Awesome little girl and her lemonaide stand!

So the church promotes hatred of gays so gays buy the building across the street and paint it a rainbow colors.

The little girl sells lemonade in between these two foes.

Heart warming. An agenda fluff piece sweet enough to give god a cavity.
I'm sure Westboro is real impressed by all this and will have a Press Conference tomorrow announcing that they'll disband as a church.
So the church promotes hatred of gays so gays buy the building across the street and paint it a rainbow colors.

The little girl sells lemonade in between these two foes.

Heart warming. An agenda fluff piece sweet enough to give god a cavity.

Ain't it though.
Does she have a permit?

I was going to say the same thing. If not she is breaking the law.:eusa_angel:

It is a sad commentary on the state of this country that children can't even set up a lemonade stand any longer without being forced to get a permit.

I say Good for Jayden!

However, as a father, I am not so sure I would have allowed her to do that. Not there anyway. I suspect there is more to this story than HuffPost was willing to tell. My guess is her dad was using her as a political pawn.

Not that I care about what WBC thinks about it. If they were unhappy about getting a little bit of their own medicine, I would say it can't be all bad.

You mean the police didn't come and shut it down for selling without the proper permits?
I'm sure the parents will be given a summons for this.

Why? They are on what is known as the "politically correct" side of this issue. I would think they are more likely to be lauded and paraded as champions of homosexual rights than to be persecuted.

Was the SWAT team call in ?

Was she taken out in handcuffs?
Another example of progressive dingbats using children to push their agenda. Brilliant.
Great kid - but I am surprised that no right winger has come here claiming this girl has been brainwashed by homosexuals to support the gay agenda.
et al,

She is but 5 years old.

Let the kid be a kid and sell the lemonade.

She has plenty of time to grow up and make an informed choice. But in the mean time, Lemonade Stands, are what kids do. The same as mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, washing cars, or selling papers. I hardly think she poses a threat to the economy, or represents a danger to public safety.

Just My Thought,
Most Respectfully,
Hating the Westboro baptist church is one thing the majority of Americans have in common (thankfully). No surprise they supported the little girl, her parents should be damn proud.
If it's a politically correct lemonade stand, the authorities will allow it to stay open and the little entrepreneur is awesome.

If it's not politically correct, the lemonade will be shut down and the little entrepreneur will be a criminal.

The Inexplicable War on Lemonade Stands - Forbes

In Coralville, Iowa police shut down 4-year-old Abigail Krstinger’s lemonade stand after it had been up for half an hour.

in Georgia, police shutdown a lemonade stand run by three girls who were saving money to go to a water park. Police said the girls needed a business license, a peddler’s permit, and a food permit to operate the stand, which cost $50 per day or $180 per year each

In Appleton, Wisconsin the city council recently passed an ordinance preventing vendors from selling products within two blocks of local events – including kids who want to sell lemonade or cookies.

Map of closed lemonade stands:

Map of Restrictions on Kid-Run Concession Stands | Voluntary Exchange Is Not A Crime

The child has to learn early on that the gay agenda affects them too.
Let the kid be a kid and sell the lemonade.

She has plenty of time to grow up and make an informed choice. But in the mean time, Lemonade Stands, are what kids do. The same as mowing lawns, raking leaves, shoveling snow, washing cars, or selling papers. I hardly think she poses a threat to the economy, or represents a danger to public safety.
I second this. :) :) :)

God bless you and the little girl always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what is going to be done with the money that she gathered?

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