans were in the minority.

So where was your condemnation of Republican obstruction?
How else was Obama gonna be able to brag about cutting the deficit if not for the GOP prevention that took place after Obama raised the deficit 300%?
Your deflection is noted -- now where's your link showing you complained how Republican obstruction hampered Obama's ability to grow the economy?
Last edited:
The OP is a lie. The monthly jobs report doesn't come out on the first of the month. It's more like the 4th or 5th.
95 million people out of the labor force and Trump delivers a pathetic 150,000 jobs
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

View attachment 147017
Illiterate boob, do I really need to explain this to you? I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20% -- I pointed out how rightards were making that claim while Obama was president but no more since Trump is president. Their silence on that proved they were full of shit all along. Not that anyone didn't already know that, mind you.

I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20%
Your own fucking words follow...
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
Yep you are a confirmed sociopath caught in your own lie...
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
You're s moron. No one here rooted for failure. All that's been posted so far is how the economy is moving along at pretty much the same pace as what Trump inherited and how dishonest the right is for attacking figures while Obama was president whereas now, their silent on those very same figures.

Irony, learn to type libwit.

I point out you're a moron for making a false claim and all you can do is bitch about a typo??


Damn, are you ever desperate.


Boo hoo we opposed Obama, tissue? Damn but you snowflakes are fragile, grow a pair for Christ sake.
No one cares that you opposed Obama, that's to be expected. What's surfacing now, as evidenced in threads such as this one, is that you had to oppose him with lies. Lies like claiming the unemployment was 20% when it was really about 5%.

It goes to show you opposed him for ideological reasons and not reasons grounded in reality.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

View attachment 147017
Illiterate boob, do I really need to explain this to you? I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20% -- I pointed out how rightards were making that claim while Obama was president but no more since Trump is president. Their silence on that proved they were full of shit all along. Not that anyone didn't already know that, mind you.
How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Don't need to say anything more about you Faux.
Your lack of self-awareness is duly noted.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?

That they've abandoned that rhetoric now that a Republican is in office goes to prove just how full of shit they were during all those years while Obama was president.
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
So you are admitting that President Trump "inherited" a 20% unemployment rate from the Muslim loving community agitator?
No, I'm not. But thanks for once again reminding the forum how illiterate you are.
But you just did, like Obama for all the time he was in office blamed Bush for his(Obama's) economic woes. Are you really that stupid not to notice your FAUX PAU when you opened that stupid pie hole?

View attachment 147017
Illiterate boob, do I really need to explain this to you? I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20% -- I pointed out how rightards were making that claim while Obama was president but no more since Trump is president. Their silence on that proved they were full of shit all along. Not that anyone didn't already know that, mind you.

I didn't say the unemployment rate is 20%
Your own fucking words follow...
Where are their cries about how the real unemployment rate is about 20%?
Yep you are a confirmed sociopath caught in your own lie...
Illiterate boob -- that's me asking why the right stopped lying about the unemployment rate.

Dayam, you're rightarded. :cuckoo:
Dem's rooting for failure, shocker. :rolleyes:
You're s moron. No one here rooted for failure. All that's been posted so far is how the economy is moving along at pretty much the same pace as what Trump inherited and how dishonest the right is for attacking figures while Obama was president whereas now, their silent on those very same figures.

Irony, learn to type libwit.

I point out you're a moron for making a false claim and all you can do is bitch about a typo??


Damn, are you ever desperate.


Boo hoo we opposed Obama, tissue? Damn but you snowflakes are fragile, grow a pair for Christ sake.
No one cares that you opposed Obama, that's to be expected. What's surfacing now, as evidenced in threads such as this one, is that you had to oppose him with lies. Lies like claiming the unemployment was 20% when it was really about 5%.

It goes to show you opposed him for ideological reasons and not reasons grounded in reality.

You libs claimed 5% unemployment under Bush was a crisis FACT! You pin head libs your memory is about 5 minutes long. Fortunately I'm here to remind you what you said.

The left waged a propaganda war on the economy for 2 years 2006 to 2008 claiming everything was horrible to drive the economy into the ditch just so they could win the 2008 election. A few months AFTER Bill Clinton had to take noob idiot Obama aside and tell him, "hey dummy stop bad mouthing the economy you won already".

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