Austria to swear in new chancellor as far-right looms

Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?

At the Interior Ministry, the Election Department section, they're saying they're having a meeting next week, they say at this meeting the "errors" as they refer to them will be corrected. They say the "errors" are a result of data processing.

There were no such "errors" as a result of "data processing" for Norbert Hofer.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Parliament has been moving right already. This leadership change shows that movement is no fluke. Crack downs on islamic savages should start shortly.

So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?

I should reiterate that I'm AGAINST ANY VIOLENCE about this, I agree with Hofer and Strache, in my first post today I specifically said that I was AGAINST those who are advocating VIOLENCE.

I did say that the Leftists are lucky there's no violence though, because many people are almost on the verge and I think they've been talked to and calmed down.

Violence on the streets isn't the correct way, we live to fight the General Election, which the Leftists cannot steal like they did the Presidential Election. Once the General Election has been won, then it'll be payback time and with good reason.
So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
So the 840,000 absentee ballots not counted until tomorrow, but the television Wahl 16 - are saying THIS is going to be the result, a Van der Bellen win of 2,888 votes....WTF?!

Like I said earlier, STEALING the election from Herr Hofer.

Look at that ugly Green bastard, he looks like he needs a good wash for one thing and a shave....dirty little POS.


Edited to add comment.

Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

Of course they would.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.

As we've agreed, the Leftists agree with stealing elections and all Leftists are Traitors.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?
Not really. I am not an expert in Austrian party politics. The vibe from Frau Hamilton was that the fascists would sweep away the mainstream parties and that hasnt really happened.
Its a small comfort that the fascists have been beaten but Austria still has problems when trash like this can get so many votes.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.
An education in civics won't hurt him.
Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.
An education in civics won't hurt him.

An education in manners wouldn't either, this is NONE of his business, he's a Troll and a buttfucker.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.

As we've agreed, the Leftists agree with stealing elections and all Leftists are Traitors.
Well I tend to think that my membership of this board allows me to comment on any thread posted on it. Vexing aint it Frau Himmler ?
Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.
An education in civics won't hurt him.

The thing is the Leftists are so desperate that they think a "win" of 0.4 of 1% means they've "beaten" us, no the opposite actually.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?
Not really. I am not an expert in Austrian party politics. The vibe from Frau Hamilton was that the fascists would sweep away the mainstream parties and that hasnt really happened.
Its a small comfort that the fascists have been beaten but Austria still has problems when trash like this can get so many votes.
Questionable. Expert? You have boots on the ground in Austria?

Half the population of Austria is Fascists? So you are residing in Austria and have 1st hand information that half the country are fascist?

Please indulge me with this data, please.

Vilifying half of a country with which you have no allegiance?

Please elaborate .
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
Hey longknife OffensivelyOpenMinded Yousaidwhat DarkFury Bleipriester

We are collecting the examples of stealing the election with the absentee ballots, we're not officially going to challenge this election, however our organisations are collecting all examples that various teams are coming across, whereupon we'll get all the collected information out to about 3 million people via a special App that has been activated today in anticipation.

We will nail these Leftist bastards to the wall about this, this will give us even more votes for the General Election.

Some are calling for actual VIOLENCE today, which others, like myself don't think is a good idea, there's also a petition that has got 26,000 signatures today alone calling for legal action to be taken against the Leftist scum.

Here is just one example, now the Interior Ministry have said this was a "mistake" and then it was "corrected"

This is from Waidhofen an der Ybbs in Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) which registered a 146.9% turnout.


The whole situation in Oberösterreich (Upper Austria) is very strange. In the regional elections Oberösterreich voted in a heavy way for the FPÖ, on Sunday they voted in a heavy way for Herr Hofer....but 90% of the absentee ballots went to Van der Bellen giving him Oberösterreich, the whole thing was put into his column.

There was also "dummy data" which briefly appeared on a social networking site, showing what looked like absentee ballots on SUNDAY....completely illegal, as they are supposed to be under lock and key until MONDAY MORNING.

So they had accessed absentee ballots the night before, why? To steal the election for Van der Bellen of course.

There are some very weird happenings with the absentee ballots in Linz, but it's too long for me to post about that and a bit too complicated for even me to understand completely.
It appears to be a question about the percentage of ballots related to the voting population.

Of the 90% does it reflect the wishes of the population?

Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

Since yesterday, roughly another 20,000 people have asked to join the FPÖ, gaining more voters.
Yes and the other is no.
Then it should be contested. I understand that it wasn't.

All ballots have been counted and verified?
There is no question at all about the ballot apart from among a few sore fascists.

Well done Herr Van Der Bellen.
Now Tommy. Be honest.

If the results tilted in the other direction you'd be screaming, recount!

Am I correct?

I'm not sure what any of this even has to do with him, it's NONE of his business, he's just Trolling.

As we've agreed, the Leftists agree with stealing elections and all Leftists are Traitors.
Well I tend to think that my membership of this board allows me to comment on any thread posted on it. Vexing aint it Frau Himmler ?
Most certainly you do have that right.

What I perceive is an invitation to post here, is also a responsibility to be cordial and respond to other posters without insulting them.

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