Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G

Teachers across the country face pay freezes and possible layoffs, but the heads of the two biggest teachers unions saw their pay jump 20 percent last year, to nearly half a million dollars apiece.

American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten's pay jumped to $407,323 between 2010 and 2011, while her counterpart at the National Education Association, Dennis Van Roekel, got a raise to $362,644. Factor in stipends and other paid expenses and Weingarten took in $493,859 and Van Roekel $460,060 for 2011.

Read more: Average teacher makes $44G while their top union bosses pull in nearly $500G | Fox News

I don't blame you for being bored, the same corruption from Unions and the Obama administration must be getting quite old to listen to.

A company gives a raise to an successful CEO and the OWS goes mad. A union hack gets a 20 percent wage when his/her union is failing and it a big yawn. The duplicity is amazing.
Yea....and CEOs make $30 million a year
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Yea....and CEOs make $30 million a year

All CEO's make that??

Errrrr.. sorry Charlie... you are wrong

My CEO makes about 8X what I make... and rightfully so... he pulls down a cool million because of not only all he brings, but the ungodly amount of time he puts in for the company, and also for the fact that the skill set is something that is not as common

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