Automatic Recounts will occur in 5 states

where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

The President should never Concede until all Illegal votes are removed from The System.
All votes in the 6 states that illegally stopped counting and dumped in illegal ballots in to the system and started counting again need to be hand counted, and each vote has to match up with a legal voter, and that voter needs to confirm, signature and how they voted.

Then all voters who knew they cast their ballots for Trump but whose vote was not counted due to them being thrown in dumpsters and landfills need to be allowed to vote again.

We will not allow ourselves to be disenfranchised.

perhaps you could find a few, perhaps in the tens, but not enough

There is no evidence any fraud of significance has occurred. Any suggestion otherwise, without actual evidence, is an attack on American democracy.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

This was after she had the fake Russia hoax set up, after she lost and flipped out and said “you better fix this shit! If Trump wins we are all going to fucking hang”, but before she kept up her fake Russian hoax, right?
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?
Recounts never amount to more than 1,000 votes changes. Trump lost by tens of thousands in every state

Give it up
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?

disingenuous is subjective. It was a concession speech.
And russian 2016 meddling was objectively proven.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?

disingenuous is subjective. It was a concession speech.
And russian 2016 meddling was objectively proven.

Why do you bother lying? The Left spent 48 Million Dollars turning over every rock they could and found nothing on President Trump. BTW, he will be your president for 4 more years.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?

disingenuous is subjective. It was a concession speech.
And russian 2016 meddling was objectively proven.

Why do you bother lying? The Left spent 48 Million Dollars turning over every rock they could and found nothing on President Trump. BTW, he will be your president for 4 more years.

Russian influence in 2016 election is a separate issue from whether Trump was involved or not.

btw, youre pursing a lost cause:
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?

disingenuous is subjective. It was a concession speech.
And russian 2016 meddling was objectively proven.

It's not over baby!

Trump and Biden in a statistical EC tie 232 to 232

How do 6 states simultaneously stop counting while America slept then load up the system with millions of all Biden Ballots with no down ballot votes because The Turn Out for Trump was so great that their vote switching software couldn’t keep up?
Recounts never amount to more than 1,000 votes changes. Trump lost by tens of thousands in every state

Give it up

PAST recounts, this election was a fraud from the start hundreds of thousands of fake votes cast all for sleepy joe.
How do 6 states simultaneously stop counting while America slept then load up the system with millions of all Biden Ballots with no down ballot votes because The Turn Out for Trump was so great that their vote switching software couldn’t keep up?

That's why they had to flood the system with fraudulent mail in ballots because if they started swapping too many votes in the software they would get caught red handed.

Funny thing is, there are thousands of complaints coming in from people that witnessed the vote switching now as well as incidents about fraudulent ballot dumping and poll workers throwing Trump ballots in the dumpsters and these ballots being found in landfills now.
where have we heard this before?

^^^ fears Trump winning after the recounts filter out all the Dem fraudulent ballots.

apparently you didn't watch, "what if republicans refuse to concede"

Did Dims ever concede the 2016 election?

I know she gave a disingenuous speech and then claimed Russian interference for the last 4 years. Remember that?

disingenuous is subjective. It was a concession speech.
And russian 2016 meddling was objectively proven.

It's not over baby!

Trump and Biden in a statistical EC tie 232 to 232

Not with a five million vote lead.

Trump is using this malarkey to raise funds to pay off campaign debts and to keep himself out of jail for as long as possible.

yes i know, while this is true im expecting people to be logical and listen to facts. And that i would have more luck convincing flat-earthers that the Earth is round rather than this election is over.

What Roscoe B. Davis brings to the table is a claim from two cyber–forensic investigators. They told him that all the stuff we’re talking about — the secretive poll-counting, the cemetery voters, the ballot dumps — is a distraction. The real issue is that the important changes are happening at the level of computer tabulation. The forensics investigators believe that these changes occur offshore, mostly at Scytl’s headquarters in Barcelona, and maybe in Frankfurt, Germany.” – American Thinker

It’s possible that 2020’s election fraud is way bigger than we thought
By Andrea Widburg

November 9, 2020

Two massive Twitter threads contend that serious computer fraud two years ago in Texas, which turned strong red districts blue, was essentially a trial run for what’s been playing out across America in this election. This post summarizes the core claims in those threads, along with interlineations of information I found.

