Automatic Recounts will occur in 5 states

Now that there are observers in place something really weird is happening in the states Trump originally won and was way ahead in before the Democrats stopped the counts, and flipped on The Fraud Switch replacing Trump Votes with Biden Votes.

The Pendulum has swung so far back the other way that this is the current difference in the two candidates, which can easily be swung all the way back to Trump in a recount the percentages are so small.

Arizona: Biden's lead down to .05% and shrinking
Georgia: Biden's lead down to .02% and shrinking
Wisconsin: Biden's lead down to .07% and shrinking
Pennsylvania: Biden's lead down to .08% and shrinking
Michigan: Biden's lead down to 2.07% and shrinking.....this will end up being recounted because of the software that is in 44 counties. In one county alone, the software gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, and also did the same to a local GOP candidate. The local GOP candidate ended up winning, and the Trump won the county after a hand count.

Real Clear politics has already take Georgia, Nevada, & Arizona from Biden.

No state has certified the election.

The recounts have not even begun yet.

Now you know why Dems and the swamp wanted Trump to quickly concede, they don't want the election fraud investigated.
Alaska to President Trump, but why won't they call North Carolina? That is so BIZARRE
Latest Update:

Here are the numbers I first posted.

Arizona: Biden's lead down to .05% and shrinking
Georgia: Biden's lead down to .02% and shrinking
Wisconsin: Biden's lead down to .07% and shrinking
Pennsylvania: Biden's lead down to .08% and shrinking
Michigan: Biden's lead down to 2.07% and shrinking.

It is important to note that things are swinging back the other way unlike when 6 Democrat Ran states illegally halted the counting when Trump was ahead and gaining in every states, and then dumped in hundreds of thousands of Biden votes with no matching signatures, no sealed privacy envelopes, no down votes, no post marks, and some with back dates post marks, and also blocked observers from observing the count illegally. The Left Tries to tell you No Republicans votes by mail, but we are finding thousands of mail Trump Ballots in dumpsters and landfills.

Here are the current numbers.

These numbers are 10ths of a percent except for Mich and Nevada

Arizona: Biden's lead down to .45% and shrinking - Automatic Recount
Georgia: Biden's lead down to .2% and shrinking - Automatic Recount
Wisconsin: Biden's lead down to .63% and shrinking - Automatic Recount
Pennsylvania: Biden's lead down to .69% and shrinking - Automatic Recount
Mich: Biden's lead down to 2.65%
and shrinking - Automatic Recount - software glitch
Nevada: Biden's lead down to 2.7% and shrinking - Automatic Recount - software glitch

As I already pointed out to you in this thread, those states don't all have automatic recounts. Some do, but require closer races than that.
Just heard a report in Michigan by the former AG where he said he witnessed piles of unsealed ballots being paired up with people in the electronic voter roles who had not voted and workers filling out the ballots just for Biden and then dumping them in the system.

Someone needs to go to jail for that

Someone will go to jail if Trump eventually gets elected.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

The President should never Concede until all Illegal votes are removed from The System.
All votes in the 6 states that illegally stopped counting and dumped in illegal ballots in to the system and started counting again need to be hand counted, and each vote has to match up with a legal voter, and that voter needs to confirm, signature and how they voted.

Then all voters who knew they cast their ballots for Trump but whose vote was not counted due to them being thrown in dumpsters and landfills need to be allowed to vote again.

We will not allow ourselves to be disenfranchised.

perhaps you could find a few, perhaps in the tens, but not enough

There is no evidence any fraud of significance has occurred. Any suggestion otherwise, without actual evidence, is an attack on American democracy.

Don't you morons ever get tired or repeating this lie?
Recounts never amount to more than 1,000 votes changes. Trump lost by tens of thousands in every state

Give it up
That's when everyone votes in person. It's a whole new ballgame with mail-in voting.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

The President should never Concede until all Illegal votes are removed from The System.
All votes in the 6 states that illegally stopped counting and dumped in illegal ballots in to the system and started counting again need to be hand counted, and each vote has to match up with a legal voter, and that voter needs to confirm, signature and how they voted.

Then all voters who knew they cast their ballots for Trump but whose vote was not counted due to them being thrown in dumpsters and landfills need to be allowed to vote again.

We will not allow ourselves to be disenfranchised.

perhaps you could find a few, perhaps in the tens, but not enough

There is no evidence any fraud of significance has occurred. Any suggestion otherwise, without actual evidence, is an attack on American democracy.

Don't you morons ever get tired or repeating this lie?

You mean Tucker Carlson is wrong about the fraud; do you have evidence?
Now that there are observers in place something really weird is happening in the states Trump originally won and was way ahead in before the Democrats stopped the counts, and flipped on The Fraud Switch replacing Trump Votes with Biden Votes.

The Pendulum has swung so far back the other way that this is the current difference in the two candidates, which can easily be swung all the way back to Trump in a recount the percentages are so small.

Arizona: Biden's lead down to .05% and shrinking
Georgia: Biden's lead down to .02% and shrinking
Wisconsin: Biden's lead down to .07% and shrinking
Pennsylvania: Biden's lead down to .08% and shrinking
Michigan: Biden's lead down to 2.07% and shrinking.....this will end up being recounted because of the software that is in 44 counties. In one county alone, the software gave 6,000 Trump votes to Biden, and also did the same to a local GOP candidate. The local GOP candidate ended up winning, and the Trump won the county after a hand count.

Real Clear politics has already take Georgia, Nevada, & Arizona from Biden.

No state has certified the election.

The recounts have not even begun yet.

When will these recounts occur ??
If they can cheat once then why not twice. ??
Will they even check the signatures or even make sure the person is real
I question the safe guards ??
You mean Tucker Carlson is wrong about the fraud; do you have evidence?
In order to prove vote need to provide proof.

Tucker has none

Trump's lawyers have none

You have none
You mean Tucker Carlson is wrong about the fraud; do you have evidence?
In order to prove vote need to provide proof.

Tucker has none

Trump's lawyers have none

You have none

Exactly why the Democrats were pushing for mail-in ballots to such a large degree. It is much easier to cheat and much more difficult to prove than electronic. COVID was a very convenient pandemic for them in many ways. Fraud has always been going on with the mail-in system, but with the shear numbers this time, they could be more aggressive and not get caught as easily due to the shear numbers.

It is very sad that Democrats are willing to allow this to go on just to get Trump out of office. It will come back to bite everyone in the US in the future, even the Marxists.

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