Avoid Sugar

What makes you think I don't know that?

Straight from memory, without making any attempt to look anything up:
  • Type 1—Used to be called “Juvenile Onset Diabetes”, because it usually (but not always) first hits in early childhood. Usually caused by an autoimmune disorder, that attacks and destroys the pancreas.
  • Type 2—(That's what I have, that is heavily pervasive on my father's side of the family. Nearly all my paternal-side blood relatives have it to some degree or another.) Caused by some complex, poorly-understood biochemical issues, that interfere with the effects of insulin. At least initially, type 2s have normal pancreas function and normal insulin levels, but the insulin just doesn't work as well as it should. If poorly treated, it can damage the pancreas over time, reducing insulin levels, and in effect, eventually adding Type-1-type issues on top of the already existing Type 2. Used to be called “Adult-Onset Diabetes”, because it usually doesn't hit until well into adulthood, usually middle age. My father, my brother, and myself all got it the same year. I was 40, at the time, my brother in his mid thirties, and my dad in his sixties. My dad was, by far, the last of his brothers to get it, and it's really rather remarkable that he went as long as he did before it hit. Type 2s have a strong tendency to be fat and sluggish; I seem to be a rather rare exception to that, most likely due to some other unknown, undiagnosed condition that I've had all my life, that, until my diabetes manifested, caused me to tend toward being thin and frail and rather high-strung. The two conditions in me seem to balance each other out.
This entire thread, including this post.
What makes you think I don't know that?

Straight from memory, without making any attempt to look anything up:
  • Type 1—Used to be called “Juvenile Onset Diabetes”, because it usually (but not always) first hits in early childhood. Usually caused by an autoimmune disorder, that attacks and destroys the pancreas.
  • Type 2—(That's what I have, that is heavily pervasive on my father's side of the family. Nearly all my paternal-side blood relatives have it to some degree or another.) Caused by some complex, poorly-understood biochemical issues, that interfere with the effects of insulin. At least initially, type 2s have normal pancreas function and normal insulin levels, but the insulin just doesn't work as well as it should. If poorly treated, it can damage the pancreas over time, reducing insulin levels, and in effect, eventually adding Type-1-type issues on top of the already existing Type 2. Used to be called “Adult-Onset Diabetes”, because it usually doesn't hit until well into adulthood, usually middle age. My father, my brother, and myself all got it the same year. I was 40, at the time, my brother in his mid thirties, and my dad in his sixties. My dad was, by far, the last of his brothers to get it, and it's really rather remarkable that he went as long as he did before it hit. Type 2s have a strong tendency to be fat and sluggish; I seem to be a rather rare exception to that, most likely due to some other unknown, undiagnosed condition that I've had all my life, that, until my diabetes manifested, caused me to tend toward being thin and frail and rather high-strung. The two conditions in me seem to balance each other out.
Type 2 diabetes is caused by being a fat body and eating like shit. It’s really that simple. You and apparently the rest of your family eat way to much sugar and have caused yourselves to be insulin resistant to the point of being diabetic. That’s all that happened. You werent predestined to get it. You did it to yourself.
You must have read the story about archaeologists finding stored honey in Egyptian tombs that was still as good as the day it was placed in the covered jar thousands of years earlier thanks for the thumbs up. :thup:

Not very surprising, actually.

Sugar, is the most perfect “fuel” on which most forms of life can run, but in high enough concentrations, it's toxic to most of the sort of microorganisms that are involved in spoilage. There are methods of preserving food, mostly vegetables and fruits, that involve infusing it heavily with sugar.

If the ancient Egyptians had worked out the manufacture of HFCS, and stored that in jars the way that they stored honey, we'd surely be finding equally-well-preserved examples of ancient HFCS preserved just as well as we've found honey.
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Type 2 diabetes is caused by being a fat body and eating like shit. It’s really that simple. You and apparently the rest of your family eat way to much sugar and have caused yourselves to be insulin resistant to the point of being diabetic. That’s all that happened. You werent [sic] predestined to get it. You did it to yourself.

