Austin attack

have zero tolerance for use a gun to commit a crime,even if it wasnt discharged,you get 25 years in prison and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for good behavier...if the gun is discharged another 5 years added,and then depending on how much damage that gun did in the course of committing that crime, more time added and you serve every minute.....if someone dies as a result of the crime using that gun,you get at least life with no chance of parole.... owning guns is fine,but with that ownership comes great responsibility,you use it to commit a crime,you accept the consequences...
So you think gun crime should entitle people to free room and board then ??
so do you think gun crime should entitle people to light sentences and then out in 3 years because of good behavior?...which does happen...
Yep, guns making the US safer and safer....
Can you site any case where a gun killed people?
Progressive fuck ups always blaming the "firearm" and the not the progressive fuck up actually doing the killing... Lol

That they do.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon. Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

They just can't get that through their feeble skulls. Blame the gun, not the person using it. That's their montra.

But of course if someone breaks into their house they expect the cop responding to be armed and shoot if necessary.

Funny how that works doncha know??
Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.
In the US if a coroner established that the death of an individual was caused by another individual that death is counted as a homicide (murder).
In the UK the death of an individual is not considered a murder UNTIL someone is CONVICTED of causing the death and if that murderer caused multiple deaths it is counted as ONE murder.
In other words the Home Office doesn't report dead bodies they report convicted killers.
And whether it be by gun, strangulation, or knife a murder is a murder. Personally if I have to die from violence, I'd rather it be quick with a gun rather than the other 2 methods.

England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US

Violent crime is much hjgher in other countries

Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.
Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.

Now, take out all of the gang-bangers and murders involving drugs or other crimes. Then see how you numbers compare.
Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.

And all of the other First World countries lack one other thing that we have in abundance. Third World criminals. We have more of those than the rest of the First World nations combined. They are responsible for 80% of the violent crime.
You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?

How many of those countries have something like the 2nd Amendment?
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.

Newsflash: Latin American is definitely considered western. You are just ignorant.
Even amongst EU nations the term homicide is different between them. Homicide in some country's is labeled such only if premeditated, etc.

And the EU has a much higher number of officers per population than the US.
Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.

Your stats are just as hosed as they were when you posted them earlier.

Don't count "murders" involved in other criminal activity and see how we rank! It is called intellectual honesty, a concept lost of liberals.
have zero tolerance for use a gun to commit a crime,even if it wasnt discharged,you get 25 years in prison and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for good behavier...if the gun is discharged another 5 years added,and then depending on how much damage that gun did in the course of committing that crime, more time added and you serve every minute.....if someone dies as a result of the crime using that gun,you get at least life with no chance of parole.... owning guns is fine,but with that ownership comes great responsibility,you use it to commit a crime,you accept the consequences...
So you think gun crime should entitle people to free room and board then ??
so do you think gun crime should entitle people to light sentences and then out in 3 years because of good behavior?...which does happen...
Does not matter how long they stay in jail/prison or not, it is still free room and board and a meal ticket.

You are simply rewarding murderers if you do not execute them.

Execution or reward -- the only 2 de facto possibilities.
In the US if a coroner established that the death of an individual was caused by another individual that death is counted as a homicide (murder).

depotoo , your legal definitions are a bit off.

homicide = death caused by another person

homicide = justifiable or nonjustifiable

justifiable = self defense

nonjustifiable = manslaughter or murder

Ergo, a "homicide" is NOT automatically a "murder".

And our violent crime rate is lower. I wonder why...
You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?

How many of those countries have something like the 2nd Amendment?
have zero tolerance for use a gun to commit a crime,even if it wasnt discharged,you get 25 years in prison and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for good behavier...if the gun is discharged another 5 years added,and then depending on how much damage that gun did in the course of committing that crime, more time added and you serve every minute.....if someone dies as a result of the crime using that gun,you get at least life with no chance of parole.... owning guns is fine,but with that ownership comes great responsibility,you use it to commit a crime,you accept the consequences...
So you think gun crime should entitle people to free room and board then ??
so do you think gun crime should entitle people to light sentences and then out in 3 years because of good behavior?...which does happen...
Does not matter how long they stay in jail/prison or not, it is still free room and board and a meal ticket.

You are simply rewarding murderers if you do not execute them.

