Australia is looking for help, they can't help themselves

Austrailia closed their BORDERS-----to all foreigners. If we had done that without the dems screaming racism, we too would have fewer cases. I remember Desantis specifically stating that the agricultural hispanics were the leading factor in Florida early on. Of course, Australia would also likely have hung Cuomo and the other dems in the public square for taking infected people and purposely placing them in nursing homes to spread the disease around the like Biden has with illegals.
Biden is sending illegal aliens, some with COVID-19, to Florida and DeSantis is trying to intercept the buses and route them to Delaware.

Sounds like a great plan to me as I live in Florida. If Trump can’t run at this point DeSantis is the man. In fact he may be a better choice than Trump as he is not quite as obnoxious.

Aided by the US taking up former Australian markets. What a hoot. But then the Aussies' insecurities leave them prey to any passing con operator...

First, the US and China announced a mega 20-year LNG deal, which China’s Global Times tabloid gleefully observed was at Australia’s expense. Then, at COP26, the US and China revealed that for months they had been working together in secret on a major global initiative to cut methane emissions.

What a load of commie propaganda.
It seems obvious to me that in Australia the government does not fear the people but the people have good reason to fear their government.

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The Australian people don't fear their govt...well not the honest, non-criminal, non-lawbreaking people.
At every election the Right and Left compete with each other to give the people as much free stuff and benefits as they can, hoping for votes.
. 4 weeks annual leave
. 6 weeks before the birth and 6 weeks after paid maternity leave.
. Paternity leave
. 9% of salary paid as superannuation on top of salary by employers
. Unemployment benefits forever if you can't find a job
. Lots of people with families get more in welfare than they pay in tax.
Industrial law.
Gotta love the govt.
The Australian people don't fear their govt...well not the honest, non-criminal, non-lawbreaking people.
At every election the Right and Left compete with each other to give the people as much free stuff and benefits as they can, hoping for votes.
. 4 weeks annual leave
. 6 weeks before the birth and 6 weeks after paid maternity leave.
. Paternity leave
. 9% of salary paid as superannuation on top of salary by employers
. Unemployment benefits forever if you can't find a job
. Lots of people with families get more in welfare than they pay in tax.
Industrial law.
Gotta love the govt.
Reports I am reading say Australians are upset with their government.

Shunned by all, stranded, Australia would just have to mostly live as a commune.
Plenty of coal to burn to stay warm in winter and cool in summer.
Can grow enough food.
Manufacturing could be ramped up.
Wages would fall, no money for imported cars...would have to make its own cars...4 wheels, 2 axles, 4 tyres, steam engine coal fired, seats/leather cushions filled will hard could it be.
Cotton clothes, leather clothes, wool for clothes etc.
Cricket bats and balls made locally.
Oh happy days.
500,000 camels...they could be bred, a camel for everyone.
There would be some countries willing to trade stuff, there always are.
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Reports I am reading say Australians are upset with their government.

Some people refuse to be vaccinated, but still expect to be able to work in some industries...and are outraged that they can't.
One is/was a nurse working in an Covid ICU!
Other nurses refused to work with her.
Some paramedics are refusing to be vaccinated.
Aged care workers..."get vaccinated or you won't be able work in aged care facilities"...a deadline was set.
Same with teachers..."No vaccination, not allowed into schools".
As Prime Minister Morrison has stated many times "there is no compulsory vaccination of any type in Australia".
However, if a person chooses not to get vaccinated they have to negotiate society and its vaccination rules.

In my mind it's all fair enough.
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What a load of commie propaganda.
That just happens to be true. Or has the US turned down the extra exports to China in a gesture of solidarity with Australia?

If you think the US doesn't have a reputation of leaving its allies high and dry with policy changes, you must be American.
That just happens to be true. Or has the US turned down the extra exports to China in a gesture of solidarity with Australia?

If you think the US doesn't have a reputation of leaving its allies high and dry, you must be American.
Show some figures on Australian LNG exports, not commie opinion pieces.
Oh, it's "Chairman Dan" as some call him, the Leftist Premier of Victoria state of which Melbourne is the capital who's causing 'all' the trouble, protests in Melbourne....with the proposed new laws he's trying to get thru the parliament.
Victorians keep electing him in landslides. They were warned by many, but they knew look what's happening...all their own fault.

