Awesome!! Look whats on top of the Freedom Tower!!

[ame=]Spire hoisted at New York's One World Trade Center - YouTube[/ame]
Spire hoisted at New York's One World Trade Center

Final spire placed on One World Trade Center

WTC Spire Installed; Building Now Tallest in Western Hemisphere at 1,776 Feet (5-10-13)

........Not seeing it, guys.
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It would not have caught my attention and does seem like just a coincidence, but I'm curious if other antennas are shaped in a similar's just weird how much it looks like the same fixture atop the nearby mosque. If the designers could have chosen another model, then they probably should have unless they're instigators who enjoy feeding conspiracy theorists.
I've seen towers made out to look like pine trees.
I am surprised the fundies are not making them take down all towers shaped like a penis.
OBL represented islam like Westboro represents xstians.

I'm an Atheist BTW so it means nothing to me regardless. You fundies and all your monotheistic fervor (islam and christianity share the same god) really make the world a pleasant place.....NOT.
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Sigh. This is a bit far out for me. Please don't make connections where none exist. Just what purpose would it serve to place a Muslim minaret on a tower replacing the one the Muslim terrorists knocked down?
Source: "Before it's News" :rofl:

The antenna tower that was on the South Tower that al Qaeda took down (note: al Qaeda took down, not "Islam" took down) was the broadcast facility for four FM stations and eight TV stations. Even with diplexers (a device that allows different frequencies onto the same antenna) that's an awful lot going on in one place. They used that space because it's the highest point. So any such venture is going to be a massively complex array.

That's prime electronic real estate expected to generate ten million bucks a year.
>> The Durst Organization, the real estate firm that manages and has a $100 million equity stake in the tower, formally known as WTC 1, will invest $34 million in the new broadcast facility, which will serve as a transmitter for signals generated by broadcasters at their own studios elsewhere. << --- WTC to be Topped with State of the Art Broadcast Facility

But God forbid the engineer called on to work 1700 feet in the air should have a place to stand...


The "Skytree", Tokyo:


Kamzik (Bratislava) - a secret known only to those from Planet Rhombus:


Wardenclyffe Tower, 1904 (Long Island) -- obviously a temple to the Musroom People:


Stuttgart calling the Bee People---


Hey look, this one has tumors all over it. A leper altar!

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Yeah......I guess it was a real stretch thinking there was some kind of resemblance!!!:eusa_shifty:

Or.....maybe people just have an immense amount of shit in their eyes!!:lol::lol::lol:
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