Austin attack

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns than without?
The most efficient way to kill people is to slice their throats in their sleep.

A wannabe mass murderer that knew how to pick locks and sharpen knives could literally kill hundreds of people before being stopped.

It amazes me it has happened yet.

there was a movie like that some time ago

Mr Brooks i think was

The Ghurkas used to do this with the Italians in North Africa in WW2. They would slip in at night, take out the one sentry (usually asleep) and then quietly creep from soldier to soldier killing them with one slice of their legendary blades. The Italians would often flee as soon as they became aware that they were opposite a Ghurka unit.

Can you site one law the gun broke?
I can site numerous ones the suspect broke, if he turns out to be the killer. Felony burglaries. Felony possession of an illegal firearm and also an additional felony for even having a gun while a felon. By the way, last time he was picked up with an illegally possessed weapon he was released by some idiot judge on $0 bail.
Yep, guns making the US safer and safer....
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So why hasn't there been a major push to go after the gun black market, rather than trying to change laws no criminal will keep?
Yep, what we need is more guns on the street. Yessirreeeeeee Bob. And when there are more shooting, the obvious answer is more guns out on the street. So damned logical. Yessirreeeeeeeee Bob!
You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns than without?
The most efficient way to kill people is to slice their throats in their sleep.

A wannabe mass murderer that knew how to pick locks and sharpen knives could literally kill hundreds of people before being stopped.

It amazes me it has happened yet.

there was a movie like that some time ago

Mr Brooks i think was

The Ghurkas used to do this with the Italians in North Africa in WW2. They would slip in at night, take out the one sentry (usually asleep) and then quietly creep from soldier to soldier killing them with one slice of their legendary blades. The Italians would often flee as soon as they became aware that they were opposite a Ghurka unit.

Also, the Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for almost 200 years......
"Better to die than be a coward" is the motto of the world-famous Nepalese Gurkha soldiers who are an integral part of the British Army.

They still carry into battle their traditional weapon - an 18-inch long curved knife known as the kukri.

In times past, it was said that once a kukri was drawn in battle, it had to "taste blood" - if not, its owner had to cut himself before returning it to its sheath.

Sorry......but I had to post that lil bit of info.....:p the Gurkhas were amazing!
Also, the Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for almost 200 years......
"Better to die than be a coward" is the motto of the world-famous Nepalese Gurkha soldiers who are an integral part of the British Army.

They still carry into battle their traditional weapon - an 18-inch long curved knife known as the kukri.

In times past, it was said that once a kukri was drawn in battle, it had to "taste blood" - if not, its owner had to cut himself before returning it to its sheath.

Sorry......but I had to post that lil bit of info.....:p the Gurkhas were amazing!

And they still are.

Also, the Gurkhas have been part of the British Army for almost 200 years......
"Better to die than be a coward" is the motto of the world-famous Nepalese Gurkha soldiers who are an integral part of the British Army.

They still carry into battle their traditional weapon - an 18-inch long curved knife known as the kukri.

In times past, it was said that once a kukri was drawn in battle, it had to "taste blood" - if not, its owner had to cut himself before returning it to its sheath.

Sorry......but I had to post that lil bit of info.....:p the Gurkhas were amazing!

And they still are.

You are absolutely right! :thup:
You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?
Yep, guns making the US safer and safer....

According to the link, the police revoked the "active shooter incident". There were two incidents. No doubt the anti-gun LW loonies will push the panic button and try to use this as an excuse to register then confiscate guns enact "common sense gun legislation". You know, just like Australia did.

"One person was fatally shot and four others were shot and injured in Austin, Texas, early this morning, following two separate, unrelated incidents that put the city on edge, police said.

Initially police described the shootings as an "active shooter incident," but later Sunday morning, that description was revoked."