I have no idea how to respond to such a extreme expression of absolute ignorance on your part, other than mockery. It's almost as if you are making a diligent effort to feign the most extreme ignorance that you possibly can. It's easier for me to believe that you are trolling, than that you are truly, sincerely, as ignorant and deceived as you are pretending to be.

I'll have you know that I have never been fat. As I mentioned before, I've had some other unknown condition that for all the early part of my life, made me tend strongly toward being thin and frail, and only since my diabetes manifested have I been able to achieve a normal, healthy degree of robustness. Now, I'm an unusual case, I know, and as far as I know, unique among my relatives. Most of my paternal blood relatives were more or less of normal robustness until the diabetes hit, then they became fat. None were particularly fat until the diabetes hit. My father, the last by far among his brothers to manifest diabetes, was also the thinnest of them.

My paternal relatives are many in number, and scattered across the country, in a wide range of different professions and lifestyles. Your attempt to paint all of them with the same ignorant broad brush is, at best, utterly absurd. What we all do have in common, that is relative to this topic, is that we have the same genetic heritage, which includes the hereditary predisposition for Type 2 diabetes.
I have no idea how to respond to such a extreme expression of absolute ignorance on your part, other than mockery. It's almost as if you are making a diligent effort to feign the most extreme ignorance that you possibly can. It's easier for me to believe that you are trolling, than that you are truly, sincerely, as ignorant and deceived as you are pretending to be.

I'll have you know that I have never been fat. As I mentioned before, I've had some other unknown condition that for all the early part of my life, made me tend strongly toward being thin and frail, and only since my diabetes manifested have I been able to achieve a normal, healthy degree of robustness. Now, I'm an unusual case, I know, and as far as I know, unique among my relatives. Most of my paternal blood relatives were more or less of normal robustness until the diabetes hit, then they became fat. None were particularly fat until the diabetes hit. My father, the last by far among his brothers to manifest diabetes, was also the thinnest of them.

My paternal relatives are many in number, and scattered across the country, in a wide range of different professions and lifestyles. Your attempt to paint all of them with the same ignorant broad brush is, at best, utterly absurd. What we all do have in common, that is relative to this topic, is that we have the same genetic heritage, which includes the hereditary predisposition for Type 2 diabetes.

Ok well then I guess YOU know better than the Mayo Clinic. They seem to be under the impression that type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle not genetics but what do they know right? Im sure your "lived experience" makes you far more enlightened on the subject than they are.... :rolleyes:
Ok well then I guess YOU know better than the Mayo Clinic. They seem to be under the impression that type 2 diabetes is caused by lifestyle not genetics but what do they know right? Im sure your "lived experience" makes you far more enlightened on the subject than they are.... :rolleyes:

What can I say. My direct life experience certainly trumps the claims of ignorant caulk buckets mis-citing supposed “experts” while making entirely unfounded assumptions about me and my family.

If there was any truth at all in any of what you have absurdly lied about what causes Type 2 Diabetes, then there is no way that I could ever have developed it, nor a very large portion of my relatives who also have the condition. Now, as I said, that side of my family is very large, very far spread, and has a very wide range of diets, professions, and lifestyles. There probably are some among them who very well match your claim about what sort of person would come down with type 2 diabetes, but there are very many more who do not come anywhere close to it, with myself probably being the most extreme example of the latter.
What can I say. My direct life experience certainly trumps the claims of ignorant caulk buckets mis-citing supposed “experts” while making entirely unfounded assumptions about me and my family.

If there was any truth at all in any of what you have absurdly lied about what causes Type 2 Diabetes, then there is no way that I could ever have developed it, nor a very large portion of my relatives who also have the condition. Now, as I said, that side of my family is very large, very far spread, and has a very wide range of diets, professions, and lifestyles. There probably are some among them who very well match your claim about what sort of person would come down with type 2 diabetes, but there are very many more who do not come anywhere close to it, with myself probably being the most extreme example of the latter.
Again I guess you know better than the Mayo Clinic. Good luck with that.
Again I guess you know better than the Mayo Clinic. Good luck with that.