One Twitter thread comes from Roscoe B. Davis, the other from Bad Kitty.

Scytl is a Barcelona-based company that provides electronic voting systems worldwide, many of which have proven vulnerable to electronic manipulation. Scytl has (or had) Soros and Democrat party connections. Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen’s Vulcan Capital has invested $40 million in Scytl.

In 2012, Scytl acquired all the assets of SOE Software, which was then America’s largest voting machine and software vendor. Scytl also acquired the trade name “Clarity Elections” and rebranded its American operations as “Clarity,” with a data process domain at

Everything on the Clarity site is unsecured on Amazon Web Services. By 2018, Scytl, using the Clarity network, supported elections in more than 12 states and 900+ jurisdictions, covering 70 million voters.

The electronic voting software in Dallas came from Electronic Software & Systems, Inc. (ES&S), the largest manufacturer of voting machines in the U.S. (4,500 localities in 42 states and two territories). ES&S maintains all its data as unsecured files on the domain, which is processed through Scytl servers in Barcelona. General election voting records are automatically forwarded to DNS addresses that include ES&S, Scytl in Barcelona, Smartmatic12 in London, and a Russian server at South Ural State University in Chelyabinsk.

In Dallas County, Texas, a deep red county, there was a sudden, unexpected blue wave in 2018. The computer logs revealed that ES&S technicians repeatedly overrode thousands of error codes for “time stamp mismatch” and “votes exceed ballots.” Essentially, they replaced votes. Then ES&S ignored the requirement that the data be saved for 22 months and destroyed everything.

Investigators also found an Excel spreadsheet file with Scytl algorithms projecting voting results on the NGP Van website. NGP Van does voter database and analytics for the DNC. It also works closely with ActBlue and Shared Blue.

While the real data manipulation in Dallas occurred at the electronic level, it’s worth noting that the election was also plagued by obstructing poll-watchers, flash memory cards that showed up with new votes, and shuffled computer logs, among other things.

In 2019, the same anomalies in Dallas showed up in Kentucky, which was also using Clarity. The most notable was an instantaneous decrease of 560 votes for Bevin, a Republican, and an increase of 560 votes in favor of Beshear, a Democrat. This occurred at the Clarity level, which was funneled to, and played out on, CNN.

In-depth analyses show that Clarity’s systems in Kentucky were a Spanish operation. Scytl, through Clarity, had the final control over vote-counting and reporting.

Since Scytl and Clarity ultimately provide the software and analytics for elections across America, this means that many American elections are run, counted, and controlled by an overseas company. Another company, SGO Smartmatic, headquartered in London, plays a role similar to Scytl’s vis-à-vis American elections. There’s more at the Bad Kitty thread, and you really should work your way through it.

What Roscoe B. Davis brings to the table is a claim from two cyber–forensic investigators. They told him that all the stuff we’re talking about — the secretive poll-counting, the cemetery voters, the ballot dumps — is a distraction. The real issue is that the important changes are happening at the level of computer tabulation. The forensics investigators believe that these changes occur offshore, mostly at Scytl’s headquarters in Barcelona, and maybe in Frankfurt, Germany.

As far as I can tell, what’s important is that, across America, machines maintained by giant multinational corporations handle our elections and have already provably manipulated elections in Texas and Kentucky. These are the kind of systems that can be manipulated with Hammer and its Scorecard program or gamed (as they seem to have been in Texas) by employees overriding the people’s will.
Arizona lead is shrinking more. Now down to .37% or 3.7 10ths of a percent. Weird how things work when people sue to be allowed to watch the counting.

Georgia to go to a hand recount.

President Trump just needs PA, and Georgia to win and possibly AZ.
Arizona lead is shrinking more. Now down to .37% or 3.7 10ths of a percent. Weird how things work when people sue to be allowed to watch the counting.

Georgia to go to a hand recount.

President Trump just needs PA, and Georgia to win and possibly AZ.

excellent dobbs guliana interview yesterday on even a democrat voter counter who got sick of the unbelievable voter fraud and told the trump team, in a sworn affidavit. PA def going to go to Trump also.

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