Hence why the US is safer with 4 times more murder than other first world nations then. Yep, more murders means you are safer, because it means you're not going to be murderer by the person who got murderer, so, safer....
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.
Yep, guns making the US safer and safer....
Lunatics and thugs make the US dangerous. If it isn't an Islamist, it's likely an illegal or gang banger thug.

Yeah, but somehow you think the US has more lunatics and thugs than any other first world country? And if there are more, why have dangerous weapons and make it easy for this lunatics and thugs to get a hold of?
The ourpse of gun ownership is not to make it easy for thugs, it's to make it easy to Defend ourselves. A thug will kill with a knife.or his bare hands. A gun is the great equalizer.
... and here I was getting ready to look up "ourpse" and wondered if some new word had escaped my vocabulary !!!
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.
How convenient...
Violence seems to be everywhere, and in other countries they are using bombs not guns.
I am sure criminals would use bombs here too, like the 2 brothers in Boston did, if they could not get their hands on guns that they like.

Crime will never end. It will just morph into whatever form of crime the criminals have available to them.

Psycho's are so ingenious.

That's just how the criminal mind works.

It is not insane it is just very evil.

If you outlaw guns only outlaws will have guns.

If you get rid of guns completely and thus enslave your population, then outlaws will only switch to bombs.

However, if you look at murder rates in most of the western world, it's at about similar levels, except the USA which has murder 4 times higher.

Latin America has the highest murder rates and the greatest gun control.

Did you see I said "western world", what I mean by western world is first world, by the way. Latin America doesn't get included.
How convenient...

So, you don't want to bother talking about the issue?

Western world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Western world or the West is a term usually referring to different nations, depending on the context, most often including at least part of Europe."

"In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.[8]"

How convenient that others agree with me.

Sourced from:

Thompson, William; Hickey, Joseph (2005). Society in Focus. Boston, MA: Pearson. 0-205-41365-X.


"The clash of civilizations according to Samuel P. Huntington (1996), as presented in the book.[41] Huntington's map of major civilizations. What constitutes Western civilization in his view is coloured dark blue,"

Another who agrees with me.

How convenient for me that many people agree with me.
SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?
Have you tried to buy a gun? They run a background check regardless if you lie on the form. The FBI admitted it fucked up with Dylann Roof. He should never have been able to buy a gun under our present system. They dropped the ball. Let's try making our present laws work before enacting new laws that only hamper honest citizens.
Hence why the US is safer with 4 times more murder than other first world nations then. Yep, more murders means you are safer, because it means you're not going to be murderer by the person who got murderer, so, safer....
Evidence please. Also, separate out the gang-banger murders from the national statistics just for comparison since most Euro nations don't have inner city drug gangs murdering each other. TIA

BTW, do you consider Russia to be a first world nation? Ukraine? Mexico?
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Have you taken the time to research how they die, if not by gun? In Europe first is by strangulation, then by knife.
Now, a crime is a crime is a crime, whether it be by a knife, hands, or a gun.
And murder is murder, no matter the method.

And if you actually get all their numbers together they have more violent crime than the US. It's harder to pull their numbers together as they do not count violent crime the same way we do. We are much more open with our numbers. You can go to one source to get them here, rather than several to get them as they have them incorporated.

And once again, a felon that has a gun, an illegal gun, has not followed any laws to begin with. No law would have prevented him from getting that gun illegally. None, nada, zilch.
Laws are for those that respect the law. Criminals do not think of or follow the laws. When he got that gun he did not once stop to think this is illegal. Criminals do not care. What is the definition of a criminal? One that commits a crime. What is a crime? An act committed in violation of the law.

You don't think people with guns kill people much more effectively with guns
There you go. People...evil people kill people; not guns. Good people should have guns. Evil people shouldn't.

SO you put on the form you fill out when you go apply for a gun "Are you evil?" and if they tick yes you don't give them a gun?

The fact is that good people are 4 times more likely to die in the US than in other first world countries. It's not difficult to understand that though, is it?
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