I know what I have directly experienced, and I know of the experiences of many of my relatives who are also type 2 diabetics.

I don't need some lying, ignorant, piece of shit to misquote supposed experts, to tell me that all that I have directly experienced and observed is wrong.

Your insistence that I should disregard my direct experiences and observations, because they do not match up with your misunderstanding of what you think some “expert” has claimed, is Orwellian.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”—George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four
I know what I have directly experienced, and I know of the experiences of many of my relatives who are also type 2 diabetics.

I don't need some lying, ignorant, piece of shit to misquote supposed experts, to tell me that all that I have directly experienced and observed is wrong.

Your insistence that I should disregard my direct experiences and observations, because they do not match up with your misunderstanding of what you think some “expert” has claimed, is Orwellian.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”—George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Maybe it's caused by your remarkable propensity for quickly becoming frustrated and angry.
I know what I have directly experienced, and I know of the experiences of many of my relatives who are also type 2 diabetics.

I don't need some lying, ignorant, piece of shit to misquote supposed experts, to tell me that all that I have directly experienced and observed is wrong.

Your insistence that I should disregard my direct experiences and observations, because they do not match up with your misunderstanding of what you think some “expert” has claimed, is Orwellian.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”—George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four

Your argument isn't with me. It's with medical professionals and researchers. No one is saying that your genetics didn't play a role in you getting diabetes. Everyone's health issues or lack there of are in some way or another influenced by their genetic makeup. But you weren't predestined to get diabetes because of your genetics. Your bad eating habits whether they made you obese or not (and few people think they are obese regardless of whether they are or not), caused you to be diabetic. Period. Full stop. You aren't a victim of diabetes. You are a victim of your lack of discipline and poor lifestyle choices, and nothing you can say is going to make me believe otherwise.
Your argument isn't with me. It's with medical professionals and researchers. No one is saying that your genetics didn't play a role in you getting diabetes. Everyone's health issues or lack there of are in some way or another influenced by their genetic makeup. But you weren't predestined to get diabetes because of your genetics. Your bad eating habits whether they made you obese or not (and few people think they are obese regardless of whether they are or not), caused you to be diabetic. Period. Full stop. You aren't a victim of diabetes. You are a victim of your lack of discipline and poor lifestyle choices, and nothing you can say is going to make me believe otherwise.

You do not know shit about my eating habits and lifestyle choices. Your assumption about them, and their impact on my health, is pure bullshit.

Pretty much, everything that you think you know about type 2 diabetes, what causes it, and about those of us who have it, and about me in particular with respect to my experiences with diabetes, is pure bullshit.

You are making assumptions about me that are completely wrong, based on premises about what causes type 2 diabetes that are completely wrong.

If any of what you think about what causes diabetes had any shred of truth, then it would be impossible for me to have it, and it would be impossible or highly unlikely for many of my relatives to have it, who do.

You're simply full of shit on this topic.
You do not know shit about my eating habits and lifestyle choices. Your assumption about them, and their impact on my health, is pure bullshit.

Since 90-95% of type 2 diabetes is caused by obesity and or poor eating habits according to the NIH I think Im on solid ground assuming you dont eat the way you should or you wouldnt have diabetes
Pretty much, everything that you think you know about type 2 diabetes, what causes it, and about those of us who have it, and about me in particular with respect to my experiences with diabetes, is pure bullshit.
Again. You're arguing with the wrong person. You need to argue with the NIH, CDC, Mayo Clinic, and essentially every other medical professional on the planet.
You are making assumptions about me that are completely wrong, based on premises about what causes type 2 diabetes that are completely wrong.
See above.
If any of what you think about what causes diabetes had any shred of truth, then it would be impossible for me to have it, and it would be impossible or highly unlikely for many of my relatives to have it, who do.