Execution or reward -- the only 2 de facto possibilities.
so you are talking if the gunman kills the person right?...if its proven he/she killed the person i have no problems with executing them,and i dont mean 25 years later after 100 appeals,i mean within a couple of years....violent people dont deserve breaks....but many states no longer have the death penalty....
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.
Last time I checked, Latin America was in the Western World.
have zero tolerance for use a gun to commit a crime,even if it wasnt discharged,you get 25 years in prison and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for good behavier...if the gun is discharged another 5 years added,and then depending on how much damage that gun did in the course of committing that crime, more time added and you serve every minute.....if someone dies as a result of the crime using that gun,you get at least life with no chance of parole.... owning guns is fine,but with that ownership comes great responsibility,you use it to commit a crime,you accept the consequences...
So you think gun crime should entitle people to free room and board then ??
so do you think gun crime should entitle people to light sentences and then out in 3 years because of good behavior?...which does happen...
Does not matter how long they stay in jail/prison or not, it is still free room and board and a meal ticket.

You are simply rewarding murderers if you do not execute them.

Execution or reward -- the only 2 de facto possibilities.
so you are talking if the gunman kills the person right?...if its proven he/she killed the person i have no problems with executing them,and i dont mean 25 years later after 100 appeals,i mean within a couple of years....violent people dont deserve breaks....but many states no longer have the death penalty....
McVeigh was executed in record time -- six years.

It takes 5 to 6 years even in a case where you know the person is guilty because you caught them red handed.

I would therefore cap it a 7 years max.
Yet, for the purpose of this discussion I believe it makes a difference in the overall reporting. In the UK, someone has to be convicted of the crime of murder/homicide to be included in their tally. If no suspect is ever charged and found guilty, they are not included.
Look at this regarding Germany-
And that brings us to murder. As I have noted several times, Germany follows the common European practice of ignoring many of the murders involving Roma and other minorities, reducing the reported murder rate by one third or more.

The FBI tabulated a total of 12,664 murders for a rate of 4.1 per 100,000 population.

The BKA reported a total of 2,218 murders, equivalent to 8,628 US murders, for a reported rate of 2.8 per 100,000 population. While this official total is nominally one third lower than the US, the actual rate is substantially higher than the US rate.

And then you have the number of officers here vs other first world countries.

The US has 243 per 100,000
Germany 304
Italy 550
UK range from avg of 330 to as high as 500

In the US if a coroner established that the death of an individual was caused by another individual that death is counted as a homicide (murder).

depotoo , your legal definitions are a bit off.

homicide = death caused by another person

homicide = justifiable or nonjustifiable

justifiable = self defense

nonjustifiable = manslaughter or murder

Ergo, a "homicide" is NOT automatically a "murder".

In the US if a coroner established that the death of an individual was caused by another individual that death is counted as a homicide (murder).
In the UK the death of an individual is not considered a murder UNTIL someone is CONVICTED of causing the death and if that murderer caused multiple deaths it is counted as ONE murder.
In other words the Home Office doesn't report dead bodies they report convicted killers.
And whether it be by gun, strangulation, or knife a murder is a murder. Personally if I have to die from violence, I'd rather it be quick with a gun rather than the other 2 methods.

England has worse crime rate than the US, says Civitas study
Violent crime worse in Britain than in US

Violent crime is much hjgher in other countries

Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?


3/4 of all US murders are with guns.

The US murder rate is 4 times higher than other first world countries' murder rates.

So... the US murder rate WITHOUT guns is the SAME as other first world countries. Go figure.

Yes, crime statistics can be difficult when you're looking at different ways of looking at them.

For rape it's notoriously difficult. The way the US records rape leads to very low numbers compared to countries like the UK, Germany, Sweden, Australia etc. If you actually look at the crime that's being committed you can see that the US doesn't have lower violent crime at all, it's how they record it that makes it look low.

Some crime stats were developed in a strange way in the UK, but things have changed.

Murders in the UK

Here is a page which has actual murders compared to confirmed cases. You can see the change from 2010 onwards with how confirmed cases have been dropped. Even so the last time this was around there were 10 unconfirmed murders. Putting the rate from 10 to 11 per 1 million people. The US has 40. So, it doesn't really have an impact much.
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.

Newsflash: Latin American is definitely considered western. You are just ignorant.

No, I'm not. Latin America is considered as Latin America.

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