Autism rates in California schools jumped as much as 17% among kindergartners since MANDATORY vacc..


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Autism Rates in California Schools Jumped As Much as 17% Among Kindergartners Since Mandatory Vaccine Bill Was Signed |

Autism rates in the US have been rising since the 1980s. In 1985 autism prevalence was 1 in 2,500, ten years later it jumped to 1 in 500, and today it is an astonishing 1 in 68 children.

More and more researchers and doctors are raising red flags as they see more evidence that this epidemic is related not only to environmental, food, and water toxins, but specifically to those in vaccinations. In 1995, the immunization schedule for children had 19 vaccinations before the age of 16. In 2001, that number is now 28 before the age of 18.

Imagine that, forced vaccines and they wanted it this way. Now they get to watch the lights go out in their kids when people tried and tried telling others what these vaccines do.
And as it goes to other states others will use their kids and pay the price of watching their kids lights go out.
They didn't believe either than one day their kid ends up never being the same again.

Former Merck Rep Says Mandatory Vaccination Is For Profit and Not Public Health


They were talking about forcing young girls to get the vaccine for uterine cancer in Texas and other states like Iowa. I opposed this because the vaccine is created with a viral component. Viral components affect people at the DNA level. My thoughts were that the shot should be by choice because we don't understand what the long term effects will be of those viral components.

The flu shots are similar in that they utilize viral components.

To truly understand the long term effects of such a component it would have to be tested over a few generations at the human level of testing and there's no way that could have been accomplished at this time.



They were talking about forcing young girls to get the vaccine for uterine cancer in Texas and other states like Iowa. I opposed this because the vaccine is created with a viral component. Viral components affect people at the DNA level. My thoughts were that the shot should be by choice because we don't understand what the long term effects will be of those viral components.

The flu shots are similar in that they utilize viral components.

To truly understand the long term effects of such a component it would have to be tested over a few generations at the human level of testing and there's no way that could have been accomplished at this time.



I know of someone whose daughter was getting the DPT shots, the shots they get before and up to entering school, every single time she would get one of these vaccines ( DPT) she would have seizures. Her lips would turn blue, she would get as stiff as a board, and her eyes would roll back. This took place at six months old.

by the time she was about ready to enter into kindergarten the mother said no more shots they began to not happen very often.

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