You're simply full of shit on this topic.

And yet everything I've said about Type 2 Diabetes is backed up by all the research and data. So there's that.
Since 90-95% of type 2 diabetes is caused by obesity and or poor eating habits according to the NIH I think Im on solid ground assuming you dont eat the way you should or you wouldnt have diabetes

Your'e just plain wrong.

And damn stupid for the unwarranted assumptions that you are making about me, and the broad brush with which you are trying to pain me and my family.

Again. You're arguing with the wrong person. You need to argue with the NIH, CDC, Mayo Clinic, and essentially every other medical professional on the planet.

Nobody from the NIH, the CDC, the Mayo Clinic, or any other such organization is in here spreading absurd lies about me, my family, and our medical condition.

But you are.
Your'e just plain wrong.

And damn stupid for the unwarranted assumptions that you are making about me, and the broad brush with which you are trying to pain me and my family.
Why are you angry at me? It's not my fault type 2 diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices. It's also not my fault you shoved too many ho ho's in your face.
Nobody from the NIH, the CDC, the Mayo Clinic, or any other such organization is in here spreading absurd lies about me, my family, and our medical condition.
Neither am I. Im just repeating what those organizations say about the cause of type 2 diabetes. You're the one taking it personally.
But you are.
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Maybe I don't like it when your kind spread lies about me and my family.
Which kind is "my kind"? And which lies did I spread? Is Type 2 diabetes caused by obesity and poor eating habits according to the medical field or isn't it. Link a single credible source saying that Type 2 diabetes isn't caused by that and I'll admit I'm wrong.
Which kind is "my kind"? And which lies did I spread? Is Type 2 diabetes caused by obesity and poor eating habits according to the medical field or isn't it. Link a single credible source saying that Type 2 diabetes isn't caused by that and I'll admit I'm wrong.

You will not recognize anything as a credible source that doesn't support your lies.

You insist on slipping in accusations here and there about bad eating habits which I have never had, bad lifestyle choices that I have never had, obesity which I have never had. Your only [i[]“proof”[/i] for these lies is that I have type 2 diabetes, which you lie is caused by these conditions which I have never had. You're stuck in a vortex of circular logic which traps you in these lies and makes you incapable of perceiving any truth.

The hard truth is that you do not know shit about me, you do not know shit about my family, and you do not know shit about type 2 diabetes.

Your insistence on lying about me, lying about my family, lying about my medical condition; is deeply offensive; and tells me all that I need to know about your intellect and your ethical character[or lack thereof].
Why are you angry at me? It's not my fault type 2 diabetes is caused by poor lifestyle choices. It's also not my fault you shoved too many ho ho's in your face.

Neither am I. Im just repeating what those organizations say about the cause of type 2 diabetes. You're the one taking it personally.

He's very sensitive.
You will not recognize anything as a credible source that doesn't support your lies.

So you don’t have one? Shocker!
You insist on slipping in accusations here and there about bad eating habits which I have never had, bad lifestyle choices that I have never had, obesity which I have never had. Your only [i[]“proof”[/i] for these lies is that I have type 2 diabetes, which you lie is caused by these conditions which I have never had. You're stuck in a vortex of circular logic which traps you in these lies and makes you incapable of perceiving any truth.

Im sure you believe youve eaten healthy your whole life. I’m positive you actually believe it. That doesn’t make it true, but I’m sure you believe it.
The hard truth is that you do not know shit about me, you do not know shit about my family, and you do not know shit about type 2 diabetes.
I know what the authorities on the subject say about it. It’s readily available online. A simple google search of what causes type 2 diabetes will produce a long list of sources on the subject. Guess what they all say.

No seriously guess.

Your insistence on lying about me, lying about my family, lying about my medical condition; is deeply offensive; and tells me all that I need to know about your intellect and your ethical character[or lack thereof].

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