Awesome!! Look whats on top of the Freedom Tower!!

I was forbidden to tell this to infidels under threat of death. .. :eek:

But yes, the tower is a muslim minaret. . :bow3:

And it does symbolize the conquering of America by muslims. . :thup:

Now I must go into hiding............ :scared1:
An antenna? Oh noes!

Crazy gonna crazy.

Yes, it's a secret Islamic antenna that's designed to spread RF signals on brainwave frequencies and force you to recite Muslim things and become a suicide bomber.

Bugger, I've let the secret out. :eusa_whistle:
Of course, now I've let the secret out, look at this photo upside down.
We've been at it for years and the infidel have never realised.

Russia is an Islamic republic


Son, you need to get out more. That is the Cathedral of the Annunciation. Onion domes are Christian

Onion domes often appear in groups of three, representing the Holy Trinity, or five, representing Jesus Christ and the Four Evangelists. Domes standing alone represent Jesus. Vasily Tatischev, the first to record such interpretation, disapproved of it emphatically. He believed that the five-domed design of churches was propagated by Patriarch Nikon, who liked to compare the central and highest dome with himself and four lateral domes with four other patriarchs of the Orthodox world. There is no other evidence that Nikon ever held such a view.

Onion dome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not sure I'm seeing a minaret in that and I've seen some minarets in my day. Here is the BellSouth building in Nashville:


The twin towers in Kuala Lumpur are definitely Islamic. The cross section of the building is deliberately the Islamic star and circle:


I don't have a link for that, I saw it on a special about the structure.
Son, you need to get out more. That is the Cathedral of the Annunciation. Onion domes are Christian
Lol that flew so far over your head you might have seen the contrails, dumbass.

Then perhaps you should enlighten me regarding what is islamic about the onion domes on the Cathedral of the Annunciation. It is not an islamic structure and the domes themselves do not represent islam. I am waiting.
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This is nothing new. Occult symbols are often used in advertising AND they are used in government structures as well. I believe you should get out more too. You seem to be missing quite a lot.

That article left off Exxon logo. The two x's are the cross of Lorraine, a freemason symbol. They hired a freemason to design their logo.


There is a show about occult symbols used in government and advertising that comes on cable from time to time. It is quite interesting.
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