AWFUL!… MSM SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughte


Nov 13, 2012
AWFUL!… MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi​

by Jim Hoft
February 7, 2013

Today we learned the absolutely astonishing news…
Barack Obama was AWOL when Americans were under attack and murdered needlessly in Benghazi.
He was nowhere to be found.
He had one short conversation with CIA Director Leon Panetta… And that was it.
He went AWOL.
While Four Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi.


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AWFUL!? MEDIA SILENT After News Breaks That Obama Was AWOL As Americans Were Slaughtered Needlessly in Benghazi | The Gateway Pundit
The MSM will not comment on Obama's behavior unless it is positive, or can be spun from negative to positive. To do so would undermine their initial claims that He is the Messiah!:eek:

Being AWOL during the Benghazi episode cannot be spun. Obama comes up a failure when evaluated as a leader.
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Keep pushing it right wingers. The majority of America doesnt give a fuck. And thats why you folks lost.
How many times are you going to post this under different titles...?

How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.
How many times are you going to post this under different titles...?

How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

Whether he did or didnt, the point is, most Americans dont give a fuck about what happened in a country we shouldnt even be in. Fuck it. The average American who is trying to find a way to pay their constantly rising food, power, gas bills......just dont fucking care what happened with a bunch of angry Muslims at an embassy in Northern Africa. They care about putting chicken and rice on their kid's plates, and buying fuel to drive to work.

But, the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. PROOF they care far more about destroying Obama than they do helping Americans.

Exactly - but I hope they keep it up until 2014 elections so Obama can have a Congress willing to put America first. It's the only way out of this wingnut nightmare.
You right wingers...just keep pushing Benghazi.

And average Americans, who are only worried about paying their grocery, gas, power bills and finding a way to put chicken and rice on their kids' plates, will keep wondering why the GOP only gives a fuck about guns and some embassy in Northern Africa, while regular Americans are struggling.

This is the attitude that cost the GOP the 2012 election, which they had on a silver platter. Fucking idiots.
How many times are you going to post this under different titles...?

How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

About 1000 times as many as it would take to get every one of you 'nuts to admit that Bush got 1000 times as many Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

I'll admit that right now. Now that we have left and Iraq is descending into Chaos again, It turns out we could have achieved the same results with a few well placed bullets instead of an Invasion. But then that is old news. Obama is president now and excusing his failure because of Bush is just silly.
How many times will it have to be posted before you guys admit the O admin dropped the ball?

About 1000 times as many as it would take to get every one of you 'nuts to admit that Bush got 1000 times as many Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

I'll admit that right now. Now that we have left and Iraq is descending into Chaos again, It turns out we could have achieved the same results with a few well placed bullets instead of an Invasion. But then that is old news. Obama is president now and excusing his failure because of Bush is just silly.

Well, that was quite a big fuck up. What would you like Obama to have done? Invade Libya? Another war?
About 1000 times as many as it would take to get every one of you 'nuts to admit that Bush got 1000 times as many Americans needlessly killed in Iraq.

I'll admit that right now. Now that we have left and Iraq is descending into Chaos again, It turns out we could have achieved the same results with a few well placed bullets instead of an Invasion. But then that is old news. Obama is president now and excusing his failure because of Bush is just silly.

Well, that was quite a big fuck up. What would you like Obama to have done? Invade Libya? Another war?

Um, For starters he or someone in his State Department could have reacted better to the Messages from Banghazi that cleary said "we can not defend this place" A month before the attack.

Then maybe Obama could have been more engaged the night it happened.

like I said, Iraq is in the past. Ignoring or dismissing what happens now because of what happened before is silly. Nuff Said.
I'll admit that right now. Now that we have left and Iraq is descending into Chaos again, It turns out we could have achieved the same results with a few well placed bullets instead of an Invasion. But then that is old news. Obama is president now and excusing his failure because of Bush is just silly.

Well, that was quite a big fuck up. What would you like Obama to have done? Invade Libya? Another war?

Um, For starters he or someone in his State Department could have reacted better to the Messages from Banghazi that cleary said "we can not defend this place" A month before the attack.

Then maybe Obama could have been more engaged the night it happened.

like I said, Iraq is in the past. Ignoring or dismissing what happens now because of what happened before is silly. Nuff Said.

Iraq is "in the past"? Well, Benghazi happened on 9-11-12. That too is now in the past.

BTW, if every single embassy in the world said they wanted extra security, and got it, that would be A LOT MORE GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!!

And remember, we're broke. We cant afford to put a Marine response team assigned to every single embassy that is in hostile territory. Remember, we've pissed off the entire world somehow (Iraq???). So, we either have a huge increase in government spending, or, some stuff just wont get protected.

Either way, when I make my list of "Stuff I Give a Fuck About", then Benghazi falls somewhere below the 2013 XBox College Football video game, and just above which yard my dog will shit on tomorrow morning.

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