Controversial pandemic laws are being debated in the Victorian parliament as protesters maintain their presence outside, after several conducted a mock execution of the premier overnight.
Debate on the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill began in the upper house on Tuesday afternoon and is expected to continue until the end of the week.
  • Funny
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Not for the reasons you intimate.
I was just using news articles as my source. Provide some of your own to back up your argument.

Show some figures on Australian LNG exports, not commie opinion pieces.
Australia exported a record 30.7 million tonnes of LNG to China, worth an estimated A$15.6 billion, EnergyQuest said in its latest report released today. Deliveries from Australia were up 7.3% from the previous record of 28.6 million tonnes posted in the full year ending June 2020, according to import statistics.
China imported a total of 76.1 Mt for the 12 months to June 2021 compared with 63.6 Mt for the previous 12 months, a rise of 19.6% year-on-year (yoy), said EnergyQuest. Import prices were down 15% averaging US$6.87/MMBtu compared with US$8.12/MMBtu for the previous 12 months. Average Australian prices fell 20% to US$6.66/MMBtu from US$8.30/MMBtu for the previous year. The total landed value of Australian LNG imports in FY 2021 was US$10.6 billion (A$15.6 billion), down from US$12.3 billion (A$18.8 billion) the year before, added the consultancy.
I was just using news articles as my source. Provide some of your own to back up your argument.
Sure. From Bangladesh and Republicstan, dealing with some states' government issues .
I was just using news articles as my source. Provide some of your own to back up your argument.

See? Republicstan. They're feeding you stuff you want to read.

We give you the straight scoop and provide news and insights for the patriotic American who unabashedly loves their country and refuses to be silenced.

Read this for a more establishment Australian perspective:
SMH - The Sydney Morning Herald

This for the subjects the SMH won't touch:
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Austrailia closed their BORDERS-----to all foreigners. If we had done that without the dems screaming racism, we too would have fewer cases. I remember Desantis specifically stating that the agricultural hispanics were the leading factor in Florida early on. Of course, Australia would also likely have hung Cuomo and the other dems in the public square for taking infected people and purposely placing them in nursing homes to spread the disease around the like Biden has with illegals.
You're FOS, as usual.

How would closing America's border's to everyone be racism?

Mini Trump, of course, blaming his stupidity on farm workers, just like his daddy.

Then, of course, Trump's cult blaming their stupidity on illegal immigrants.

Just like their dear leader, 'NOT MY FAULT'.
  • Thanks
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Some people refuse to be vaccinated, but still expect to be able to work in some industries...and are outraged that they can't.
One is/was a nurse working in an Covid ICU!
Other nurses refused to work with her.
Some paramedics are refusing to be vaccinated.
Aged care workers..."get vaccinated or you won't be able work in aged care facilities"...a deadline was set.
Same with teachers..."No vaccination, not allowed into schools".
As Prime Minister Morrison has stated many times "there is no compulsory vaccination of any type in Australia".
However, if a person chooses not to get vaccinated they have to negotiate society and its vaccination rules.

In my mind it's all fair enough.
In a free nation you should have the right to decide if you want to risk getting a brand new type of “vaccine” that hasn’t been around long enough to determine the long term effects. Perhaps you already have had COVID-19 and are effectively more immune to it than if you were vaccinated. (Note: I have had two injections of the Moderna vaccine and plan on getting a booster shortly. At my age and with my health problems my risk analysis favored taking the vaccine.)

Remember the Swine Flu Vaccine of 1976. For some people it resulted in unexpected side effects.


How mRNA Vaccines Work
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, mRNA vaccines use mRNA created in a laboratory to teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.

In the spring of 1976, it looked like that year’s flu was the real thing. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t, and rushed response led to a medical debacle that hasn’t gone away.

“Some of the American public’s hesitance to embrace vaccines — the flu vaccine in particular — can be attributed to the long-lasting effects of a failed 1976 campaign to mass-vaccinate the public against a strain of the swine flu virus,” writes Rebecca Kreston for Discover. “This government-led campaign was widely viewed as a debacle and put an irreparable dent in future public health initiative, as well as negatively influenced the public’s perception of both the flu and the flu shot in this country.”
Just for yucks...

Oct 12, 2021 – 4.46pm
US beef exports to China in July and August were more than the total shipped in all of 2020, prompting Australian exporters to worry that they are being permanently edged out of the market.
The shake-up of beef suppliers comes after Beijing last year banned imports from several Australian meatworks in a move seen as retaliation for the federal government’s push back against Beijing’s influence.

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