Austria and Switzerland - Leaflets Teach Muslims Acceptable Behavior in Public Places


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
This new 'Travel Guide' is a must have for future trips to Germany so to know what is appropriate in the eyes of Muslims and Clerics
Last week, we brought you two cartoons designed by European authorities to help “teach” Mid-East refugees what sort of behavior is acceptable at public venues.
The first was a flyer created in Austria that Switzerland intends to distribute ahead of the upcoming Lucerne carnival. The leaflet outlines a number of acceptable behaviors such as shaking hands and mediating arguments while making it clear with giant red Xs that flying into a blind rage and open-hand slapping women and children isn’t something that’s generally tolerated in polite society.

The second was a highly amusing cartoon strip given to refugees “who may have never swum in a public pool before.” As you can see, frowned upon behavior includes pushing women into the pool, drowning others, springing from the side of the pool onto a screaming blonde, and of course, creeping up behind women and touching their behinds.

Are You A Sexually Frustrated Rapefugee In Germany? This Cartoon's For You | Zero Hedge
So...these savages were raised in a barbaric medieval society in the Middle East.

And they think a nice liberal hug and cartoon will change their behavior.
So...these savages were raised in a barbaric medieval society in the Middle East.

And they think a nice liberal hug and cartoon will change their behavior.

Agree. They just refuse to assimilate. If they don't, they should be sent packing.

So...these savages were raised in a barbaric medieval society in the Middle East.

And they think a nice liberal hug and cartoon will change their behavior.

Agree. They just refuse to assimilate. If they don't, they should be sent packing.


They should never be let in to begin with.

We have about 14 centuries of Facts about how this Culture is going to behave. It doesn't change. Only the times have changed. Oil has given these Barbarians the money to buy lots of the Democrat Party in America.
The naivete and sheer stupidity of the majority of bleeding heart, European countries is simply appalling.

Like you are going to show them, to show all those Sharia Law believers to do it?

Yeah, right... it will snow in hell before that happens!
The european nations have it all backwards.

They need to assimilate to muslim behaviors and standards. ...... :cool:

you see....that's when I wonder about you ^^^^

is he a logical human being? is he a Wahhabi? what is he :dunno:
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The european nations have it all backwards.

They need to assimilate to muslim behaviors and standards. ...... :cool:


First, I want to thank you for engaging in political discussion with others, instead of, for example, hacking their info and finding out where they live, and visiting them and their families in a suicide vest...looking selfishly for a romp in Paradise with 72 virgins.

Second, you have had some opinions which I have agreed with.

So, I don't know if you mean this you have posted, are just kidding...I will assume the latter, but I think most Muslims agree with what you said literally....not just most, the vast majority.

Do you deny? and if so, why don't we hear more condemnation of the current barbarity out of the Muslim community?

And if not, why should we ever let another Muslim into this country?

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