Avengers: Infinity War Trailer released today...


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012

I can't wait for this one. I might actually drag my ass to a theater for the first time in many years.
The Avengers was my favorite comic when I was a kid.

AFAIK, my comic book "collection" is in a box at Momma's house. There's a fair chance every issue from sometime in the mid sixties to the mid seventies is still there. I don't recall discarding any issues, but a lot has happened between then and now. For all I know, my parents discarded them.
The Avengers was my favorite comic when I was a kid.

AFAIK, my comic book "collection" is in a box at Momma's house. There's a fair chance every issue from sometime in the mid sixties to the mid seventies is still there. I don't recall discarding any issues, but a lot has happened between then and now. For all I know, my parents discarded them.
You could be sitting on a gold mine.
The Avengers was my favorite comic when I was a kid.

AFAIK, my comic book "collection" is in a box at Momma's house. There's a fair chance every issue from sometime in the mid sixties to the mid seventies is still there. I don't recall discarding any issues, but a lot has happened between then and now. For all I know, my parents discarded them.
You could be sitting on a gold mine.
I texted my brother saying that the Youtube video released today already had over 11 million views. A few minutes later I refreshed the page for shits and giggles. 12 and a half million views. This one is going to be huge.
I would pay money to watch Chris Evans read from a phone book. *Meow*
sitting on a gold mine.
That saying is something of a running joke in my father's side of the family. Grandpa was keen on gold; thus he invested a good deal in gold mines, sometimes fruitfully and other times not. Be that as it may, among the things he passed on to my siblings and me were his assorted ownership stakes in various gold mines.

His bequest simply stated that his gold stakes were to be apportioned among his grandchildren. We randomly/blindly distributed them amongst ourselves. Among what I received are stock certificates for a now long defunct mine in Alaska, though some of what I got is of value. It worked out about the same among all of us, but one of my cousins made out slightly better than I did and my brother made out slightly worse. LOL

What did we know? We were all kids when Grandpa passed. That luck of the draw may well be the first and last time I made a thoroughly random "financial" decision. From that experience I learned the importance of fully understanding the details pertaining to what the hell I'm about to undertake/say before I do/say it. All things considered, that lesson is probably the most valuable thing I received from my grandfather.
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Awesome. I went and watched the new Thor the other day. It was pretty good. Made me laugh too. Im digging the way they are taking these.
I wish more were rated R, though. Deadpool was awesome.
I havent watched justice league, but i read a review from a prominent critic(what my wife said anyway) and it said that DC was done. As well they should be. They fucked batman up so bad!
I would pay money to watch Chris Evans read from a phone book. *Meow*

Don't forget. Chris Hemsworth and Chris Pratt are in it too. :lol:
Are those three Christophers well known? I don't recognize any of their names.
I would pay money to watch Chris Evans read from a phone book. *Meow*
mdk, were you to "meow" over Thor, Captain America or some other comic character, I'd get it. I understand you think Chris Evans is hot, but, unlike the comic characters, I have no frame of reference for what that means to you. (Yes, I can Google the guy and find out what he looks like, were I keen to have such a frame of reference.) Be all that as it may, what I want to know is whether you are as hot as, "meow," the Cat Woman? LOL

If so...

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Awesome. I went and watched the new Thor the other day. It was pretty good. Made me laugh too. Im digging the way they are taking these.
I wish more were rated R, though. Deadpool was awesome.
I havent watched justice league, but i read a review from a prominent critic(what my wife said anyway) and it said that DC was done. As well they should be. They fucked batman up so bad!

If you haven't watched it, Dredd was pretty awesome as well.
Awesome. I went and watched the new Thor the other day. It was pretty good. Made me laugh too. Im digging the way they are taking these.
I wish more were rated R, though. Deadpool was awesome.
I havent watched justice league, but i read a review from a prominent critic(what my wife said anyway) and it said that DC was done. As well they should be. They fucked batman up so bad!

If you haven't watched it, Dredd was pretty awesome as well.

I thought that both Dredd and Punisher: War Zone were very underrated movies.
Awesome. I went and watched the new Thor the other day. It was pretty good. Made me laugh too. Im digging the way they are taking these.
I wish more were rated R, though. Deadpool was awesome.
I havent watched justice league, but i read a review from a prominent critic(what my wife said anyway) and it said that DC was done. As well they should be. They fucked batman up so bad!

If you haven't watched it, Dredd was pretty awesome as well.

I thought that both Dredd and Punisher: War Zone were very underrated movies.

Dredd was so deliciously violent. Like 80's violent.
Awesome. I went and watched the new Thor the other day. It was pretty good. Made me laugh too. Im digging the way they are taking these.
I wish more were rated R, though. Deadpool was awesome.
I havent watched justice league, but i read a review from a prominent critic(what my wife said anyway) and it said that DC was done. As well they should be. They fucked batman up so bad!

If you haven't watched it, Dredd was pretty awesome as well.

I thought that both Dredd and Punisher: War Zone were very underrated movies.
i agree with war zone.....

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